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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. This is a post we disagree dear friend , it is by far wrong considering Egypt a terrorist country . I won’t go into details and I respect your opinion of course , but a country that it is top 5 for European visitors , it is far by characterized as terrorist . Just check statistics for Sharm El Sheikh and Hurgarda , both situated on the banks of the Red Sea ( pro Covid statistics ) and you might be surprised 😇 It is just that incidents happen ( really bad ones with big impact ) that don’t help the image of this country . The only thing that I can assure you is that the Egyptian guys are flirting at the most superlative grade and promise marriages and whatever to European women ( mostly Scandinavians ) only to escape Egypt and become citizens of European countries and enjoy the benefits .. that’s what I can tell 1000% 😁
  2. I will only say that in all of the other apartments , at least something more happens . Guests , fights , arguments , parties , something happens , everywhere . I don’t think anyone can deny this . Here , more or less , you know what you will see . Malia and Leora out of the apartment some hours per day , Malia overnight 2-3 times per week , Leora cleaning the apartment , masturbation , Leora or Malia’s room for watching IPAD , repeat . Look , people like to watch this every single day , it relaxes them , it makes them smile , it makes them escape the daily routine and problems by watching exactly this scenario . I am sorry but it doesn’t give any interest to me and ( again ) i guarantee you for many many other people , this is the most boring apartment . Once again , the posts and comments and people who come to talk here about this apartment , it is one more proof . I can be wrong with many of my judgments since they are personal opinions , but everything i mention with this post , it is true , proved facts . I hope and wish that we could talk about this place for so many things , but the truth is that there’s nothing of importance to talk about ( of course , it is important for many to know how many hours Leora spent on her phone , to who and when she talked to and when they exit and entered the apartment .. I accept and respect the opinion of others that these are important things to know .. I hope they respect also my opinion that these are boring things and not important , which obviously few people respect my opinion , but it is fine as I said and I have no problem with that ) . As with TheEarl earlier , thank you for your answer , at least I know , that with you , there can always be some chat here , even if we agree ( few times ) or disagree ( most times )
  3. The problem is that I know for sure ( I can guarantee you 1000%) that most members have nothing to say here because it is by far the worst apartment currently at RLC and there’s nothing to comment about it as it is more than boring . I agree with you that my content is repeating and boring , but I also think that it is the same at the fans page when the whole day the content is to who Leora spoke on the phone , when both girls entered / exit and when they eat and things like this , it is also repeated there then but due to the nature of the comments that it is positive towards the girls isn’t criticized and I can totally understand and I agree . Now , I have stop till a long time thinking of who and why reacts negative ( emojis , since opinions aren’t expressed ) , rather than posting an opinion and possible start a discussion . For example you answered , it doesn’t matter the content of your message , but you answered and said your opinion . I am writing here at the fake thread , not because I believe that the shows are fake , but the emotions and the feelings of the girls are fake and silly , still , I admire that members here support so passionately two women who aren’t lesbians but they live with the hope to see everyday something more ( that I actually don’t know what this is ) and like this , this apartment still stays viewable in my opinion . The thing is that I am a fan of the girls , I always like them , but I can’t communicate this liking because I keep on criticizing them as women , it is all about what and when they perform . To make it easier and explain myself , I have all the nicest comments I would like to have for L&M but anything they do in cameras is a cheap copy / paste of what happens in Barcelona . Now , people here love to watch it and I absolutely respect this , i simply don’t ( although I am a fan of nice shows when they happen and I will support them with a comment at another apartment , even if it was nice here but simply isn’t ) support something that it is the most fake thing happening in all of the RLC apartments . It is much better for these two girls when they behave normal ( bating alone , tease the cameras , all the nice things that are more normal let’s say ) than having them side by side and people actually supporting this ( which at the end it is their right to do so as it is mine to criticize it in a negative way ) . I post here as per other members instructions that i shouldn’t do it at the fans page , here it is then , the fans come here to give their reactions in something they don’t agree , but never engaging in any talk as why they don’t agree . My last comment is as follows … I find it more than strange that anytime it has been mentioned that Leora repeatedly has expressed her “ disgust “ for the shows in Barcelona by other members in this topic, not even one - I type it 1 - member of the so called fans , has answered back to any member who is saying about Leora and how she has adopted to her daily performances the mutual shows with Malia . Yes , fans like these shows ultimately , but still , it has been no explanation of how Leora has engaged herself into this procedure . For the rest , I agree with you that it isn’t much to say about the tenants and that’s why no many posts also from me , I think I will become like the fans at the end , I will say it and write it only for myself so the posts have a value in the future when the history will judge this period of the apartment 😂 . I am not negative towards the tenants for a last conclusion of my post , I am negative towards their actions .. but that’s my opinion and that’s why it is posted here and not at the fans thread as per request . Whatever wrong I write and you don’t agree , thank you on taking the time to post your opinion rather than expressing your not agreeing view of my thoughts with an emoji as well .
