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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Shower show from Radi and Tesla .. can we have more of this please ?? 😋😋😋🥳🥳🤩
  2. Can we have more Radislava in the villa please ? The place fits her perfectly … fitness room , jacuzzi , pool … and Tesla to seduce her 😂🤣😝
  3. It’s very funny reading the posts and comments here .. 😂🤣 and the sudden appearance of people who hardly ever post here commenting negative on what’s happening judging by the natural outside appearance of the guests … All I want to say is that if all of the current - insane I admit - events were happening at any of the daily popular apartments with model type girls and muscular guys , the forum at the respective threads would go red hot 🥵🔥😂😁😆 , simply because of the stunning , incredible and amazing natural beauty of the people who would be in our screens … Unfortunately , characterizations like “ porn actors “ “ drug dealers “ , “sluts “ , “ whores “ and whatever anyone who negatively criticizes and comments about the people that appear , would be equally said and discussed . The point is that it is , in my opinion , a pity to characterize people who at least do something and not sleeping RLC tenants that sit down on their arses waiting for the money to come by spreading legs or watching movies or laying on their beds and the money simply flows because they are contracted employees and need to have a standard natural appearance so as to be watchable by the subscribers . These people are “ passengers “ from the cameras world , guests that hid nothing and they showed anyone that colors , shapes , preferences don’t count and when it is fun and pleasure , everyone is equal to excitement like it is in all of us people . Except if everyone who posts here have the bodies of sport athletes , actors and singers and not some extra kilos and beer bellies , cheeks and whatever .. are we all model types that we fuck everyday women like model types let’s say or are we the majority who have a more average life because we have chosen to live with Macdonald’s , Coca colas , Pepsi’s , French fries , beers , ice creams and so on ? Please , let’s be honest with ourselves , let’s all look ourselves first in the mirror of what we differ from the more natural daily life guests that parading this week Masha’s apartment than the fixed beauty faces and body balanced girls and boys that surround RLC .
  4. Wonderful seeing Radislava in the villa , surprisingly with Tesla 😉 We can also see the height difference 😆 on a personal opinion , this more social approach from Radi and interaction lately , it is a very welcome attitude .. it seems more and more that’s Stella’s presence and common spending time wit many hours of bla bla bla , has benefited Radi to this change .. excellent and well done and welcome 😇
  5. I have said that this is me since a long time , I have nothing to hide or being behind whatever images .. I like whenever I post anything or people tell me anything that there’s a “ real visual “ look of me as the project we are observing and commenting as RLC 😇
  6. Find me single men that don’t like beautiful women .. 😂🤣 we have all tastes here . British , Italian , Dutch , Belgian , French , Russian , German , as long as the feeling and craziness exist , won’t be able to escape enjoying summers with fun and pleasure 😁🤩
  7. No wife 😂🤣pfff , lucky 😂🤣 can’t escape a lifestyle of “ targeting , locking and enjoying “ 🤪😜😈😈 in summers here , at a place that people pay thousand euros to enjoy it for a week or more and i can simply enjoy it everyday .. like now for example
  8. Of course I can tell , but I don’t bother how they look as soon as they grab my attention observing them ..obviously they would have some “ standards “ that I happen to appreciate 🤓🥳😏
  9. There are only few people that I have “ continuous disagreements “ , even if I would always disagree with you ( that I don’t 😂🤣 ) it happens through dialogue and reasonable arguments development and analyzing facts . Even if we argue endlessly , we do it in a great way ( that we don’t argue 😂🤣 )
  10. In my opinion , what hurts their current stay it is the fact that the villa is for them both their working and real life living place .. this can’t simply work the way I see it , perhaps an apartment like G&B or M&A could be better but it would for sure not as equal quality like when they were staying in Russia because of a simple fact .. in Russia they were both great because their life was “ real “ .. real friends , real relatives , a cat , just a pure and normal life . The experiment away of Russia has been great in the beginning and yes , as faithful RLC soldiers , they helped their employer after the really difficult times when the Russian apartments closed .. but as we also see with Leora , the price of all this has been really big .. yes , financially they have benefited but their pride , acceptance and approval for the long term RLC subscribers as also the new ones , the negativity in characterizing and criticizing them , have hit them hard , exactly as it happens with RLC’s top star and another loyal soldier , Leora , that she was called also to help RLC through the difficult times in summer of 2019 .
