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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I am really sorry to say this , but I can’t understand why Alberto isn’t “ busting “ or “pushing “ his ass to find any job that will help a bit with the financial things . Reading today about the 1,800€ cost that is requested for the vet , pff , that’s a really big amount of money and for sure this couple is by far of achieving this amount whatever RLC is paying . In any case , any job for Alberto would be a big help for both of them , he might of course be looking for but I don’t have personally any indications about that or see him so much on interest doing so . And a frustrated Martina is totally understandable by me
  2. Interesting to see the very second ever information that Timur is listed as “ boyfriend “ kind of the same like with Bruno . I think this indicates that if anything happens , Bruno and Timur aren’t the standards for RLC , Tereza and Gina would continue being part of it if they wish since they are the “ constants “ . Let’s hope for a good stay , already a very nice evening between the two couples last night 😇
  3. A good explanation and also confirmation of you listening to Masha earlier and that Hedi is the guest ☺️
  4. She mentioned clearly that she will be visiting for a weekend , maybe she meant that she visits Hedi in Bolzano , we will see . Her visit has lots of background in my opinion , things that maybe we will never learn . She has been quite and not like in a holiday mood visit in terms of fun , mostly relaxing and just taking time for herself . Strange things happened after the party and onwards , the sudden isolation from Megan and the form of allying with Holly , her continuous distance with Nelly .. many things that can’t be explained . I think I also said that RLC has played a role in decisions and perhaps “ orders “ or “ suggestions “ given , but I think someone told me that this hasn’t been the case . In any case , Masha for me will always be a pleasure to have and watch , 6 years after and she is as strong as she first joined ☺️
  5. There was kind of tension and misunderstood the previous time that Hedi was offered to visit and he denied and he ended in Masha’s place when Babi had taken over . He said he needed to go from Bolzano by train to either Rome or Milano ( don’t remember ) , then fly to Paris if I also remember correctly before reaching Barcelona . Most probably this is what happened now , the previous time he said he didn’t want to lose all this time for just a weekend ( also adventure to go back ) .. we need to see if it is again only the weekend or he stays more , I haven’t personally understood or heard .. the only thing that was mentioned by Masha was that she maybe visits for a weekend ( it seems she will be staying more ) ..
  6. Hedi saying that he has been traveling 12 hours , since midday
  7. Masha saying to Hedi to open the door and go out ( no problem being naked that is) there’s no one 😂🤣
  8. Free plane tickets most probably , free accommodation and food / drinks , sex with a woman that simply loves to have it and enjoys it as life’s biggest pleasure , Hedi , you lucky son of a gun 😂🤣😂🤣😝😝
  9. We already know that Hedi is a great guy and he can’t disappoint no matter what 😉
  10. It is rather sad to think that it needed that Masha becomes a resident in RLC’s most invested place and project so as we see a male visitor again and therefore have the villa keep up its name for its residents ( GOV ) . I definitely recognize the difficulties of both Holly and Megan ( actually we can’t have a complain by any of Megan , Holly and recently departed Gina and that they all brought their private life in the villa ) to have the life that they maybe expected , but since January , we haven’t seen any of the non local GOV ( Holly the last one ) having anything on camera . Masha once again delivers for villa entertainment and the craziest is that we don’t even know what she has in her mind for the weekend so as maybe she can please her current villa bestie 😉😉
  11. Hmm … need to reconfirm , Masha seems to just have said that she “ forse vengo per il weekend “ ( maybe I come for the weekend ) … suggesting that she might be staying more ? 🤨 And Hedi answered kind of “ so , you don’t want to see me “ in a joking way 😇
  12. I hope Hedi isn’t this much tired , Masha and her lack of sex all this time , pfff… she could go till Saturday night non stop 😂🤣
  13. The bed of extreme sexual combinations is situated in Rome 😂🤣, the best would be things happening there 😉
  14. I think we will be able to give lots of answers during the weekend,Mauri will do a great job as he is the native speaker ☺️ Also rado and myself will try and do our best I think to provide as much info as possible 😇
  15. Sorry for being mean 😁🤓🥳🥸 , I would just like to see Masha / Hedi / Holly .. perhaps this is what Masha has been preparing Holly all this time 😂🤣😂🤣
  16. Good point , she can share the luggage and save the weight buggage additional cost 😉
  17. I think with the allowance of more airports flying to Barcelona slowly , it was easier for him than the frustration during the last time’s invitation that he couldn’t make it .. I still don’t believe that this is a normal relationship , I believe Hedi is for Masha the sex partner she needs and a possible company so she isn’t this much alone in Rome , although the last period she started enjoying visiting of friends once again as the Covid restrictions are loosening . It is also a “ bet “ for Masha since Hedi with his work , he can make it just at the weekends as it seems and let’s not forget that he has a child and so on .. complicated 😆
  18. That’s a good point 😆 .. but maybe she could phone Rocco and have all a talk in Italian and find a common ground to what can be offered …😉
  19. By the way , Masha should have gone to wake up Megan so as to cook for the visitor 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣
  20. Welcome back Hedi .. and the questions will start 😂🤣 Why Masha invited Hedi only some days before going back ? Is she planing to stay more ( or RLC asked her to stay even more ) ? Is it because they will be returning back to italy together on the 20th ? And .. can it be that this never ending frustration between Nelly / Masha and seeing them not having a good period being the result of having Hedi in the villa , perhaps without even taking permission and just inviting him by herself ? Which , if this is the reason , it would be totally hypocrisy from Nelly when Masha is listed as a normal tenant and she can bring her liver as Holly and Megan did .. and as she also did with Martina .. anyway , the time will answer everything 😉
  21. Very confused with Gina’s reactions the last days , very horny even though she has in this apartment less sex than when she was staying in the villa , in my opinion , I think she’s a bit stressed with all this living together with Bruno .Maybe the often overnights from friends also affecting her “ freedom “ of how she was imagining her co-living with Bruno . I guess the summer actions and parties will define the future of this relation and possibly the apartment .
  22. Riya still shy and with amateur first RLC days , which is very natural and fun to watch 😉 ( phone not in the upside down position like the experienced ones do 😁 )
  23. Common bate , meaning that we need to wait and see if Malia is the only one overnighting tomorrow or Leora as well
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