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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Very strange this test and trial of clothes before putting in the suitcase . Interesting to see what’s going to happen or it is just clothes that will be stored so as there’s space for spring / summer feeling wardrobe
  2. Ariana always the most popular of them all , always welcomed everywhere and also most of the current cast visit her in her apartment . I find her the most normal and daily life person of them all . That’s why she will always be one of the best and for sure a top newcomer in history , can’t imagine if the world was as we knew it , how many amazing moments she would have shared due to her incredible socializing skills. She can make friendships with anyone just with a click of her fingers .. and at the same time get hurt because she seems to be a very easily trusting others person 😔
  3. The word “ work “ for what they have chosen to do is very specific and I think anyone can come with a different explanation . Is it work for example when she’s sleeping only to wake up , check her phone and go back to sleep and therefore anyone who was watching this certain moment has been compensated for the money he pays to RLC ( ultimately to the girls ) ? Is the word “ work “ for RLC the obligation of a tenant to be inside a house just in front of cameras or is it required from the tenants to perform any daily human tasks that increase viewership and potential subscribers ? ( the girls masturbating obviously is work , is it work when they sit on the couch with their mobiles or when they eat in the kitchen ? ) I reach around 75-80 hours of work per week in the summer and many times to temperatures around 35-37 Celsius daily and have two days off per week . This i consider work to be honest 😁
  4. La seule chose qui est sûre, c'est que les filles ne se soucient que de la vie qu'elles ont à l'extérieur et leur concentration est complètement pour cette chose. Dans l'appartement, ils savent quoi faire pour pouvoir remplir leurs obligations professionnelles (3-4 heures de travail ensemble ou suffisamment individuelles pour attirer les téléspectateurs) et la vie continue.
  5. It seems today is individual planning 😂🤣 they both come and go , in and out , no common plans .They are lucky that they can move so easily , in my country it is big fine if you caught to be out without any reason and as anywhere I believe , you can’t go out at all at certain times .
  6. The time will give the answers or if a “ mistake “ happens and a talk to someone else happens inside the apartment and translators “ catch “ it . About the corona thing , I think it is since a long time confirmed that they both don’t care , the hours they spend outside , moving easily around without worries as it seems , they both must have found ways to do it easily . The shows are fine , people like it and this is something of personal taste , anyone bored or not enjoying it or want to see something else , the answer is clear , just don’t watch it 😁😆 . I am not watching it but I tune in if I get the feeling that someone spontaneous is happening and that the feeling of personal pleasure is there ( mostly ) and not one more camera show . I guess I would have liked to see Malia’s morning masturbation earlier today to see if it was a camera show or she felt the need ( although Malia hasn’t proved me that she gets horny for herself to bate and she is a camera girl mostly ) Leora I have seen thousand times , I am only now enjoying if I see that she just brings erotism suddenly and out of nowhere , but it rarely happens . My interest is Malia because she has managed to stay a mystery . I wish RLC gave her an apartment and so both girls are by themselves , it might be then full potential for both of them , for Malia to shine and for Leora to be with herself and enjoy what she likes to do most .
  7. Dit is wat er volgens vertalers gebeurt, maar er is natuurlijk niets zeker voordat het gebeurt. Het feest was vorige week zeker, maar de politie kwam erachter en werd geannuleerd
  8. The only thing that most probably is going to happen is that on the 28th March , the airplane sign will be next to Martina’s and Nelly’s names 😉
  9. It will be sad if the time shows that Leora is “ using “ Malia ( I don’t really know what to think about 😔 ) for keeping the high viewership ( although we all know she can do perfectly fine by herself ) and the interest of the apartment when everyone is waiting to “ see this next thing between them “ . I personally have total faith of what The Wedge helped us with the translation to understand and if Malia knows all these and continues is even more sad than Leora having said all these to her friend and behaving like nothing is wrong behind Malia’s back only for the sake of money and her endless love for the cameras being the exhibitionist girl we all know that she likes to be ( which is fine 😇 )
  10. I am sorry to say this , but no matter how nice it is to see masturbations and whatever the girls want to do , for me it is just a repeating process , going in and out of the apartment , coming back to masturbate only to go out again and the same happening all over again and again . People watch it and they like it and it is perfectly fine , but I personally see nothing new or anything worth commenting . It isn’t a coincidence that yesterday night , the girls synchro bated and there were almost no reactions ( they even did it at prime time when people are browsing the forum ) , it is much more interesting for me to watch what happens after the words that Leora said to her friend about Malia and in general , you could see how the forum went on fire and again many people appeared to comment and post their opinion of what may have happened between the two . Yes , they all want to watch the girls ( who doesn’t 😆😆 ? ) but I think they are even more that are tired of this “ repeating and endless months scenario “ and they are more interested in seeing how the life of the girls will be than so interested if they masturbate one more time , for how much time they touch eachother and so on . It will be a very big disappointment for me , knowing that Leora has said all these things for Malia and haven’t informed her in a way of her thoughts , despite of whatever thoughts she has for Malia , to continue doing the shows with Malia next to her . This will make me grow a very sad image for Leora , no matter how big or small of a friend Malia is for her , this is for me a really sad and disappointing behavior towards Malia . The time will give the answers and in a way , define a lot for the current status and character of both girls .
  11. If Malia is alone at home and masturbates , it is usually because she has plans to spend a night or two outside the apartment , at least this is how I have figure out with her that happens most of the times . But this is a very strange week of what it is happening in the apartment and we need to have much patience as the time will answer a lot of questions according to the phonecall that Leora made to her friend in Russia . We will see what it is going to happen but maybe it needs some time to get the answers .
