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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Quali sono le domande a cui è stata data risposta? Leora ha un fidanzato a Praga o no? Malia ha un fidanzato a Praga o no? Calle dice che è tutto basato sulle telefonate in quanto tutti sono invisibili nella vita delle ragazze, ha ragione, sì o no? Perché vorrei fare domande se ci sono risposte? La tua opinione quindi e la risposta è che sono le decisioni di Leora tutto ciò che fa quindi non dovremmo chiedere più? una risposta generale per qualcosa? Sono impressionato dal fatto che tu dica che faccio la vittima e soprattutto quando dici che alle mie domande è stata data risposta... quando e dove e da chi? Tranne se le risposte sono le emoji. Credo semplicemente di essere uno degli ultimi che sta davvero cercando di fare un punto qui senza lodare le ragazze e affermando sempre un'opinione che è diversa da ciò che tutti coloro che pubblicano qui desiderano leggere o sentirsi impressionati da ciò che fanno e questo ecco perché gli attacchi contro di me... mi smentiscono ciò che sto dicendo se hai la pazienza per una risposta … Tranne ovviamente che continuiamo la discussione se si masturbano più tardi, da soli o insieme, se è mezzanotte o prima serata. Sì, per questi le domande hanno avuto risposta.
  2. I would have never minded getting the confused emoji if I could get an explanation or an answer in a question , especially from people who watch almost the whole day this apartment . Other than that , I believe that everyone is entitled to an opinion , as I have been saying the last months , I totally disagree with the direction of this apartment and I can’t find a reason to praise the girls . I will be doing ( praising ) with all of my long posts 🤣and genuinely as I do in other apartments that I feel that whichever tenant is respecting my monthly subscription ☺️ ( which is also subjective of course of what I am pleased ☺️😊 )
  3. I think the talk during the night between Nicholas and slipper here at the forum concerning the two girls , it is the one that represents the majority of the people who watch this apartment regularly , just my opinion also 🙄
  4. I am asking questions here for almost a year and I got few times an answer , usually I get them if I praise the girls . If my question is addressed with a negativity towards the girls , I usually get my confused emoji from my good friend masterchef , I wish you good luck then getting answers , happy you aren’t in the posters black list here 😎😊 ( so far 😉 )
  5. It would be nice that this week , the oral lessons of last week from Pam and Ariana to be extended for Nana and Vivian .. 😉😉🥳
  6. 😁 We gonna have 41-42 Celsius in two days here , if you also count with Fahrenheit , it is going to be around 106 😂🤣😂🤣
  7. Pff … what have I missed .. need to check this out …
  8. Still snow in Canada ?? 🤨🤨😁😆
  9. So , if I understand right and if Leora wants something in life , she gets it , Leora wanted the LB and she got him , why is it then his fault whenever things are wrong ? Wasn’t her choice this guy or not ? And isn’t her choice still this guy while she can end everything with him or not and since you say that he makes her sad , why if she loves Paul she can’t escape from him ? I asked yesterday politely and there was no answer , but it is fine 😇
  10. Ahh .. these voyeur moments I wish to enjoy 🤩 lucky you 🥳🥳
  11. Well , some days ago , I said that T&E had slowed down the pace after the crazy first weeks they had and it felt like the peace times before the storm which proved ( luckily for once 😂🤣 ) right when Tesla had the incredible and amazing sex with Gabriel .. who knows then , we might be at a same procedure at the moment 😉 … At least we had Pam and Mr.J this weekend .. 😎
  12. It could always be a models parade in this apartment and perhaps Kitty could genuinely feel nice and smile once again and escape her problems .. I totally agree then 😎😉
  13. Welcome back to our wonderful Tanya ☺️😇
  14. Very nice seeing Nana slowly learning and interacting with the other Barcelona apartments and also this common visit with Vivian .. Pam doing also everything on cameras , it might be some good and relaxing talks to both of them in case they want to do also more … I always consider that Amalia was the “ professor “ for Pam 😁 and she might be the one for Vivian ( and why not Nana 😉😋 as well )
