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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. I agree that he is more dangerous .. Gina is just one more girl for him and he takes advantage of the situation , this I have no doubts . I just can’t blame him because he is smart . It is morally wrong , but I don’t judge this here , i only say that the guy is taking advantage of the girl , a girl that she knows that the guy is taking advantage of her but still , she continues . I do also believe that curly cares for her but he isn’t ready for a commitment , if the chance for a fuck comes , he will take it. I think Gina will say the obvious “ sorry , I have a BF “ . Smith is an Angel compared to Bruno 🤓
  2. Your arguments are great , but I tell you something that is statistically proved . Couples after a certain amount of time , become boring . Subscribers don’t fancy anymore to see a couple fuck for the 500th time , they have seen it already, if they miss it once , they can catch up another time , boring it becomes . The only thing that can keep a couples apartment “ subscriptions busy “ , it is their interactions with others . Everyone wants to see guests , new faces that maybe won’t be shy and do things on cameras , take showers naked , maybe flirting while one of the two isn’t present in the apartment ( tribute to legendary Dick and Jane 😁👏👏 who for such a short time , so many talks of the short , tempting and super sensual girl who was often visiting and everyone was expecting that Dick fucks her brains out - sorry for my expression 😱🙄 ) , generally for an apartment to not becoming boring , it needs to stay busy with other things except sex . The biggest asset of this couple it is that they are both locals and they have a big circle of friends , something that I believe it will prove to their benefit in the long term and the things that can be in the apartment ( parties , friend gatherings for talks and games and so on ) . But in order also for this to be successful , new faces are needed to be seen , otherwise, if it is going to be only the girls or the faces we are seeing so far , it won’t be of much change than their stay in the villa 😇
  3. I think the last days , the relation between Masha and Nelly seems to be restored back to normal . They have taken both time to talk , they went out together , it seems that they found a common agenda again . They are both not children or amateurs for this RLC business and they both know what it is better for both of them and RLC . I think they will be just fine .
  4. This is another stupidity of RLC , they “allowed” Gina to have an apartment of her own with the request by her as it seems that the boyfriend moves with her ( total speculation of course ), obviously they both have other apartments ( the ones that they used to live before entering RLC , especially curly ) , either of her or of him as i don’t think that this is like their “ normal “ apartment in Barcelona , they can be easily renting their apartments to others so to make money ( illegal in many countries to make the overenting - if this term exists 😬 - , but I don’t think they are afraid to risk with such things , curly has been involved to even worse things during the pandemic ) . I don’t know if RLC is aware with the papers as it can cost big problems to them I guess with the immigration office . On the other hand , he is already many years in Spain and in Europe as we know , it isn’t so difficult managing to stay undetected , especially when he speaks Spanish , it makes it easier for him . There are millions of illegal people in each EU country but somehow , and in favor of human rights perhaps , the countries aren’t so strict to chase down all of these people . The problem for me are the temper issues that have been appearing more often and this is what I think will cost both of them their future in this apartment . I find it very naive , in my opinion , that curly risked all of his possible future RLC presence by deciding to become a “normal “ for RLC , it might be that he has big financial problems as the pandemic has affected his “business “ as it seems .
  5. The song says .. “ When a man loves a woman “ , you simply paraphrase it to a “ When a woman loves a man “ and here’s the story .. Gina loves this guy , the guy knows it , anything that is happening it can’t be more normal than what we watch . But the problem is that Gina seems to be addicted to him and although I believe she knows that this isn’t right , she can’t escape .. again , love it is . I have no problem with curly as to me he has done nothing wrong 😁 , his behavior is one of the millions of men that do this daily to women as there are also million women who take advantage of their men , there’s no difference between the two sexes . The difference with this story it is that it is happening in front of cameras and obviously the heat is at the maximum point . If they both don’t calm down , I expect worse things to happen that might ultimately lead to closing again one more apartment . Let’s hope that common sense will prevail and when they are out of cameras , they can talk their behavior for the life inside the apartment , although the drama between these two gives the complete meaning of “ private life of other people 24/7 “ 😬
  6. Nothing of what has been expected , hasn’t happened already . Very predictable , I just believe it happened earlier , I thought it would be a week or so , but in a way it is a week if we add the unofficial moving of the couple last Tuesday in the apartment 🥸😁 ... I don’t think it will change something , this will be the pattern here , a Kitty & Smith upgraded version but with Gina risking also to be removed from RLC if domestic violence occurs , this is different now than being the GOV that she was and the fights that even if they were happening in the villa , would affect her RLC presence much less than now .
