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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Yes , that’s a good point , but I think by next week already , we can know much more and in details of how traveling will be possible . In Greece for example , on the 11th of May they will announce when the flights from Russia to Greece will start , this in my estimation will happen minimum end of May .. therefore , if it is open for one EU country , earlier or later will be also for the rest , Spain’s and Greece’s economy is very much dependent on tourism and i believe both counties will start more or less the same time .
  2. Ahh , sorry , I haven’t heard that ... but I can’t honestly see any pattern for Masha to abandon Rome for a totally new project . Except if money or job opportunities are difficult to resist . But then she comes to Rome and arrange all before moving to Barcelona .. I don’t think so though that this scenario is possible to happen .
  3. She was showering with her clothes and a guy inside the bathroom , he left and then she took of her clothes and put a towel around her body so as to go to her room and just put the t-shirt she’s currently wearing
  4. Without defending her , I think she is like having a different role than in Barcelona , not a GOV role . It has been a couple of times that she looked horny ( with Masha’s guy ) but it is the people who are invited also that aren’t like the “ expiration. date “ guys she was meeting in Barcelona since she knew that she would go back in italy . These people seem to be long time friends , If bars get open as Italian government thinks slowly to allow ,maybe we see more spontaneous things but then it won’t be much time left . If I could predict , it might be that she’s offered to go back to Barcelona when Masha returns or the least expected and totally surprised , RLC have plans to bring on air a new apartment in Rome and Babi is just moving there ejtn Masha returns . At least she isn’t shy and she has a way to be very social and make all of the guests feel comfortable and don’t bother the cameras .
  5. The shirtless guy seems straight , he just said “ la mia ex “ indicating that “ mia “- mine - is a female ( and he speaks about sex also at the moment ) 😉
  6. Masha returns for sure , I think she is a very valuable asset for RLC and they can’t lose her , at least till she quits . This is the reason I think that they gave the detailed info . As I have said recently , I don’t think there’s a hidden agenda for RLC , I believe they simply can’t find local girls from Barcelona ( Russian speaking ) and they are waiting patiently so they manage to bring repeated or newcomers from Russia / Ukraine . Borders will be slowly opening , as soon as Greece begins with tourism (14 May ) it will be an impact in whole Europe , it will be like a domino that traveling can be possible again and in my estimation , middle May and a week more or less later , Russian / Ukrainian flights will also be easy , EU is considering to announce the traveling system beginning of May and allow visitors from countries that are doing great with vaccination ( Russia is doing great ) . All in all , we are at the end of this adventure and I think RLC is currently on full stand by mode waiting EU authorities of what’s going to be .
  7. NV makes obvious the scar as you mention . That’s why you also see Masha sometimes have a rather strange walking motive . But that’s why it’s one more thing to admire on her 😇 the ability to overcome the difficulties ☺️
  8. Last year , it started at this period more or less that RLC had newcomers and repeaters that absolutely did so much and as it proves nowadays , got less appreciation than the almost nothing we have been watching with their successors .. let’s hope for a better summer/ autumn and the upcoming changes , I agree completely with your post except VH that I have no clue 🙄
  9. Ulyana has been the one they should have done anything in their power to keep , this girl could be the next RLC girl .. but .. 😔
  10. My team , olympiacos , we have a crazy statistic , whenever we play a top club in our champions league group since 2014 , this club reaches the final or even takes the trophy 😁😇 insane 😂🤣
  11. I think he looks forward going back to his life before the cameras , the happiest I saw him since a long time was spending time with Bogdan in the villa some days ago .
  12. An imagination that I dare to visualize by writing it here .. in a comparison to many others who have quit trying by the constant posts of the crusaders who have managed to silence opinions and make this topic here the topic of the fanatics .
  13. I know as much as you know what you suggest to know marked with bold letters . I have an opinion I post it , I will become tired saying this i guess as in order to post here you need to know private things , communicate with the tenants so then , and only then , for anyone to be able to post here .
  14. Let’s say that Monica consider C&C more sensual than passionless Lorraine 🙃🤓
  15. This time she came unprepared as it seems ,maybe it wasn’t her intention to “play “ as she uses her fingers for once 😁
  16. And let’s see if it is a handjob for him once again 😁😆😂🤣
  17. Carlos gets his birthday present but nothing different than his daily routine sexual life 😂🤣 And Monica seems to finally have made up her mind that C&C shows are way much better than Loraine’s 😂🤣
  18. Thank you for proving my post with the confused emoji my dear friend .. I wish you had the balls to present an argument such I did and explain your confused emoji . One more proof of my saying by becoming a joke 😂🤣😜🤪😜🤪
  19. Good point and questions and will reply in time , I had to use much English knowledge for a recent answer at anther topic and my stamina is off 😂🤣
  20. I repeat ... I am not a native English speaker , I am writing things as come in my mind as supposed to be in my native language , greek . If I analyze every word I wrote , every comma I use , if I go back all the time to correct any mistakes , I might post ( for the favor of the majority here 😂🤣) 9-10 posts per day . For the thousandth time , I watch Leora literally , if I should say whenever I take a look when I watch RLC and not “the whole day “ , I plead guilty as suggested by exaggerating . To the point , no matter what me , moos , Aladdino , nagachilli2 and whoever else is posting for years in this forum we post a different opinion , it will always be defended . I never doubt your opinion , I hear , I read and at times I disagree and others I agree . I will fight with all of my strength and praise Leora as I have done many times when I believe she’s worth it and I will be criticizing her in a negative way when in my opinion she’s worth to be criticized as so . You don’t agree with me , I am neither in the mood nor I have the power and the abilities to prove myself of my saying . It is simply my opinion written and presented in whatever arguments and not just to make my comment . If you or anyone else can’t understand this , out of respect to the forum , I will keep not posting in greek so as to make exactly my points in my native language and can only promise to improve my English so as no more misunderstandings in the future . I am not perfect , I make mistakes and I do also right things , I am a human being . If for you and anyone else that whenever a different opinion is presented with valued arguments and you immediately surface to defend her because she is doing it the perfect way always for the last 8 years and she’s God’s dearest , sweetest and prettiest creation and you can’t see her obvious mistakes , I have nothing then more to say that Leora is indeed the Eve of our era and she deserves the paradise . I am tired of the arguments , fight me , make whatever fun of me , call me idiot , give me stupid emojis , confused emojis , ironic emojis ... but I will always keep on coming to express my opinion in this forum whether you agree or not , no matter if it is right , wrong or whatever characterization exists in the English vocabulary . I will always respect yours , pepe’s , masterchef’s passion for Leora but this will never ever prevent me from stating my mind . Whatever you or anyone else will do to downgrade my opinion , to make me appear a fool , I don’t care . Enjoy Leora as i also do whenever I find her interesting to watch , stay hidden whenever you think that nothing is to be mentioned but for many others , a negative comment will be posted because that will be only , a simple opinion , based on facts . Have a nice night , i am too exhausted to fight with words with you , we will never agree , at least i have made peace with myself with that , I have accepted it and i just move on with my thoughts .
  21. I am sure he is thinking “ what the hell am I doing here ? “ 🤩. but I think he has been really fine so far , despite the obvious age difference with anyone of the cast .
  22. Yep ... bad game for the French in the 2nd half .. it seems like we get a Real - Manchester city ,except if Chelsea manages the surprise with the help of the 1-1
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