  15. Can you please tell me why it is his fault ? Because she is crying , why is it because of him ?
  16. Ahh , ok , the way I can see her onlyfans link isn’t activated . Maybe then you can share the info to adkon if you like ☺️
  17. So far , everyone believed that Kitty was the one who was gaining money with all her phonecall / videocall men playing games 🤨 Of course as it has mentioned before , and sorry if the comment doesn’t sound nice , but it is well known and have said it repeatedly , everyone from countries like Egypt , Turkey and so on , they will simply flirt and pretend about love and anything similar so as to manage and move in Europe where in a very little time , they will enter and learn the local nationalities communities , find a job and that’s it , problem solved .. I think Kitty is also playing the guy then as she does with others 😉 she’s not naive .. the expression and exclamation at the end of the phonecall says it all 😁😂 plus , she does it on purpose having these talks on public camera and microphone listening for us viewers when she could easily hide it 😉 But , the saddest thing and actually a true real life thing and thinking completely from the human side as we are all humans at the end , Kitty mentioned that “ we had a baby with my friend but we killed it “ , speaking of an abortion perhaps 😔 I hope , if it is true that I don’t find a reason for her lying for this , it was because she was too young and not ready to have a child and not because there were complications 😔 This was for me an info i never knew personally for Kitty and it was a sad thing to hear 😔 In any case and since it is a very sensitive subject with lots of extensions , no further comment about that 😇 We only want that Kitty is happy and smiling , then the fans will always be there for her as they have always been and they always want the best for her ☺️ The female visitor was a nice new thing to have today 😎
  18. Her onlyfans link at the moment appears deactivated . In case she shares the info again , I could PM you ☺️
  19. We want more interactions with Kitty and anyone in general , I said some weeks ago that , if we want to be fair and when we ( me 😁 ) judge strict other apartments , we haven’t actually see friends visiting this place , at least with the amount of connections that both Kitty and Smith must have by living so many years in Prague . It is also no common secret that Kitty has been trying to book photoshoots and generally jobs in the modeling field , I guess then she has a kind of circle of friends within this business and perhaps we could see on cameras , if of course are willing ☺️ In any case , an excellent Czech beauty we saw again , let’s hope we see of her more often , perhaps this apartment has still some life ☺️
  20. Well , on a very rare occasion for this apartment , here’s a very nice female visitor for Kitty , welcome 😎☺️😇
  21. She’s just not searching as hard as she possibly could do and seems that she doesn’t have the appropriate connections . The eternal relationship with Smith and her participation in RLC has delayed or even more destroyed many of things that she could have done more and achieve … although she knows all these , it is difficult for her to abandon Smith as it seems , so , no one to blame but both these two that they are seeing their lives and moments going by and they don’t try hard for any opportunities .
  22. It is summer , there’s control of Covid and almost all activities are back like pre Covid era. Their relationship is exactly as it has always been , nothing more or less , they are the same loving and free couple that enjoy their lives and times together . It is just that we see her now having an affair with Nelly who is also a current RLC participant and at times things happen on camera . Martina and Alberto had exactly the same life before the thing with Nelly but nobody paid attention because with whoever Martina was involved or having fun , getting drunk and so on , it was with people outside RLC world and now anytime she’s out we think that something is happening only with RLC people ( Bogdan ? 🤨🤨 😂🤣 ) .. She has friends in Barcelona that she hangs out like any of us would do in real life , every Friday she meets some of her classmates and this current week she’s having her birthday celebrations and she’s between Barcelona and her family place ☺️ It is all as it is used to be , only older both of them , new people in their lives , more years of the relationship and everything that is happening is super analyzed and in extreme speculated when in the past only some few people were watching in details like now that everyone wants to know things . 😇
  23. Yes , that’s a very accurate description than the only vibration than I said ☺️ When I first saw it , there was this old time classic “ arkanoid “ and I was impressed . But very well said ☺️
  24. Most probably with the Russian friend we saw a couple of times the last days ( Fiora’s friend )
  25. Monica and the guy was in the middle of really cool fun while doing Karaoke , the not even words ( perhaps nothing said from Monica to Amira ) says it all as well .. also , while in the bathroom , Amira came out for a second and she sent or answered a voice mail in Russian .. all in all , disaster 😂🤣😂🤣
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