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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Can only wait for Masha to make an incredible cameo at one of the Prague apartments and let all of us speechless 😱😱😁😁😇🥳
  2. I agree with your post , I also want to add that the Russian GOV apartment was also fantastic , the last 3 girls , an ultimate imagination of mine ( Angie ) , Samantha and Emily , well , what more can I say ?? RLC has brought the last year ( Covid era ) some of their mega weapons ( Monica , Holly , Megan , Amalia ) but I think that none of them created as much as buzz and controversy like Elian and Tesla as also of course the fully shy and “ innocent “ Nana .. Vivian has issues with her BF , otherwise I think she wouldn’t hesitate .. My conclusion is that it is always necessary a “ mixture “ of old with new participants , so as the “ old “ and experienced ones to “ pass the torch “ to the new ones but seeing the last two months continuous empty beds and repeaters , in my humble opinion something must be wrong .. The only explanation I can give is that the repeaters are planned for a long 10 months stay ( as the great Noldus made this observation ) and I think that RLC is recruiting them so as to scout Barcelona slowly and with their expertise to recruit “ local “ Barcelona Ukrainian / Russian residents , speak and make them understand what RLC is all about and slowly and in the long run stop worrying anymore how to bring newcomers or repeaters from East Europe . This is also my explanation why B&N still are a COV , i do believe that the plan is already in the making , ending with bringing girls from Russia ( except when it is necessary ) and this repeaters cast that we currently have to help build the “ local RLC “ , girls that reside in Barcelona .. the success with Gina has been remarkable , I can’t see why not going this direction … still , Ulyana 😂🤣😂🤣😋😋😋😋
  3. Sorry for a negative comment that I am about to make but .. after N&B that are the first ones that need to go , Radislava is the next candidate .. I don’t see any more interest of why she should be an RLC participant .. that is for now and off we go to a really unpredictable thing in B1 with Pam , Nana and the guy .. can it be that we end up with a same thing like yesterday ? Can Pam seduce Nana to a show ? The guy has no problems to be naked , can it be that Pam’s presence has to do with helping Nana with English ? Can maybe as an ultimate goal RLC is trying to find a “Bruno Barcelona’s apartments unofficial resident ? “ 😏😏😏🥳🥳😎😎
  4. My big big respect to the guy .. he is back , he will “ hunt “ till the end 😎👏👏👏 … speaking excellent English , Pam also being able to speak fantastic English , who knows , can it be that we see a major upset by hooking up with Pam at the end ? 😂😎😎🥳🥳🤩
  5. Being in Russia with Marat or in Prague with him , then in Barcelona … unbelievable what we saw from her .. anal sex , finger and dildo masturbations , serious and not childish shows with other girls , teasing and constant staring at cameras kind of “ interacting “ with the fans and saying “thank you so much for your support guys “ , well , what more could we ask from her ? I still remember the characterization “ new Leora “ during her incredible couch masturbations with her red lingerie or the variety of content she was providing .. and of course one of the best Real Life incident reactions destroying all photos and things in the LR when she found out that Marat cheated her with a prostitute .. ahh , Ulyana ….☺️😌
  6. It is fine .. I think the majority wants newcomers but since we are in vintage RLC mood since 1,5 months after the pleasant surprise of the 4 newcomers ( Vivian , Nana , Tesla and Elian that definitely brought all 4 of them such a fresh air ) , I just stated my opinion of my all time favorite repeater ☺️
  7. There was a huge complain last time that the two guys visited that didn’t bring any alcohol like wine or whatever and this wasn’t their best to make an impression and therefore they left blue balls … I believe that the girls are trying to hook up nana with someone or at least to make her have experiences that she seems to be inexperienced with guys or never having experienced such a life before , I will somehow go with the theory that she comes from a very conservative part of Ukraine or she has absolutely no knowledge of this life .. Now , a new guy comes with alcohol but the result is the same .. I simply say that Nana isn’t willing to do things on camera , she’s still partially hiding her masturbations .. but , comparing her with the new arrivals , I think that even she has done let’s say nothing at the end , she has provided with more content and chats and speculations than what Lia and Mia have done in 4 stays .. As I said , your theory is nicely explained but I can only tell that there are small details and observations that can also prove many of your points not valid . Still , I also enjoyed reading your post to repeat this once more .