  7. You are very right , it is generally a boring RLC period and all of the apartments don’t offer anything worth seeing . It needs a shake up , patience is the key and let’s hope that it gets better .
  8. It is new watching Radi , everyone will like it for enough time but then it will become a loop ... except if we see more things like everyone expects to see in the Prague apartment 😁😆 a genuine copy / paste but I agree , very sensual 😇
  9. I think we get a “ massage virus “ at the apartments 😂🤣 this is like Leora and Malia transmitted in Barcelona .. or Pam and Radi or with whoever and this similar session projecting in Prague 🥸🤡
  10. I think she is working in day time and if no obligations for her child , it might be easier for her staying at Babi’s . She also adds to viewership 😋
  11. What can I say about the anti-vaxxers ( thank you for the word by the way , added to my English vocabulary 😇 ) , I always say as a joke , whether you die on a Friday evening or on a Saturday morning , you will be buried on Monday . But this is OT and I will stop because it will create so much opinions and counter opinions and I already saw one of my posts getting deleted today ( which wasn’t my post actually but a copy/ paste rule 7 if I remember correctly of the forum that I answered to a forum member )
  12. They are a married couple , it is more than real , they used to have even better , crazy sex sessions when they were “ home “ in their country and environment . They were one of the most popular couples , many fans , Nelly actually one day wrote on a paper and pointed to the cameras - thank you guys -showing her appreciation .. that’s also one of the reasons I think that RLC asked them to become COV in Barcelona , although Nelly seems that she always wanted to go to Barcelona . We should never doubt them as a couple , the unpredictable thing is the development of Nelly and Martina , I personally believed that it was only sex , but there are more things behind of what has happened and maybe one day they will be revealed at the forum . In my opinion , it is Nelly who somehow has lost control of the situation in Barcelona , although it seems that she had always an agenda but it became complicated .
  13. Vaccination will help so even if a new wave comes ,it will just be like getting a common flu .
  14. Replay helps to catch again and again all info ☺️
  15. I agree that any of the girls at any of the Barcelona apartments can’t offer anything more . The comparison to last year girls who so many accused ( even me at times ) is beyond any imagination , they all did things on camera , some of them were new faces who really offered many entertaining moments to the subscribers . I believe it is more than obvious that somehow the majority of them calls for an “ exit RLC “ 😔
  16. It is one of the moments watching this couple that you think that till they break up ( that I strongly believe and I feel sorry for Gina because she will get extremely sad and perhaps start drinking and doing one stupid thing after another to forget 😔 ) they will fuck at every inch of this house and somehow contribute to RLC’s technical ( audiovisual department 😄 ) of possible sex angles ,camera positions and adjustments and all these tiny but essential information 😂🤣for any future tenant 😂🤣😂🤣 Somehow , Gina and curly are “ testing “ the apartment 😆😆😆
  17. I am sure we will be finding out soon what the issue was about , especially if it was something of great importance .
  18. Ahh , ok , didn’t know that , I have read that he “ took holidays “ quite some times after mods decisions and I believed that was “ banned “ .. wrong interpretation of things 😬🙄
  19. She feels secure , somehow it is her “ sanctuary “ if I can say so . She feels that there she can share anything with her fans , happiness , sadness , smiles , tears . It is her happy isolation place , the exact place she feels being herself , that’s my belief ☺️
  20. There are women who go crazy with the slaps and they feel dominated 😉 They are also a couple since many years and they know exactly what turns both of them on 😁 Linda loves the slaps , sometimes she does also to Tibor 😂
  21. The more she escapes her 4X4 room , it is a hands up 🙌 from me 😎
  22. An Olympiacos authentic t-shirt here costs 85€ , to give it as a Christmas gift or birthday or whatever , it is a fair price . I can send you whatever European team’s t-shirt from here with 15€ if you want 😁😆
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