  12. You know in which category I belong 😉 but the tries from certain people to somehow prove things that we see with our own eyes and say that they aren’t real , it is beyond me 😔 I read about the incident , it must have been really funny watching this live 😂🤣 I think the respect from Bogdan to the girls and the opposite , it has been both ways created because of everyone acting in a way that they all at the end understand that this is just their working place and like every working place , they exist some written and unwritten ( moral ) rules ☺️ and they try to follow .
  13. I have , if my calculations are correct , around 40 days more to watch closely and observe well enough to form the ideas i have in my head 😂🤣😂🤣 Then , I might be login in to read the script from others 😂🤣 I need to make good service here ( where I live ) so I can welcome and offer good hospitality and services to people from your country so the money flows and at least being able to afford my monthly subscription and watch the drama whenever time will be allowing it 😆
  14. Yep , apologies , I was at Masha’s and thought it was Gina 😱
  15. Gina’s bed I only see Gina , no Cesar Edit ; Sorry my mistake , they are at bed together , ups 😬🙄
  16. Pff .. I need to catch up with the comments , that was surreal , Bogdan in the LR and Holly almost naked in kitchen , I hope I haven’t missed anything special 😨😨
  17. Be patient and it will be all soon slowly as it was . Everyone is wishing for both girls the very best and the saying is not to leave for tomorrow what you can do today , we aren’t always young , with the same passion and energy as both these girls currently are and have ..young and passionate . RLC doesn’t work for me since some minutes , so i don’t know if they were talking seriously or it is just one more evening for them . But i hope that Leora says to Malia all of what was saying about her to the friend in Russia , otherwise it isn’t fair for Malia to be kept in darkness 😔
  18. There was no reason pulo that is a fake message , why false information ? What will the person who provided the info has to gain ?
  19. There’s one certain thing in life . The ability to know when the time has come to try something different and make the step for it , risking . I don’t think Leora will change in the way you suggest ( tattoos , lost in the world ) but I strongly believe that continuing this way of life( what we are allowed to see show a person that has no interest of getting to know new things that might be helpful in future / Masha , learned Italian , music , model job , tattoos designing to others , so many things that she took advantage of her time in italy , I don’t say that Leora should do the same , but she also does nothing , at least that we see ) , it will be also more difficult for her to abandon RLC as the time passes by and all the benefits that it gives .
  20. As I said , I have no background info as I have no idea for both of the lives of these girls , except the things that have been posted through the course of time here at the forum . Even more for Malia that she is only 14 months a member of this crazy cameras world . I disagree that she hasn’t got a personality , everyone does , the thing is how to “ extract “ the characteristics of your personality and allow others to see yourself through these characteristics . I believe that from the moment Malia accepted the suggestions of Leora for mutual masturbation shows , touching, cuddling and anything we saw , it is pretty obvious that she seemed to like it and enjoy it , hell , I dare to say , I do believe she saw Leora as her bigger sister and admiring her for giving her the chance to her to know this new world . But , as everything in life , if you truly don’t love what you do , it will make you bored . Soon after the first common shows , Leora met a guy , Malia followed after some months as well . And the time spending with this guy , under the rules that exist in this house on how to meet , where to meet and bla bla bla , made her realize that she struggles doing this life , I think it was when she slowly started realizing that she can make her own way , that’s why we saw her more and more often outside of the apartment . She tried already for a week of holidays only to stop it after 3 days because of Leora’s health . Then she did it again recently not to mention of course the 48 hours vacations she has been taking the last 4-5 months . In my eyes , I think she has tons of potential , but she needs the right atmosphere to allow it to blossom . I think a Malia with her own apartment , controlling her life , living under her own rules and not the rules that Leora seems to have the house running , could make us see this hidden personality . Only a Malia away from Leora’s shadow could actually make us learn so much about her . Of course , Malia had always the chance to choose , but , she allowed also to herself to try and live the way that Leora lives her life . But as we all know , we are all individuals and because Leora is a master doing 1,2,3 things perfectly right , it doesn’t mean that Malia has the same talent to do the same . I personally wish that I was able to see beyond of what we have seen so far from Malia , of what she has allowed us to see from her . At the end , I am a sucker of sensitive and low profile characters and I believe this is how Malia is , a low profile character with much dynamic hidden and way too sensitive .
  21. I also said that in the beginning it was pure sex , nothing more than long fuck sessions . I don’t know now if I can say that there are some hidden feelings behind this relationship , but it is obvious that they both nowadays like one another apart from sex , who knows ? It might be for both of them an escape of their men relationship world , an escape of their routine sex life trying and experiencing wild fuck sessions that they both wanted to discover and it proved after 1-2 times that each one can deliver . I will agree with the more lust of Martina , but I will also say that I believe that Martina is also the one who controls the fuck sessions , she’s the one who will “ demand “ , who will usually lead Nelly . I think Martina is discovering her life and herself , maybe she feels how it is to be single when she is away from Alberto and wants to take full advantage of this benefit that Alberto has given to her , being able to sleep with a woman . But as I said , it is soon summer , the obligations will grow for everyone , the life in the villa will become wilder as soon as restrictions loosen , everyone is “ hungry” to go out for coffee , to clubs , at the beach , to meet guys and flirt . And since it will be busier for the tenants , the moments that we saw nearly the whole cast so many times together , it won’t be happening so often , we don’t know then if Martina will be able or wish to visit like now , anyway , the possibilities are endless . Nelly has much more to lose than Martina , she’s far from home , unless she has decided to residency in Spain , if anything wrong happens and she loses Bogdan , she is doomed . Martina is in Spain , she can always go back to her family , she speaks the language , she knows exactly how things work in Spain or order to make a new beginning if things with Albert won’t work out . Plus .. she is much much younger and with a far more extended future for decisions and choices than Nelly .
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