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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Or two 🤨 Which won’t be so nice as there won’t be privacy .. but , judging by having Tesla move to the second better room , we most probably going to get another repeater that has been very popular and that’s why she’s ( or they ) granted the best room in the villa
  2. Competition seems tough tonight for top cams 😂🤣😂🤣
  3. Yes , you are absolutely right .. she created fast a really good fan base but perhaps some comments have been hard for her here ( she reads the forum ) and she’s feeling disappointed about it .. pure speculation of course
  4. They weren’t a couple back at that time 😉😉 .. ginger / Bruno was fun that day 😂
  5. I don’t like that I will say this , but I think after Nelly and Bogdan , she should be the first on the list to depart .. although as Noldus recently observed , there’s a new pattern for the girls staying around 300 days ( Elian has been the exception of the recent rule ) .. But I can’t think that she’s doing anything deserving to be a GOV , pity and sad because she proved she can be great and “ tease “ and “ seduce “ the viewers but something for sure has changed ( I don’t know if it is tomatoes 😱😜 as I don’t watch her so often now )
  6. They had guests , people were saying “ poor Gina , she can’t enjoy her own apartment “ .. guests slowly started disappearing .. they hit B4 and the pool twice , Gina’s has been having lately visits from the rest of the GOV and now they went perhaps for the first time that Gina moved in B4 ( maybe they celebrating one year anniversary with Bruno officially ? 🤨🤨 I can’t tell ) back in B1 .. Gina is still managing to be super entertaining and active , it is incredible that we aren’t tired watching her even in this strange partnership with Bruno and she remains fun to watch .. she brings fun and Bruno can bring , well, hate 😂🤣😂🤣 So , not a bad idea to visit B1 and see what happens .
  7. Something has affected Radi the last couple of weeks , she has changed completely , perhaps some comments here or things happening that we can’t know .. she is like on strike now and she does nothing .. we will see what happens
  8. 🤩🤩🥳👏👏 it is even better at Gina’s when at least we can hear the sound from the living room than in comparison the absolute blind spots in the villa and the B2 roof 👿👿👿🤬😡🤬
  9. Bruno is one of the cleverest guy that has paraded all these years , he knows exactly what he does and he would never risk his steady income .. Gina is a veteran and can easily find out anything that goes .. She is weak to him because she loves him very much , this is our crazy and beloved Gina living perhaps the love of her life .. addicted to him .. And Stella , well , let’s see ..but , Gina rejected Masha’s efforts for a threesome , can it be that Gina will share her BF with a very good friend ? ( I highly doubt but I hope I am wrong 🤣😂 ) .. For all Bruno’s haters , i wish RLC could send him to Prague and show to both Kitty and Leora what and how making sex really is 😂🤣 ( said this again in the past , but I find it appropriate for the time being this reference 😉😉😆😏 )
  10. They can have their opinion as we have ours … I watch RLC to be entertained through real life moments that i admit many come in a form of a show .. we want the drama , the tears , the disappointment and the frustration but most of all we want to see happy people enjoying their lives , us watching them and enjoy with them and like this forget our daily routine and relax .. for whoever doesn’t like it , there are other rooms in 11 apartments to be entertained there😁😇😉
  11. Tesla and Elian were the best .. but Tesla is now quiet so , Stella came to entertain us .. it is variety , that’s nice 😁
  12. Bruno is not even 25 , Jordi is 37 , they both do things according to their age , nothing more nothing less .. I have been doing exactly Bruno’s life at his age and Jordi’s just 7 years ago when I had his age ( although was still playing around with women 😂🤣😂 ) .. I am happy that with these two I can enjoy RLC whenever possible and wait for something to happen than the predictable and repeating 2nd top cams thumbnail currently 😂🤣😂
  13. Stella .. welcome back .. already and even one more of the repeaters , you have brought at a “ sleeping mode “ and “ boring “ RLC some of the life needed to enjoy from our screen lots of unpredictable things that can be happening in Barcelona apartments . Dear Gina , Bruno and Stella , you are dominating for more than 12 hours the CC forums . Whatever you do , don’t stop , it is summer , time for craziness , summer moments and just be yourselves . You want to drink , drink , it is your life and choices , we only live once . Dance , sing , make sex , whatever .. Gina , you know with what guy you have messed , your choice , you have to live with the consequences . The endless speculations have returned , the posts , the opinions , the jealousy , the disguise , it is all here . 3 people who have been enjoying themselves their own way and being absolutely responsible for their actions , they don’t need to apologize or feel sorry for anyone here . They have been providing content , they have been made all of us discusss about them , the ifs , the whats , the whens and the hows back in their apartment and it starts also now here in B1 .. For whoever doesn’t enjoy or if it is a whatever show , you can all tune in at Radislava’s room or at the Queen and the Princess to watch the loop and the same episode like the last months .. for the rest of us , let’s have fun speculating and having Bruno gaining more haters but also keeping his fan base ( even a few of us ) by being the guy that he has been doing for years what most of us would like to do , that is to fuck as many as possible from all these beautiful women ☺️☺️😉😇🥳🥳🤩 RLC , bring Ulyana back 😇😇😇
  14. Bruno isn’t risking anything with Gina , if anything happens will be on camera and with the “ approval “ let’s say of Gina ,although she rejected Masha’s “ trying to seduce “ when Masha was visiting while at the fitness room .. in any way , away of prime time worldwide except Australia and the forum is on fire for this place 😎🥳
  15. They will keep on fighting , prediction has been made for the end of the summer personally .. except if Bruno has a bit more debt and he manages to stay around more .. but i think that he will always also manage to remain around RLC .. Bruno , we like it or not , can bring the necessary viewership if he is let alone and single ..
  16. Say whatever you want , but the way that Gina and Bruno can keep this apartment busy ( especially after both of them being so many years with RLC officially and unofficially ) is pretty unbelievable 😇 Kudos to both of them , also , for all haters of Bruno , this guy should have remained single and be a regular in the villa , it cools always then the villa remain unpredictable .. let’s see 😎🥳🤩
  17. ddhm

