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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Nobody has ever beaten the time no matter how smart of an individual has been … yes , a clever woman but when she thinks that she’s the center of everything , this in the long process simply never pays back ..
  2. @omedo; Curly I consider as an ultimate opportunist , he is as clever as to know what can give him what many guys of his age want .. women and money .. he has it both and he managed to achieve anything so far with RLC by himself . I personally don’t think that he has done anything ( except the borrowing money from Gina which has been really shit but still Gina had a choice ) that the majority wouldn’t do if they got the chance , that is , being always around gorgeous women , having the chance to have sex all the time with multiple partners , get the chance of having money through this way of life easily and not for example working under 40 degrees Celsius building houses , he has taken full advantage of this project . Yes , he is involved with substances also , but this is something that a big amount of his generation is into . In my eyes , he simply has a life that many guys of his age would simply “ die “ to have too , especially coming from one of the world’s poorest countries where such a big percentage of natives become either involved with drugs or prostitution . He has achieved a bit better in my opinion in Barcelona .
  3. Luckily , more normal things keep on happening and the mutual shows seem to be on hold currently .. solo bates are way more sensational and “ real feeling “ than what we have been witnessing for months and the boring routine . Even the girls I think they enjoy it so much more and for sure less stressful than when doing it together , one finishing for example and the other needing to catch up and try faster so as to come . For my personal watching experience , I enjoy this incredibly more and for sure tuning in to watch the solo sessions ☺️😇
  4. So ,if I understand correctly , the thoughts are that helping RLC with the subscriptions in the beginning ( Russian apartments collapses and RLC star needs to remain on screen by any means necessary ) after taking the decision to move to Prague and leave behind the “ big love Paul “ and the “ beloved dog Eva “ has now transformed to a “ total loving way of life in Prague “ and the western way of life in general .. I have been reading that she does it to help the business of her ex BF and the animal business , she then loves the cameras world and at the same time she contributes financially ( because of us ) to anything that she has left behind in Russia .. Therefore , more than 2 years after , when she has made so much money and she could easily return back with a big financial comfort to her Russian way of life , boyfriend and business , she still continues with her life in Prague . And the life in Prague that has only 3-4 friends there ( according to posts ) and a confirmed lover is much more intriguing than her life in Russia .. so , if she loves the overall life in Prague so much , why continue with Paul as there’s no chance that he moves in Prague and abandon all of his things in Krasnoyarsk ?? Leora’s master mind plan has been mentioned here at times , in my opinion she on purpose keeps both life paths active , if Plan 1 fails ( the life in Prague can’t be continued anymore ) then there’s Paul and Eva in Russia ( Plan 2 always active and maintained .. )
  5. They get paid between 3,000-5,000 € per month , confirmed on cameras from Barcelona GOV .
  6. Every time ( usually Saturdays ) that I watch Bruno visiting the villa with Gina , I find it as the biggest torture he has to suffer 😂 . Each and every time he steps foot there , I think that he is easily wondering “ what the hell have I done 😱 “ , this is the place that his “ legend “😏 grew and formatted 😂, this is the place that with his accomplishments over the years , it gave him the “ golden ticket “ to manage and become a permanent RLC employee and solving in a big way lots of financial worries . Each and everytime he enters the villa , the torture begins … the “ Villa Sexlord “ entering the place of his glory , we have now the twins, it could be Stella visiting at times , we had the “nuclear bomb” of Elian who wouldn’t hesitate at anything , we still have the “ one sparkle needed to transform to an explosive show performance “ Tesla ( who is very quiet ) and whoever of the girls - Nana , he would have flirted her with all of his tricks 😉 - that will be visiting or becoming residents in the next months . The torture continues as he can’t touch and taste , his reaction of sitting back and behaving like the “ absolute submissive guy “ to Gina and the whole Russian environment , well , sorry Bruno ,you have been defeated my friend 😂🤣😂🤣😜🤪😝 ….. But , he will strike back ….😉😏😉😏
  7. Masha happened 😁 She went in barcelona to relax and - pure speculation - since she wasn’t welcomed by Nelly , she might have interfered with the “ regular “ B4 daily routine .. Anyway , maybe or for sure 😂 I am too much criticizing the B4 atmosphere and happenings due to personal attitude of life in places like this when I was the age if these people , august , summer .. we would just simply make evenings of 10-12 people with night pool swimming , some cocktails drinking , watching movies on a projector , music , generally we would take full advantage of such a place ( visitors more frequently , teasing and flirting and so on ) .. maybe not fair with the criticism of the current cast but this is personally my feeling at the moment .