  4. Yes , I noticed .. I think the way things happen on other ( popular ? ) apartments , start affecting Barcelona as well 😬🤭
  5. I could put my hand on fire that she said she is polish but also bluewinner mentioned that’s she might have lived in Poland and coming from Ukraine .. but these two countries share borders so , it might be even more to this 🤨
  6. Ahh , thanks for the info , I only assumed this because she was speaking Polish with Daniel and I think there was a discussion once of her being polish , if I am correct , and he ( Daniel ) is polish also I think .
  7. 😁 I believe you 😉 , despite being European , I haven’t searched what’s really happening with the visas as I am enjoying being a EU citizen . In any case , it was already long time that both couples should have left , better late than never and off to new RLC adventures hopefully 😉
  8. Carlos is Italian , Claire is polish , no problem with them .. Loraine and Anthony have exceeded since a long time the 90 days limit .. I think it is a bit more complicated with L&A but as with the majority of the cast , they don’t seem at any stress with their extended stay..
  9. Claire and Loraine with a real impact on the other girls , it seems that they were really adorable for the rest . The “goodbyes” also indicate that it won’t be a continuation of stay in private apartments in Barcelona and most probably a journey back to the respective countries of everyone … and a personal prediction , Claire and Carlos sooner or later will be over .. 😬😑🙄
  10. Finally Leora seems to enjoy the apartment the way she confessed to her friend a month or so ago , with Malia being half of the week away , she can do the cleaning the way she wants , she can do thinks in her “ own “ apartment “ exactly the way she feels , she can tease the fans the way she wants , she can give the shows she wants whenever she wants .. and to keep on everyone ( Malia’s fans ) happy , she will make two mutual shows average per week with her friend so she can always contribute financially her ex with his business and her personal and “ from distance” animal care business / hobby … an excellent and amazing life for everyone it is 😇☺️😌
  11. A “goodbye” evening then after yesterday’s pool event in the villa .. it needed the last day for this apartment to be commented as it seems 😁
  12. I don’t think they have established a relationship so as to be “ promoted “ for a COV .. plus , except some kisses and hugs , we haven’t seen anything more from this couple , I don’t think they meet the “standards “ to be as you suggest . I prefer personally having Pam as a GOV in B1 😇
  13. One more common appearance of Pam and BF , this time in B5 , nice 😇
  14. Monica’s night seems to have been a teasing one rather than an adventurous , wild and full of action , judging by her non stop bating since more than an hour now .
