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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. The others girls they don’t live there like Nelly and Bogdan , they are temporary tourists who just came to work for some months . Nelly is living in Barcelona , this is now her life in this house , she’s not only an employee like the others . Sorry to say , but her life seems to be so empty and maybe that’s why she wants to have Martina around so as she has something to keep herself busy .. in my opinion , for everyone this job has an expiration day , for Nelly the expiration day has come .. but that’s just my opinion 😇
  2. He has duties for RLC , so he does something in Barcelona and his life has a meaning , i can’t understand what Nelly does except living in a villa , try to behave like any GOV ( without success because this isn’t anymore for her , the passion is long gone , her only interest maybe is Martina .. ) but without any bonds to any of the other girls . I know you like her but this total ignore to Bogdan when he repeatedly showed her his disappointment with her thing with Martina and continuing despite their talks , really not nice for me . For sure , a HUGE and BIG mistake from Bogdan accepting it as well .
  3. She has proven herself an hypocrite , that’s why the hate towards her .. perhaps the whole thing in Barcelona for her isn’t what fits her life anymore . Bogdan has a cause , what does Nelly have ? Be a mama taking her the children ( the rest of the B4 girls )?
  4. You are right , but when guests are around , I think he tries to comfort all of them . Anyway , maybe I am disappointed knowing so much background things for Nelly and I allow this affect my judgment , maybe not fair from my side but I can’t also hide my frustration about her and I am glad that many opinions are posted with very good arguments .
  5. I don’t say that I am right or I disagree with the opinions posted .. I just see one more time that she doesn’t behave like this woman is with this man .. imagine .. everyone knows that they are a married couple , what do they see ? To be honest , I even think that Bogdan likes that he can have the freedom without thinking how Nelly will react and so on .. but my main issue is that , apart from when they are together , nothing indicates when there are people around that this is a couple enjoying sharing times with others .. Alberto gets so much heat for how he is with Martina , well , I don’t understand why Nelly is any better .
  6. Maybe she made the vaccine and she has the effects 🤨
  7. I think she was doing a lot for as long as Martina was there .. since she left , isolation ..
  8. ddhm

    Footy #1

    Well , it wasn’t since a difficult prediction the first one 😂 , let’s move to the second game . Italy vs Austria and we have the team that seems to be the most organized team in the tournament , with clear roles for all players , they all know what they need to do at any moment of the game . They are definitely the tournament’s favorite , this is maybe the only thing in my opinion that can cause trouble . The team is fresh , the group stage helped Mancini to keep the players in great condition , they have absolute knowledge of the chance they have this here and most of all , they are a TEAM with a full meaning of the word . They don’t have the superstar like in previous versions , it is like everyone will play for the other . Austria has achieved very much , first two wins ever in a EURO tournament , they are totally successful with their appearance but as we say “ eating makes the appetite bigger “ 😉 , they will get their chances for sure but I think they don’t have Italy’s experience and “ national’s team heavy shirt “ to handle the demands of such a game . Nobody will blame them in case they are eliminated . Italy has variety , they are a complete team with many alternatives in their game , i can’t think that they aren’t going to be in the last 8 . Let’s enjoy all the game ☺️
  9. I find it totally disrespectful today that she has isolated herself in her room when there’s a first time Barcelona apartments gathering . You can see the B5 couples interacting with Bogdan and his friend , Lola and Anna and she is just in her room, she doesn’t look tired or drunk and she has let her husband without participating with anyone . Don’t get me wrong , I am not saying that she should “ pretend “ that she likes the others just for the camera views or socializing but I don’t know when she had the chance to meet the others and that’s there’s nothing of interest to sit down with them and discuss about whatever , like normal people do when there are these kind of gatherings . I might be disappointed from her behavior and I am very strict with my judgement but I honestly can’t see any positive thing formatting with her actions and reactions .
  10. Nelly has totally lost it , I don’t think she has any idea of her current RLC participation , her husband has his daily duties , finally we get the no future between N&M story and she has not developed any kind of relationship with any girls in the GOV of project and she seems also without local Barcelona friendships … an unknown and without motivations future for her in my humble opinion
  11. Ahh , finally , good to see our “ genre “ enjoying and simply not caring for once for their ladies 👏👏
  12. ddhm