  11. Please no sorry , we are simply having a chat , why sorry ? 😁
  12. Dubai isn’t the paradise you think it is .. there are many restrictions which you will find very annoyed if you ever visit . I also don’t think that women , no matter how much they like to be seen as gorgeous and such things , that they see them only as “ sex dolls “ and not accepting that they have a brain and so on .
  13. I totally agree with M&A being selfish and not rethinking Bogdan’s reaction when he clearly showed and expressed his displeasure of what was going on between N&M at the early stages .
  14. How can you know what life she had In Dubai ? 😏 Why should we think and bother why she’s back ? I think we should focus on her stay that she’s really poor and of very low quality so far .. the past is the past for anyone , as long as you get an offer to work for RLC and you are a veteran , you should use your skills and fame to prove you are rightfully recalled by RLC or the way she handles her current stay that she simply joined as she had nothing better to do , which is really bad for all of us subscribers 😡🤬😡🤬
  15. Nice woman , nice boobs , tall , impressive and would definitely grab my attention seeing her walking with a style that I believe she has .. I am 44 , my eyes can’t escape a woman like her 😉
  16. They have whatever they need in Russia 😏 , as we have said , the cameras life ( money income ) can become a big addiction ( see other apartment tenants …😉 )
  17. Lola is much more attractive for me ( big fan here ☺️ ) than Nelly that I don’t find her attractive for my taste .
  18. Yes , you are perfectly right but i think her birthday comes a bit later in 2021 , so almost 30 😇 But this I don’t remember exactly 🧐
  19. These people have entered our screens in their early / middle 20s, we can’t know how life has been treating them as teenagers . I found Nelly realIy attractive while living in Russia and both of their interactions in the apartment made them for sure one of the most popular couples in history and two of the most successful tenants .. the way I see it , Leora , Masha , Nelly and Bogdan are the current definition of the old RLC and the ties to the new one .. somewhere along the way , something happened with Nelly and in my eyes , the ongoing adventures away from Russia with the collapse of the Russian apartments , have caused her to start living a life way much more away than what she would prefer and liked in Russia . I simply think she’s tired wondering around with suitcases from one apartment to the other and not enjoying a really great financial life anywhere she chooses ( as they have both made much money with RLC ) with a guy that loves her perhaps like no one will ever love her .
  20. I think Alberto has “swallowed” more the story of his GF and Nelly when in my personal opinion , I don’t believe he was also fine with that but he managed with the time to accept it . It isn’t that he didn’t want Martina to have her lesbian sex life active , but I can’t accept that he wasn’t hurt also realizing that perhaps Martina had started growing feelings for Nelly . In general , I can’t accept whoever tries to prove me differently , that people with long term relationships when love has gone to a much different level ( both M&A / N&B many years relationships ) won’t feel jealous , sad or disappointed ( I don’t judge or think how much ) whenever they see their other important half in life slightly “ slipping away “ from their influence . Of course , both men should wonder what they did wrong so an apparent one night stand , started developing into more than that . I also believe that Alberto easily accepted all and without questioning anything due to the ongoing personal problems with his bankrupted investment , the difficulty to work something else out and the arrival of the virus . I think he just let Martina enjoy whatever she wanted but I can’t even accept with the maximum of open mind thinking that he wasn’t bothered . Bogdan on the contrary , he tried to use his multiyears RLC experience and popularity as one of the best male tenants so as to play it cool with what was going on between Martina and his wife . I think he always knew that it was Nelly that took this to a different level , he was clearly annoyed since the early stages but he always believed that he had power over Nelly and she would ultimately stop all of that , especially after asking her to do so . His RLC duties were kind of distracting his worries , in my personal opinion his endless nights alone at the laptop , him taking care of things in the villa , were simply part of his “ escaping thoughts “ of what needs to be done and how to bring his wife to her senses . He must have hurt very much but as an expert RLC veteran , he never allowed this to be visible on camera . I find it disrespectful that after his first “ observations “ to Nelly , she just continued and ignored him but this shows me that the guy loves his wife so incredibly much that he “ lowered his pride “ really much and accepted almost anything so as not to lose Nelly and hoping always that she will finally come to her senses . I think the whole story has much more drama than what we were allowed to watch , personally it was disturbing watching the guys simply submitting to the wife / girlfriend requests , when I have always been thinking that it was really difficult as I mentioned . Let’s see what the future brings , for sure some of the best lesbian sex in history will be missed but as it was already mentioned , if it ever happens again , it will be a complete eruption of feelings and passion if the two girls go at it again ( that I hope not 😔 )
  21. Nelly is only 30 years old , we can’t say she’s old
  22. I hope the batekeeper os recording the current session😁
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