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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Real life shows that women , when especially are best friends , if they ever argue seriously , it can be a way with no return . We men , even if we argue , we are always better and know the way to reconcile and after a short time we can be great friends again . Women ? Disaster 😂🤣😂🤣.
  2. I don’t know what to answer you on that because I have no idea of Malia as a personality , for me Malia has always been a mystery and that’s actually why I prefer watching her , she has been “ fresh face “ and new . For as much as is that Leora maybe comes out bad , it can also be said for Malia because she has accepted all this life and has copy/ paste completely what Leora learned her to do and how to do it . My problem with Malia is that I never saw her “ own personality “ , her “ own character “ , no one knows what she likes , what she can do as hobby , to become horrible 😂🤣😂🤣 we don’t even know if she swallows or spits like we know with Leora 😂🤣😂🤣😁😆😆 I think after the first 6-7 months , she should have chosen to “ require “ and “ demand “ things in the house , to start kind of living for herself and not dragged by Leora to this completely lifestyle camera world that Leora simply loves and that’s why she’s number 1 . Perhaps Malia at times enjoyed that she knew she’s been watched but i believe most of the times , her working days was even more of an obligation than what it was for Leora who at least knows this world and loves it . Maybe then , the recent much time she spends with whoever and after some talks that maybe have happened , she is thinking a lot about it . But honestly I don’t know and we need to wait and see . As have been said since a long long time , this path of life it would lead ultimately to a dead end , maybe these are the first signs of it , we will see .
  3. The craziest thing is that I don’t think she cares 😂🤣 Perhaps Malia for her belongs to the “ peasants “ category as well ( sorry Malia )
  4. Of course , on the craziest and most paranoid scenarios of them all , perhaps it has finally the time arrived that we might be watching a head to head competition 😂🤣 who will dominate the views ? The underdog or the super gran favorite ? For the sake of them both , I hope they don’t reach this level , at least Malia’s behavior shows that she either needs a break or she is tired with all that or she is maybe processing ways to be even more with her outside of the apartment company . Nevertheless , i side with Malia on this , as a viewer I have more to expect to see from her if she wishes to share than with Leora that we have seen all. It is funny how the forum exploded today with just watching a normal human behavior and the continuous loving the cameras behavior at the same time at the same place for one of the rarest times ever ( which actually should be happening more often as this is the real thing in my opinion ) .. madness 😜🤪😝😁😆
  5. We were all commenting how it has always been a show after show , camera top view and so on and so on . Even when they decided to do mutual things , people that know much more about these two girls than the majority of the people here must have gotten by surprise . It can happen again , no doubts on that , but in my humble opinion , today we see for one of the few times ever , the absolutely coexistence of two girls who belong to the “ roommates “ RLC category . Doing their own things , caring finally for themselves and just enjoying each their own way of life. Leora the cameras world and Malia her calm that her book offers 😇.. of course maybe later they will be side by side again , but it is enough for me today to say that finally I saw a closer to normal human behavior than all these that has been going on for months .
  6. I think they are both satisfied with the sex they have as a couple after so many years .Nelly is new and obviously different with passion and tense , plus it is lesbian , it is much easier for women to give pleasure time after time if they are great with stamina . A man will always need his break 😂🤣 plus , after so many years , the priorities during their sex is different , they have standard things that know that please them and they aim for it . N&M , we know that they have had sex 4 times so far , we don’t know away of cameras . It is completely normal what we have watched during these 4 sessions , think of yourself during you first 4 sessions with a woman and how it was the 400th time 😁 .. especially here that maybe it is the 4,000th time after 9 years 😂🤣 When the honeymoon period ends , it will only be easy to say what’s going on . I say there’s no future between N&M and if it gets serious , they will lose both their men and then also their current relationship . I only say that if you are bisexual as a woman , you can be as lucky as these two women . They can have all kinds of sex , the way they wish and prefer and at this period they can have it simultaneously . Once again , the world and the way it is at the moment , works for the benefits of the woman 😂🤣😂🤣
  7. Who knows ? Maybe this “ cold “ apartment atmosphere between the girls has to do with the translation we got today and perhaps Leora has said all these things to Malia already , I was considering that it wasn’t fair that Leora thinks all these things for Malia and not having at least showed her displeasure or said anything . We will see ☺️😇