    Footy #1

    Hello all, I join the topic a bit late but here are the thoughts about the KO stage of this year’s incredible EURO , we all saw how much it has missed the images with the people and the colors , the atmosphere , a whole nation waiting to see what happens .. and as a greek that we have been perhaps the biggest surprised winners in the history of this tournament , I can really tell that the feelings that you get watching the national team moving to the next round after the next round , it is the least miraculous .. anyway… since I don’t have much time for both games analysis , here are the thoughts for Denmark vs Wales ☺️ Even before the tournament , Denmark was amongst the underdogs , a really good team , very good chemistry and players that seem to complete the weaknesses of the others and making a really difficult team to defeat . The first game and the shock with Eriksen , it could have destroyed their psychology in all terms of the game but even if being defeated after amazing performances both against Finland and Belgium , they found the courage at the last game and with good tactic - and because football is a fair game and it always gives to teams that go for their luck and don’t wait for it - they achieved the knock out stage . Denmark seems definitely in a better condition that Wales . I think that Welsh stars are tired ( yes, Bale has been great ) and I believe they have physical condition problems , they were in a group that Turkey was perhaps the biggest disappointment of the tournament and they made it to the next round . Denmark is a very explosive team , they go to the opponent like there’s no tomorrow , this is maybe their problem , they don’t make balanced physical abilities exposure during their game , they go full throttle from the beginning and then they seem to lose power as the game passes by . Against Russia , they controlled this better and the win came very easily for the knock out stage . They have the most chances of all teams , their midfield and attacking zone works in great ways , I can’t find a way that Wales will stop them . Denmark seems more “hungry” and has a better overall team , good tactics and players that since game 1 plays with an even bigger motivation . Wales has been nothing special for me , I see Denmark making it to the quarterfinals either in a difficult or easy way . I will be back later for Austria vs Italy 😇😎
  13. Let’s enjoy this nice thing they do today , it is a step towards the right direction and I think most of them know it and feel it , that’s why also the amount of fair comments and more positive feedback than what happens at times with similar things .. a step forwards can lead maybe to the next one , let’s start then with the easy and possible and who knows ? If this proves to be a success ( there’s no Claire and Carlos for drama for example ) , we might be seeing them repeating it and even with more people or outsiders , who knows ? The only concern is for Hanna to try and stay sober and not start behaving foolish .. 😆 I personally like this today and I consider it a success , we can see things like the ones you are mentioning then through out the summer which just started .
  14. According to her , we are peasants .. still , she gets the attention she needs so as to make a very great income and have this luxury life , if we don’t criticize , what’s the point ? Everyone will praise her if she acts normal and respect the “ peasants “ that pay for her luxury life and many will feel “ cheated “ and “ fool “at the same time when they don’t like the way she does things .. the thing is that once , the posts and comments when she was acting “ normal “ and as a person who definitely cared for her audience , were coming like a storm here and now it makes so little “ noise “ whatever she does .. I don’t think that the reactions towards her aren’t fair , she has even asked from her biggest fan here to “ bend the knee “ .. It can’t be that she fools eternally the audience since she moved in Prague , the apartments are few now and the attention is inevitably more than when RLC was full power with so many apartments and even if she wasn’t “ that good “ for example at times , people could tune at another place to compensate themselves with other tenants .. without this choice existing anymore , details of behavior are analyzed and criticized so very much more but still , it is us that we pay and the customer has always right , as long as he/she respects the tenants without insults . There are many repeated complains the last year or so , people see zero to little improvement or even some things have worsened and people just speak and say their thoughts , if the fair criticism can’t help a tenant to realize what she does wrong and at least try and perhaps improve like this , then nothing at all will make things better and the posters and comments will be even less and with even more “ hate “ ( not all hate is fair but that’s the price .. )
  15. I consider this perhaps the best gathering after a very long time and of course , it is simply what I think most of the subscribers would like to see , this nice atmosphere amongst all colleagues who work for the same company , they finally made it and it is great to see all of them for the very first time . This can always help to bond friendships even more , see with which people you can actually discuss a bit more and with who you don’t have things in common and politely keep distant . I hope for more things like this which ultimately can help for more things happening at each apartment of the GOV . Whoever thought about it , well done 👏👏
  16. Bless your thoughts good friend 😇👏👏
  17. Glasses guy already on “ having fun “ talks 😉
  18. That’s why Masha is more cautious during this absence , she handled the apartment to Tanya 😆
  19. Well well , when you think you have seen it all … as mentioned earlier , only at Masha’s things like this can happen 😎🥳 Welcome back to the crazy trio , it is all open for craziness I guess and it depends on Tanya also 😎 .. at least there will always be this apartment 😉 to provide
  20. Tereza is one of the best I have seen in this position , already said that after her 2-3 session 🥳🤩 Fantastic 😎
  21. First overnight as it seems since they joined RLC , except if she’s back later .. a person or more that isn’t / aren’t persuaded so easily to come at the villa 😎😁 and it is weekend … 🤨
  22. Je ne crois pas qu'ils dorment dans la rue ou sur des bancs. J'ai essayé de donner une explication, même si nous ne savons pas ce qu'il y a dehors sans les caméras, je suis impressionné que vous puissiez avoir d'autres théories sur ce que j'ai dit auparavant, ce qui est tout à fait bien sûr ☺️
  23. I have to work at 04:30 .. I am expecting reaction around 08:00 am .. so , let’s see if I will be like my first jab , off for around 70 hours 😂🤣
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