  8. That’s ok , everyone has its favorites , still don’t know who you actually like , if there’s anyone 😬
  9. Gina has provided enough content than any current GOV in all of Barcelona apartments .. If anyone could “ live “ and share half of what she has been sharing with us the last two years , RLC would have been way far more interesting to watch … I can’t imagine how terrible it would even be if Gina was out of the project .. with her still on the picture , we got at least such a viewing endless experience with Stella and in my opinion , this will be ( except Tesla’s activities whenever she feels 😉😉😋) the most interesting thing to watch in Barcelona ( of course Pam also to confirm that Jordi is finished and she’s ready for new adventures 😇 )
  10. Exactly .. and also with Gina having become the GOV undisputed Queen … who knows .. but it will be the biggest surprise to see anything different than we have already ( last comment made so as to keep on my terrible predictions whenever “ new “ tenants join and it happens differently of what we see later 😂🤣😂🤣😂 )
  11. NOT AGAIN 😡😡🤬😡🤬😡🤬😡😡👿👿👿👿👿👿 Pff , what’s going on with RLC ? … except .. there’s only one explanation 🤨🧐🤔
  12. Nice developed and written arguments but I will also stick with Noldus theory that RLC doesn’t care at all of what any of the apartment participants decide to do . I do believe though that they know in a way that they get more money if they do more than “ sleep , cook ( 😂🤣 ) , go to toilet , eat , repeat “ .. in a strange coincidence , many things happened simultaneously last night , I am sure that if girls were paying attention on their mobiles like it happens in other occasions and at other apartments that there’s sharing of views , they might have stopped ( especially B2 ) as i consider B4 inexperienced and actually not so much caring for views current newcomers cast and Nelly and Martina simply wanted to have sex , I don’t even think that they care or bother about the cameras both of them . Still , you analyzed your thoughts and that was a great contribution ☺️ By the way , Tesla and Elian were traveling by bus 3 days to reach Barcelona when they joined , so , they weren’t living in Catalonia or in Spain in general . ☺️
  13. I wish all answers and debates that are happening here to be like yours , as I have said to you enough times and posted in general , there’s nothing better than a constructive dialogue and through it to find out where we agree , where we don’t , the reasons for it and so on , so as to have a great forum experience speaking for what we all share here , watching RLC and the daily happenings in the apartments . I know you only like to watch this apartment and I totally admire that you call things the way you see them , which ultimately makes you “ likeable “ when you speak nice for the girls for the fans of this apartment and a “ hater “ when you criticize for things that you don’t like or agree . Now , concerning my points and becoming boring or repeatable by saying again and again the same , I have said since day 1 that I am a big fan of these two girls but the things they both do , they simply “ play with my common sense “ , which is of course totally subjective . Let’s not go back and say what me , personally as a subscriber , would like to see and I don’t see it . Then we see what we see and as many here will come and praise it , I don’t find a reason why I shouldn’t come here and express my dislike . What is white for some , can be black for others and the opposite . I wish there was a way to convince the people here for this apartment that I have no hate or whatever for these two women , I just criticize them the way I realize what RLC means for me . I say then that they reached their limits because for me even if I see Leora inserting a dildo in Malia’s ass or the opposite , it won’t make me any surprise or in general make me “ feel “ something because this apartment , Leora and Malia’s apartment I have been watching it for different reasons than the Barcelona apartments so far. If I see this apartment like the Barcelona ones , I will then criticize it and make any comment as I do when I post there . It is a GOV in Prague apartment for me but the “ shows “ I watch from these two keep me totally indifferent because it is totally passionless and fake ( not the reactions when there’s orgasm , this is real ) that I find it that they play with my brain of what I consider as real. All of my views and opinions are totally personal and I don’t want anyone to agree with me , I actually don’t mind if the whole thread here disagrees with me and how I see these two girls , but I can’t stay silent and not express my displeasure whenever I feel to , as many will express their pleasure whenever they think they should do. As a conclusion , I want to say , that the criticism here I always consider it as an intermediate way to “ put stress” for both of the girls of this apartment to finally and maybe one day to see things the way I wish . Of course , I know that many people laugh and say “ keep on dreaming “ but like they “ keep on dreaming” to see more , I can also have my dreams ☺️ Nothing will ecstatic me more than I see these two girls act normal ( a solo masturbation for example I consider it normal , seeing Leora shouting on her phone and Malia crying I consider it normal ) and not like two cam girls that in my own very humble opinion , they “ feel obliged “ to do what they do so as to earn their living and justify their presence in RLC. I am really sorry for my strict comments and words , they don’t aim to the girls and characters or personalities , i don’t know them as they don’t know me and I have no will to know more of them than the virtual relationship we all have with not only these two girls but with the rest of the participants . I will say it one more time, whenever I see things that I think of it personally that are amazing, I will immediately come and say it ( the male friend and his visits for me is the most exciting thing whenever it happens ) and the more these cam views, top cams or whatever things continue , I will pop up every now and then to express my displeasure. I will finish this long post with a comment I wanted to make some days ago but like many times , I decided to not post it as I do many times also , I will say “ poor Leora “ , people here ( I don’t consider you one of them ) want to see a purely non lesbian girl to act as lesbian by sucking nipples , kiss and lick the pussy , this is what many people want to see here as their ultimate imagination because they hate that Leora has a whatever relationship with not the “ big love Paul “ and it makes her ( according to them ) unhappy, unstable and whatever more this relationship makes her , in which in my eyes it is the only real life thing happening in this apartment , unfortunately without being able to witness it and watch it at times also on cameras . Thank you for your opinion and expressing very sincerely and from your heart and mind your thoughts about the way I contribute here , I wish it was always so constructive even if we disagree and for sure I prefer it much much much more than the very often “ fuck off “ posts that started appearing lately here 😔 .
  14. Excellent said ☺️ But this guy isn’t 37 , much younger and he can have even tomorrow another one if he wants I think .. or he might go for Tesla 😂🤣
  15. Still , it was nice and fun to watch , Nana will become our biggest desire that she does something on camera 😁😆 Blue balls due to shy Nana is much better than she would have played him , Irma for example 😡
  16. Well … 👏👏👏 he tried his best , to his advantage she didn’t go to sleep with Tesla as she warned him , she likes him but she isn’t ready for more .
  17. She knows exactly what she has signed for , she’s just shy 😇
  18. He might be facing such a situation for the very first time , he took his e-cigarette to think 😂🤣
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