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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Radi and Megan love knowing the viewership , it makes someone wonder how they haven’t engaged in shows together ( so far ... 🤨🤓 ) They would be both very happy with the results 😆
  2. If Gina wasn’t crazy for Cesar and she was like any of the girls he had before and not so serious ( for Gina ) , it could all be possible happening tonight . It will just be a farewell night and till they meet again in Rome hopefully 😉
  3. Finally Masha revealed that she’s a fellow orthodox believer 😂 Every Sunday she goes to the church 😎 God bless Masha 🙏
  4. So .. it is the ex , the current and the woman who can have them all if she wants 😆🤓
  5. I am saying what you say since many months only to have obtained the “ stamp “ of a hater by simply expressing my opinion of what me , as a viewer and active subscriber would like to watch and not what the girls should do . It has become tired for me trying to explain it , but as you mentioned , apparently the cuddling and mutual bating is what excites the viewers , so , we all get what the majority as it seems prefers . Few people have given excuses when I repeatedly asked about this double life that the girls have chosen to have , jimbo4 to his credit and as he never hides to state his opinion , believes that it has to do for security reasons , in which personally I don’t agree simply because in all of the years that I watch ( perhaps people who are subscribers since day 1 of RLC can bring examples that I am not aware of ) , it has never been any incident concerning the safety of any participant . The girls seem to have lots of friends outside , as for their choice , the friends are kept away from visiting except a male friend who appeared 3-4 times ( which shows that if they really wanted , they don’t have a problem ) . I accept that these friends don’t want maybe to appear on cameras , I am questioning the fact how it is happening so easy at the rest of the apartments . Another recent excuse ( after a post that I made this past week at one of the GOV apartments ) had to do with the fear that if the girls bring people inside , they might be characterized as whores , sluts and I don’t know what else , this is because of how the GOV in Barcelona are characterized by the some ( few ) of the members who post here. I also don’t accept this excuse since this is a roommates apartment , the girls are permanent and Leora has proven herself and if she really thinks that she’s the self proclaimed Queen of RLC , it could be up to her to prove us wrong and just behave as human as possible . Anyway , you as a moderator will never get smiley or confused emojis 😁😆😂🤣 , I am waiting for this with jovial patience . Good to know that there are also others who think the same as me and I am not this paranoid 😜🤪😝😂🙂
  6. I admire you by managing to express your thoughts by writing in this forum with what you have suffered , much respect my friend . As moos54 said , if it was for any other tenants , I believe they would have for sure get notice that this isn’t the way of participation in RLC . But it is what it is , we pay to watch , if we don’t like , we can simply change apartment and watch what really pleases us .
  7. Malia has much potential in my opinion but she has remained completely under the shadow of Leora . Unfortunately , we never got the chance ( at least so far ) to discover and find out her personality and character as she has kept it away from the viewers .
  8. When the beach and activities are open here once again , I will make the favor to many people here and won’t be such an active poster , it will be real life again for me , it will be time for cocktails , shots , sunsets and flirting to English , German , Italian , Czech , Russian , French , Belgian and Dutch tourists and finally have the real fun again than commenting about two girls who belong to the wild imagination of many in this virtual world .
  9. Yes .. I wrote it in Latin letters , I know how it is written in Russian also because I studied for 6 months ☺️ thanks for clarifying of course ☺️
  10. If you mean in my country 😇 , the beach is always open , we just have all beach bars , restaurants and similar activities closed , we expect the tourism to open officially on May 14th and then activities open also 😂🤣 Madness .. locals are depended with the opening of tourism to have some life again ... In Prague , I think by the end of the month , lots of activities will reopen , it will be interesting to see how the two girls will adapt .
  11. A look at the comments in this thread will oppose your opinion ( an opinion that I agree with you ) , no one understands how the top cams system works , it is rather funny that when the apartment is empty for many hours during the day or when both of the girls overnight , top cams keep on appearing for this apartment at the main RLC page . I will say something that I read somewhere else , Leora was fun when she was with Paul , now it is just a theatre , everyday the same act . I don’t have personally a problem as people like it obviously ( i don’t watch synchro bates , I am always a fun of spontaneous things and not bating for the cameras , but others like it so it is fine ) , I watch Leora since February 2016 and of course I am the last to talk in comparison to the eternal and faithful hardcore fans , but as I said some days earlier , the amount of people posting and commenting in this topic , show also the dynamic of the apartment . Good friend moos54 said that if it was any other resident than Leora , who everyone admits that made this site famous and established it as the best voyeur site , RLC would have replaced both of the girls since in my opinion they don’t offer anything except bating . As always , my humble opinion and expecting the usual reactions 😆
  12. I believe any changes expected can be possible by middle of next month when restrictions will be almost over .
  13. Somehow , they need both to justify their participation in the project and their salaries , I don’t think they have both offered anything else . But people even love to just see them next to each other watching from the IPAD , so , we can’t complain as they give to subscribers what they ask for .
  14. I consider them the most “ creative “ couple , they always find different ways to keep themselves entertained and busy .
  15. I will say again that I think it must be a health problem and not because of her being lazy . I don’t think she does things different than the majority of the girls . I hope she takes care of this problem .
  16. You need to know a basic thing about Harley that perhaps could prevent you from having to answer him in such a detailed and based of reasonable arguments comment . Harley isn’t a subscriber , he has no idea what’s happening because he can’t watch ( he hates RLC actually and wants that it shuts down ) , his opinions and posts are based on “ sources “ that he has who provide him with info of what’s happening ( go and figure out , a person who has an opinion without watching 🙄 ) and in many cases , they send him videos and photos without him asking , they are good Samaritans ( his sources ) and they all risk to be banned by RLC on providing photos and videos for him ( that of course in a 5-10 minutes video you can’t definitely get the whole idea ) . All in all , welcome to Harley’s hating and illusional RLC world , a world that Serafima’s tits are fake ( because he has heard a conversation explaining how she fixed them - I guess he also speaks Russian - ) and a world that Martina and Nelly’s sex is for the cameras and fake 😂🤣😂🤣 I am going to hide in my hole now because this is what he repeatedly asked from me the last time I made him lose his temper 😬🤭
  17. Tibor 😂🤣🥳 He can’t even fit in women clothes
  18. It’s the same here .. the many months of unnecessary lockdown after a certain point , it has inevitably brought different results than expected . My country due to its geographical shape , is consisted by thousand islands and 7-8 major cities .. in the cities we have almost the 90% infections per day and the rest that we have everyday 1-2 infections we have the same restrictions .. anyway , it is what it is . Next year on this day , let’s hope we are like Australia ☺️
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