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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Watching the guys act naturally without thinking the cameras , best win for b4 girls so far
  2. This is the logical move , it usually happens .. and Tesla missing , room is free 😉
  3. I could have Vivian masturbating while watching 😋😋😋🥳🥳🥳
  4. Elian could have both guys by the way if she wanted 😎😎🤩🤩
  5. Long talk 😝 I need to work in 4 hours but also like to watch 😂🤣 so , talk postpone for another time 🙃🙃😁😆🥳
  6. I think it is just their many years occupation with RLC that has the girls thinking twice before letting themselves more loose .. but imagine a villa today without them , wouldn’t be even more freedom for the partying people not to worry about the couple that occupies a room ? They for sure think this , although the alcohol ( not strong today ) slowly puts the defenses away 😎🤩
  7. It’s also very impressive and we need to give our respect to B4 that all girls participate ( apart from missing Tesla ) , another proof that girls really get along great and there are no problems amongst them . A really positive thing in my opinion , definitely Pam’s presence also is a + as the veteran “guiding “ in a way , but Elian .. wow , another fantastic appearance today and Nana and Vivian the bonus we were expecting to be finally relaxed and greatly enjoy ☺️
  8. By the way , very glad that B&N presence seem not to affect the small party happening in the LR .
  9. Tesla is missing .. let’s see how Pam behaves .. 😉
  10. I also agree and your explanations are very reasonable as well . But I can’t also think that all of the girls don’t want this kind of life more often , I mean how many chances will they have in the future to stay in a villa rent free , especially during summer , in a city that is the definition of a “ must see “ in Europe and many will pay some thousand euros to visit even for a city break .. My point is that they can combine all activities , shows , the life we see today , quiet snd boring days , simply relaxing only for them . Viewers want to have balance , every day partying isn’t helping , everyday boredom isn’t helping , everyday not at home isn’t helping .. but variety divided equally can always keep the viewership at great levels because , we the viewers , we will hardly ever get bored when we don’t know what to expect .. But look , it had to be for N&B to be out for this place to get a bit wild again for some hours , it needed that the visitors are also decent and not behaving like jerks so as for the forum to create heat .. i don’t think that it would be difficult for the girls to simply invite guys or girls to the villa for a drink and swim , even if the cameras are explained , especially to younger guys won’t be such a problem ..but asking that we see more , this is another story .. in any case , I wouldn’t have a problem and I would actually praise RLC if we could see such content across all Barcelona apartments 2-3 times per week .. we saw a nice birthday party last week at B2 , we have this now .. a positive development , let’s hope they keep the same pace and rhythm ☺️
  11. The funny thing is that the guys believe that they “play “ with Elian when she’s the one having both of them under complete control and “ joking “ ( in a nice way ) / teasing them the way she wishes 😂🤣😂🤣
  12. Elian with her exceptional “reception “ skills 😎😂
  13. It was last night there .. girls .. just turn on completely the lights for the whole night and the bat will disappear , they can’t stand the light for ages .
  14. She believes money bring happiness .. when it is just more comfort and in rare occasions happiness as well .. but no one knows the background of these girls , therefore , as long as their goal is to achieve a comfort life and not have to think of possible poor childhood years , I can totally understand … we watch them , they gives us pleasure , that’s what matters ☺️
  15. I agree .. Ariana can have the world , the way she wishes .. the problem is that i think she can be easily “ get tricked “ , she can have guys full of promises and because she loves luxury , she believes that it will always be around fancy cars , money people and so on when wealthy men usually see these women for just one more fuck and nothing more .. and I think that she’s a very sensitive person and that’s why often we saw her crying and full of tears either in her room or at the balcony …but her mistakes also to believe everything , she will grow more and get more cautious 😎..
  16. And soldier Malia is obeying all of Leora commands .. 1,5 years after , still no sign of any personality from Malia .. just that she initiates something and Leora follows for once
  17. And the results are incredibly instant 😡🤬😡🤬
  18. Oh oh , looks like the fun is coming to an end with the arrival ….😔
  19. Ahh … Olya .. I don’t remember being there with drinks , but of course i understand your point .. in any case , girls don’t look annoyed , i don’t think they actually care and I also believe that this doesn’t hurt the guys’ presence .
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