    Footy #2

    I read without looking this post , reasons explained 🥳🤓😆
  18. ddhm

    Footy #2

    Good points ☺️ I agree in some and not in others as i previously mentioned ☺️ Will try and find some time for a brief answer to your points 😁🤩🥳
  19. You got that right 🤨 Welcome back again , the forum misses the controversy you bring .. honestly 😇
  20. ddhm

    Footy #2

    Ups 🥳🥸
  21. ddhm

    Footy #2

    Sorry but in my books it is Greece - 1 European champions winners England - 0 European champions winners I don’t mind that it is bollocks as long as it is posted on this thread and it is an opinion . Whoever can analyze a game before happening and give reasons of what , how and when , please .. but i saw no preanalysis and whatever bollocks it was , it was ON topic 😂🤣 speaking about footy 😇😇 Still , thank you for taking the tome to read my posts and characterize them as bollocks , at least I caught your attention with stupidities 😉☺️ but still with an opinion .
  22. ddhm

    Footy #2

    England was kind of taking advantage of Italy getting tired since the 100th minute of the extra time .. Coach Gareth decides to substitute Rashford and Sancho on the 119 minute just to see two “cold” with the atmosphere of the game and totally not “ into “ the game players for the penalties … please , when the second half begins , throw your weapons for the last 15 minutes of extra time and try to win the match .. Sterling , I am still trying to count how many dives he made in the game , same thing on the semifinal was given a penalty what he tried in the second half .. England , I can remember two headers from corner kicks , one on target that Donarouma saved and one that went out .. 120 minutes and there was one shot and two headers .. that’s why I said that England didn’t play , they were waiting , perhaps the quick goal made them subconsciously follow this tactic , after all , the finals you don’t play them , you simply win them by all means necessary .. I still stay with my comment that England didn’t play , first half tactic was an Oscar from Southgate but on the second , Mancini changed players from the 54th minute and I saw absolutely no reaction from England’s bench .. you see that italy has taken control of midfield , it was slowly more and more entering the box italy and the goal was scored where England had the advantage , because of a corner kick .. but italy tried to play for this goal and England was waiting for the game to finish 1-0 .. Happy we don’t agree , it is football ☺️☺️😇 , that’s why it is the King of Sports 😇🥳😁
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