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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. As we said yesterday , it was very strange to see them the whole day inside the house .. everything is well planned and executed with 100% accuracy , let’s see of course because who knows what can happen outside the apartment 😁
  2. We are peasants , it is normal 😂🤣
  3. That’s some points that I hadn’t thought , very good observations
  4. As I said , I believe that the rest of the B4 cast are subconsciously not allowing themselves to act as free as they want . It isn’t that they aren’t allowed , on the contrary , there’s freedom of everything . But bring yourself in their position , how would you think and feel knowing that the male tenant of the apartment has a job position at your employer ? How would you think and feel knowing that the wife of the male tenant is fucking on and off camera another RLC tenant and the husband despite his warnings and disappointment at a certain point of the relation development , he seems unable to control it ? Further more , a try to make him participate at a crazy and fun party mood villa “activities” session on day 1 or 2 after the arrival of T&E it was like hitting a cement wall since there was little reaction .. Last but not least , i am trying to figure our the contribution of Nelly and Bogdan as participants and as a COV in the villa . What is it that am I watching that I should feel pleased , tune in and watch ? Their sex sessions ? In my taste , Nelly is completely unattractive and doesn’t even excite my instincts to watch her anymore , especially after so many years . Perhaps having still been in Russia and act more like feeling home with their normal social life , circle of friends and relatives , i could invest my time watching some interesting and worthy interactions . Honestly and in my humble opinion , the occupancy of these two bedded room in the villa I consider it a total failure by RLC , for example if we had Carlos and Claire under the same cast in B4 , then yes , the whole interactions , craziness and unpredictability expected , i wouldn’t complain .. but perhaps I am also too subjective with my comment and opinion as I have ZERO interest watching Nelly when on the contrary i am a huge Bogdan fan 🤨
  5. For me and the reason she has already “ won “ me with her personality it is that she’s the only tenant of the latest additions that she entered the crazy and demanding RLC world having no one to rely on in comparison for example to Vivian ( Pam ) , Tesla and Elian , Anna and Lola . She has incredible positive response by the members here and as I said some days ago , she has the biggest potential and she’s the definition of driving our voyeuristic instincts totally mad by wanting to see each and everyday more than she’s allowing us to watch .. this is absolutely great for me ☺️
  6. Nicely said except the last two lines of the sentence that I put the blame completely at Nelly and Bogdan ( basically Nelly as Bogdan will do as she commands ) …
  7. I think a reasonable question is why did she put the balloons in the LR since she didn’t even celebrate for even an hour , at least have a glass of wine or beer with her roomate ? And in my opinion ,there are more RLC subscribers that don’t follow CC than the people who post here .. what would they think then about the balloons since they saw absolutely nothing happening ? 😅🤣😂🤣😝😜🤪
  8. Allora , qualche giorno fa mi hai detto che faccio sempre domande a cui ho già risposto , potresti essere così gentile e rispondere anche per le persone che leggeranno qui per la prima volta quanto segue secondo il tuo post ? 1) Perché Leora ha un LB quando vuole ancora ed è sempre interessata (ama) a Paul? 2)Leora parla 3-5 volte al giorno, secondo i post, a Paul, cosa le manca poi e contatta sempre LB e gli manda messaggi (sempre secondo i post qui)? 3) Perché LB di Malia non ottiene lo stesso calore quando la relazione tra loro è esattamente la stessa come quella di Leora e LB? 4) Come facciamo a sapere che Malia non ha un "Paul" in Russia quando un membro qui ha detto l'anno scorso che Malia è una madre? 5) E dulcis in fundo, pensi che se le ragazze faranno qualcosa in più, verranno prese in considerazione lesbiche ed è per questo che non lo fanno? Dici che tutte queste domande hanno risposto, puoi per favore fornire di nuovo le risposte secondo te? grazie
  9. I will go with an opinion that was posted recently from someone else .. before Bruno becomes regular tenant, I think it was through him that all necessary actions were happening so we can see parties in the villa .. now , he isn’t there anymore and all the girls who live there are new ones and in my opinion they don’t take the initiative to organize something . The “ elder residents 😂🤣 “ are not in this kind of entertainment and there you have it why no parties anymore . Have Bogdan and Nelly away and keep T&E and I am 1000% sure that they will move most of their outside daily fun inside the villa , I have no doubts .. they tried as we all saw in the beginning but Bogdan calmed them down ( will always think that double face Nelly also played a big role in that … )
  10. Elderly roommates … 😂🤣😂🤣😏😏😉😉🥳🥳👏👏👏👏
  11. I think almost everyone likes Nana ☺️ Great and excellent addition 😎
  12. They were the first night out overnight , no complains 😉 They deserve 😎
  13. With Bogdan , Nana , Tesla and Elian MIA ( for the very first time overnight since they joined ) , it seems that the off cameras apartment still exists ..
  14. Nice 😉 I am in a deep sleepy sleepy mode currently , therefore will answer at another moment 😴😴
  15. As always , a nice sex session sets all differences aside 😂🤣
  16. I think Gina , when the time of break up comes , she should take a temporary or better for her , permanent break from RLC .. her contribution has been amazing , she’s rightfully declared Barcelona GOV Queen ( the tenant with the most days staying in history of the GOV project ) , unless she keeps the apartment for herself and continues her legacy in RLC , it is better that she stays away from cameras so as to calm down from this rollercoaster adventure with Curly .. Many hate Bruno , but we all know who he is . He isn’t a monogamist , we all know that , it would have been a miracle if this relationship was full of flowers and “ love is in the air “ feelings by both sides . I believe that also for Bruno has been the first time he got involved with a girl for such a long time but I think this move with Gina in a permanent RLC role and not the guy who would be around ready to seduce any Ukrainian / Russian girl that would appear as a GOV , it happened only for financial reasons for him , as his job and business was completely hurt due to the virus .. Gina will go through a difficult time when the end comes , I hope she doesn’t fall completely to the alcohol reaction but still , this is at the end one of the most real life things we are currently watching , the problem is that it isn’t a pleasant one 😔
  17. Imagine .. you know you are cheated but you are still staying .. as mentioned , Gina’s mistake also the whole story .
  18. 19,95 € can always keep the job done well as well 🤩😂 few times the replay is needed and my current 44,95€ per month is only because I work and don’t have the time to watch like in winter .. but as soon as November comes , back to the 19,95 fair price
  19. I know .. but still, here we are , some romantics waiting for at least these real WTF moments that even if they occur so rare nowadays , at least they happen in a much more tensed way than in the past .. I really had hopes that slowly and as this summer would begin , we could see evidence of RLC’s plan after the “ purge “ of the Russian apartments, a plan that was delayed due to the pandemic 😔 On the contrary , not only things have changed , but actually , they are even worse .. we are in the official beginning of the summer and we even see tenants wear socks 🧦😱😱 Pff.. what can I say ..
  20. At least real life moments which currently are few to happen 😆
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