  15. Adalbert , you are absolutely right and it is a pity we haven’t mentioned so far … HAPPY 30TH BIRTHDAY ALBERTO 🥳🍺🎈
  16. It is a matter of taste , but as you say , the beauty comes when you see a woman without her make up , i will disagree with you that she’s not a pretty woman when she wakes up , but again, it is a matter of personal taste and maybe I should have used the “ in my opinion “ quote so as to make the comment more subjective ☺️
  17. Tattoos I don’t mind , especially with her skin that she’s nicely tanned at the moment , it isn’t such a problem to watch .. I agree though she could make it with less ink , for example I think Linda is worse with her body painting . If it wasn’t her extended arm tattoo , i think it looks not bad on her . But anyway , their body , their choices , they need to live with it when they are more than 55 - 60 and they won’t be as attractive as now .
  18. Yes .. I knew this comment will come 🥶 I didn’t want to edit the post and say “ apart from the fake tits “ 😬 Still ,pure natural Czech beauty 😇
  19. If we didn’t know things , we could easily say that Gina has a more upgraded role with RLC 😁 she’s everywhere , she introduces new people , an excellent participant that no matter the days she’s already part of the project , she is always managing to remain a participant to talk about and keep subscribers busy .. well done Gina 😇
  20. Kitty and Smith are currently with complete indifference on being with RLC , there are so many their personal and couple problems that it is even not easy to watch them anymore . Kitty is perhaps the most natural beauty girl in whole RLC , such an amazing woman and with so many things that we could see from her , unfortunately , stuck in a life that each and everyday that passes by , she’s losing one more day of her life . In the past , you could see how excited she was also to show her fans her gratitude and appreciation , she would dance , she would tease us , she would bate looking on cameras like talking to us and now she’s just a girl that has allowed all her toxic environment to come in play with this current RLC stay . No matter how gorgeous she’s always to watch , the more she stays , the more she is threatened to lose completely her future . I only hope for the very best for this rare of beauty woman but there’s no one to blame of what’s happening but herself .
  21. I think they deserve to go out and do whatever they want to do , too many months of restrictions and the curfew has been really bad for everyone , not only the girls . The only thing I have been trying to say is that balance is needed , no one wants to watch empty apartments but I also don’t want them to be the whole day of course inside . I would like that they go out , have fun , enjoy and whenever they think it is worth it , to share their private lives with the subscribers , either being new female friends they meet , men , whoever ( willing of course to appear on cameras , in which as we have seen , the girls have the way to bring people inside )
  22. We need more apartments , if they close one , a step backwards it is I guess 😱 I just think that this COV from Russia in Barcelona isn’t working 🥸 Ariela , well , maybe she didn’t have her clothes out because she was waiting for a room to empty 🥳😁 I have also said that unless I see the cleaning lady to put towels , it is difficult we get a new tenant .. we will see
  23. Iedereen houdt van Martina, er zijn er maar weinigen die Alberto niet leuk vinden. Maar iedereen hier op deze site die óf een langdurige relatie heeft gehad óf verloofd / getrouwd is met hun eerste vriendje of vriendin, we weten allemaal hoe moeilijk het tegenwoordig is om vol te houden. 40-60 jaar geleden waren deze relaties de meerderheid, paren trouwen in de twintig, 2-3 kinderen en het leven gaat door. Nu hebben vrouwen zoveel macht, zijn ze veel meer zelfingenomen, zoeken ze naar zakelijke kansen en kunnen ze gemakkelijk alleen zijn. Ik hoop dat dit paar slaagt, maar afhankelijk van hoe het leven momenteel is en ook de manier waarop ze sommige dingen doen (Martina heeft een parallelle emotionele en niet alleen seksuele relatie, als dat het geval was met Nelly), is het van groot belang voor kijken wat er gebeurt
  24. I will make a crazy speculation and say this , what about if they stop B5 being a COV apartment and it becomes also a GOV , first guest Ariela ? Unless couples are local ( like Gina and Bruno that it is working great so far ) , this COV bringing couples from Russia / Ukraine it is very difficult to work .. let’s see
  25. So .. 2 Saturdays in a row Amira overnights , the 3rd one Monica overnights .. With summer upon us and everything almost open , I wonder how many of the girls will be making their way back home after partying 😬
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