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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I agree back with you ☺️ It is insane that none of any of the GOV / COV can’t provide the intrigue and fun that two simple apartments provide , i would consider this a failure for RLC for the time being .
  2. It wasn’t a question I think if she was satisfied of the ( almost no 😂🤣 ) sex but from the whole fun experience .. licking , rubbing , her sucking and the other one fucking her for this short period , this is what I believe his question was . Of course it wasn’t anything special but i believe the whole evening , talking , drinking having fun and ending in the bedroom , that’s what he meant by “ satisfied “ ☺️
  3. Omedo’s resume today , I think it should be considered a big revelation of what has actually triggered whatever we watch between Nelly and Martina . For everyone wanting to know more , @omedo and @emnv are definitely the guys to enlighten us all with their language knowledge and of course constant observation of the apartment . I personally want to thank them here publicly both on providing the accurate info and as a member of this forum to strongly advise that before anyone makes any speculations or trying to interpret things the way he / she wishes to and provide a post here , to read carefully both guys , they are accurate 100% of their info , guaranteed . Again , thank you guys 🙏
  4. Missing Nelly .. hopefully the whole friendship thing and not their particular moments . Excellent info resume as always 😇
  5. Holly is one of these girls that it is a miracle to get any negative comments , one of the most adorable in history , that’s for sure 😁
  6. I hope she becomes more active in general since many more activities open slowly in Barcelona
  7. It makes even the posting here so much more relaxed and with peace and joy , without any trace of anger or bad mood 😁😆 .. and all these just some days before the return to work after almost 19 months 🥳 good times .. plus a teasing is always needed 😝
  8. A great observation and for sure a pleasant new attitude .. but you know how it works , RLC is an adult entertainment site and I don’t know if ( only ) these activities can keep the viewers busy for Holly 🤨
  9. Thank you for the answer ☺️ If I understood correctly then , the current lifestyle of the girls is what to be expected to keep on and no big changes are about to occur as whatever is happening is interesting enough to keep the viewers attention . In any case , thanks for your answer again , I have said it again that I appreciate always your efforts of giving actual answers confronted with arguments 😇
  10. 28 degrees and going strong getting Kitty’s color 😂🤣 slowly
  11. Like him or not , this guy actually brings the term “ real life “ as it is … because he is simply this ( as also Gina ) .. real .. no fakes … just daily problems , stress , catfights , arguments , neighbors , relatives , this is the most active real life apartment , even for the wrong reasons . It is incredible to have so many comments concerning two tenants that in days combined in front of RLC cameras can perhaps outnumber all the rest cast of Barcelona and still not being boring and create what RLC actually wants … that is a big “ buzz “ for their apartment 😎
  12. Holly and Megan simply tired and they are just now participating because RLC seems not being able to find replacements ( for whatever reasons ) . Megan and Holly started great with their current stay ( Megan had Rocco in the villa for 2 or 3 days the first couple of weeks of her return , Holly dated two guys if I remember correctly , she had sex with one of them , i believe she wanted to have more with him but he was scared of the cameras in my opinion ) , we were ready to have the nuclear missiles ( Megan / Holly and crazy Gina ) going wild only to be let down very quickly with a quick “ flash “ of Holly “ doing” Daniel and a possible BF who visited her . Other than that , expectations quickly disappeared . They are still big assets for RLC in my opinion but especially Holly , i think they both want out and go and have their normal lives , family and friends .
  13. Can I politely ask what everyone expects to watch ( more ? ) from these two girls in the near or further future ? I understand ( and accept ) that for many this is really great . So , for this apartment , is this is always how things should be ? What are honestly here the wishes of people who watch day in and day out the apartment ? I apologize if I am off topic but i consider my question as part of how daily life will be ( especially when Covid is leaving us with only a devastating memory to be remembered and in 1-2 months 70-75% of normality will be back ) . Thank you already for any responses
  14. Là où la logique s'arrête, Harley commence 🤨🙃😬🙄😐
  15. Much younger than you dear friend but can’t do more than respect , applaud and admire you for your sincere and honest thoughts here ☺️ You are already better from people who “ have built “ forum’s topics ☺️
  16. I think it is Martina’s exams period and studying that has caused this “ cold “ in progress ( which is great because apart from the sex , no one actually wanted to see Nelly and Martina together ) . My belief is that Martina will be around and fully explode ( in nice ways 😇 and not full sex , drugs and RnR style 😁 ) after finishing her exams and I will dare to say that RLC will do a lot to keep her if she announces them that she wants out 😇 But that’s just what I think and summer will reveal the plans of the couple 😇
  17. Vodka it is for sure 😁 … for shots .. hmm , no problem for me , personally I can have really much to drink , but no whiskey based shots 🥶😱 I can drink really a lot , as long as you don’t mix , it isn’t a problem . Avoid any combination of either wine , beer and tequila in one night and there’s nothing to worry about 😉
  18. Most probably , Babi will go to her own place when Masha returns in Rome . They are just friends .. we hope for an apartment for Babi , she’s great as a tenant and WOW with her short presence this time ( it is her 2nd , last year she was in Barcelona ) .. maybe of course she returns as a tenant in Barcelona , we will see
  19. I don’t have the English vocabulary knowledge to explain , black sabucca I was drinking at the clubs when out for more than 10-15 years , I am a vodka - Red Bull guy now 😂🤣
  20. We will miss Babi , this is all I can say for the time being 😔 Also the birthday in Barcelona was fun now at the end , when Bruno’s brother was getting a BJ and I think Zac is sleeping in the nearby couch , that’s some really cool stuff 😂🤣
  21. Ahh , sorry , I thought this was known .. hmm , ok , alcohol , quite heavy , it is the most famous Italian alcohol product , as we Greeks have ouzo and metaxa , whiskey for the Americans and Scottish , vodka for the Russians , this is the sabucca for the Italians . Sabuca comes in two varieties , white and black , both are equally nice , alcohol taste is sweet , white sabuca is more famous but the nicest for me is the black 😎
  22. Last time they left , this time a shower is offered and they will most probably sleep all together , it works for all of them as they want it i believe . It’s also great that although Babi thinks the financial things of her RLC current short ( most probably ) stay , she doesn’t give a shit about the cameras and she does whatever she wants , it is really all natural and not a show ( at least that’s how I “ collect “ this as a viewer ) .
  23. Glasses guy has tried group sex again , I haven’t understood well for the other guy . I can only tell by their talks that they want to somehow fulfill some fantasies and expand their sexual experiences . For example , it is really great the way I see it that they don’t care about the cameras , the guy now plays with the vibrator just to see how it is . This is funny but shows that they really live it for themselves and they don’t care about how it might come for them and so on , Babi’s win is that she has made these guys not caring for the cameras . The alcohol though for sure affects their performances , one guy said it even , “ no sabuca next time “ 😂🤣
  24. Haha , no problem of course 😀 and I am also not trying to defend them , I agree that this was just trial / error and continue 😂 and not what we can expect to see when sex is happening . But it is what all three seem to want , just to try something different , whatever they do they all three love it ☺️ They have 15 more days to reach a good level , I think they will repeat .
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