  8. The more the time passes by , the more it becomes obvious of the slowly “ camps “ creations in B4 .. Nana/Tesla/ Vivian from one side , the twins as a second one and of course the couple .. it was definitely inevitable that we get these “ teams “ but the more “united “ spirit and atmosphere while the previous cast of Megan /Holly and Co. were residents seemed to work better for the B4 daily happenings .. RLC’s tenants choices and the long duration of N&B are causing a growing boredom and lack of potential for any of the residents , it kind of feels like “ ok , we work or not , money comes and everyone ( from the cast ) is happy “ .. It’s a Friday night in august in a villa in Barcelona and nothing seems like there’s a desire for life action and simply enjoying the times .. just laying in bed , mobiles and that’s it … Pfff 😔😔 ( perhaps too high expectations thinking of the amazing 2020 respective current period along of all Barcelona apartments - who would have thought that even Irma has been a “master “ with her daily bate shows and interactions with the others last year when the complains of long term stay had started becoming more frequent .. )
  9. Hanna has lost quite some kilos since joining , either the much sex 😁 or the Mediterranean food style , well , we can always remember them as one of the top sexually active couples in history( Kylie and Rus was super active also but these two are amazing 😃 )
  10. Almost weekend , after the massive failure of the simultaneous RLC offline earlier , let’s see the “ compensation “ from RLC.. prediction has Mr.Beardie visiting the twins , Nana’s guy making one more “ daring and naked exposure on cameras “ appearance and still trying to figure out which guy of Tesla might be joining some pool activities 😂
  11. Thank you that with your reaction you simply prove my earlier post . Imagine if I downgrade to your level of exchanging opinions here whenever we disagree , but I try to remain decent with my posts as much as I can .
  12. Most of them have hit the “ strange 30 years old “ mark and many questions have started arising .. what , when , with who .. we need desperately new girls like Tesla / Nana , even Vivian as long as she didn’t have the pregnancy issue , Elian a couple of months earlier .. these girls brought the required and promised “ fresh air “ needed back in May and the gradual change of the autumn / winter cast only to a very negative development , to NOT welcome back Lola / Anna / Mila and recently the twins ( who at least , as clever and veterans they have inserted Mr.Beardie and it is kind of unpredictable ) ..
  13. What’s up mister ? You don’t like the post again ? I see no reactions at all when jimbo is nailing Leora , I see no reactions at all when there’s a confrontation between jimbo and the 3 musketeers , you are systematically avoiding taking position when people who “ belong “ only in this forum seem to argue and disagree because you want to play it “ mr.nice “ and not put oil on the fire and when people like me that wonder around the RLC apartments ( you speak about rent free and whatever , yet you are checking constantly the activities section so as to spot on for comments made for the beloved girls across the forum , i wonder whose really living free in your head from forum members / I am sure always there for you ready to downgrade me with emoji reactions since you even avoid answering simple questions - good friend jimbo easily stated his opinion recently on something i personally asked you - ) and characterize anyway we do to other members of the forum the activities of this place , you just pop up to make your post indirectly addressing me … I see no reactions to good friend patou who has stopped posting , I saw you not commenting on the on going disagreement between Nicholas and Chris , wherever the air flows , you just go with it as we say in my poor country . Before your laughable emoji once again or the famous answer “ whatever “ when I occasionally address your reactions ,appears again , as I have repeatedly told you , you take all personal and this prevents you from seeing the obvious .. the woman is playing you , your obsession that Leora can’t live the life she wants because this is a guy you don’t approve because she has hurt her ( really ? Why ? Because he doesn’t submit all the time ? ) , it is Leora’s life and if she wants to fuck with a lover and at the same time play it “ ya lioubliou Pasha “ and make fun of everyone and everything , well , keep on with your thoughts and emojis as “ The Last Crusader “ .. but , as you give the emojis , learn to accept it also and not complaining when they give you also the confused and laughable ones .. you are very lucky that you remain only posting in this thread as the reactions if you do elsewhere would make you feel disappointed .. Have a nice evening and I know already .. “ whatever “ 😂🤣😂
  14. Finally someone who says the things in this thread the way they are and not getting nailed ☺️😇 Luckily there’s a voice of whatever every of us “ haters categorized “ sees but when we state it , due to comparing this apartment and tenants with other RLC apartments , we are told here that we have no right to judge , speak negative if we don’t like what we see and so on .. All my kudos and praise to you Mr.Jimbo of not being afraid to say the bitter truth and real facts 😇
  15. Say whatever you want , there’s one common thing for all the under maintenance apartments .. they are all belonging to the COV/GOV project .. Leora and Malia are the GOV in Prague and Gina and Bruno can easily be considered COV … that’s all I can say about it ..
  16. Say whatever you want , there’s one common thing for all the under maintenance apartments .. they are all belonging to the COV/GOV project .. Leora and Malia are the GOV in Prague and Gina and Bruno can easily be considered COV … that’s all I can say about it ..
  17. Radi will be extremely mad .. after the massage and then the bating , this would have been whole day top cams before the evening shows
  18. Very good point … but usually this comes around the 5th-6th month … Personally and with the previous example of Milena , I never felt like watching her even when her BF was visiting her , i think it was too many moral issues thinking that she carries a child and so on ..anyway , for everyone his own taste 🤨
  19. Thanks for info , I absolutely don’t remember this at all 😫😱
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