  8. I don’t say that I don’t like , for potential new subscribers that don’t know her , it might be a “ WTF “ moment 😇 It doesn’t impress me personally , many times seen it , so , it’s just one more of the Leora’s loving my job and the cameras evening , which I do really appreciate . But I belong to the ones who want to see natural things 😇 That’s why for example N&M currently occupy the forum talks , because they are involved in something completely natural ☺️ I think also here , maybe it is my idea , but I think it could perhaps be even more talks if the girls were dancing to music as they have occasionally been doing in the past , fooling around drinking alcohol , singing perhaps , in any case , just things that for sure would be for the cameras but with a different feeling . Anyway , as always , it is my personal taste and that’s why everyone has the choice to whatever he/she wishes ☺️😇
  9. And one last comment , I know that I disagree with most of the guys here , but honestly I prefer this normal human reaction and behavior from Malia than seeing Leora for the 4,000th time . I know that 90% want what Leora does but if she was doing it out of nowhere and just because she “ felt “ it and not like the current cameras show , I might consider to watch . But I know that I am a minority here and just sharing how I see it by my side ☺️
  10. Reading some comments , well , it could have actually be the first ever head to head competition if Malia was bating who will get the viewers . That’s something new and it would be exploding because of the talks . Malia chose the way for herself ( no one knows if she knows what Leora dues but would be interesting scenario of course ) and I like seeing her behaving normal . Maybe this guy finally does her good ☺️😇 Plus , who knows ? The competition would create other things inside the apartment if they hadn’t talked about and was happening spontaneously . Anyway , it is good to see them a bit apart and doing their own stuff .
  11. I will only say that for me it is more normal to see both of them doing things individually and not this almost everyday together everything . I like that they finally didn’t have a common bath and they both enjoy when together at home their showers by themselves . Yes maybe they will do again and it is nice ( even nice for us to see at times because then we will have miss it , which is always better when eating ) but all these things always together , pff , it was like “ hey , I need to be in my room now , read my book , masturbate “ whatever . And yes no one forced for anything but they already knew that side by side and bla bla bla , the viewership was exploding . Finally , for me at least , I see today a bit more normal things . Who knows ? Maybe Malia finally starts to be an individual and does things away from Leora’s shadow .
  12. This is a more complicated subject 😉 with Alberto is different sex , they are many years together , they have other chemistry as a couple with sex than what N&M have . It is a big subject for discussion . As soon as summer comes , we will then see how it all works out for everyone these new relations because they will be a lot out of the apartment .
  13. Yes , you are totally right , I have hardly ever read about her also at the forums and that’s why my wrong answer earlier that I didn’t include her as a sibling 😬
  14. Martina has a brother , he was some months ago in the apartment with a female partner ( great boobs 😇 )
  15. For the ones who watch only this apartment , it doesn’t worth either the 44,95€ per month or the 19,95€ per month . But for the ones watching all the apartments , the 19,95€ package is fine ☺️
  16. I am an expert having all the patience of the world 😆😆😂🤣 the satisfaction you get when you succeed , it is absolutely amazing ☺️😇😉 . The island , the blue sea and sky , the sound of waves , it simply gives you all the energy needed so as you can wait for good results ☺️😇
  17. I don’t like to read books personally but I had an austrian GF who was a really true “ book supporter “ 😂🤣 In my questions sometimes why she doesn’t buy a device like kindle for example to read the books there and not carrying a book always , she was always telling me that nothing can replace the sound when you change the pages , the smell of the paper , , just so many small things that they make the reading of a book an absolute pleasure . I am an electronic’s device fan 😬🙄😆
  18. Everyone can be handled if you press the right button , have patience and faith to this person , you win so much then if you manage this . They were before in this apartment but they were kicked out one month if I am correct before the incident with the Russian apartments ( July 2019 , K&S out June 2019 if i remember correctly ) , this is now the 3rd stay , they joined in autumn 2016 at another apartment before moving in spring 2017 to this one and staying for 2 years before they were kicked out . After the chaos with the Russian apartments , RLC brought popular couples from Russia in this apartment , Ulyana and Marat , Maracuya and BF , Lana and Robert and Kylie and Rush ( and the amazing Viola 😋😋 ) . Ulyana will always be my second all time favorite after Masha , absolutely one of a kind and she could fuck like a champ , apart from her incredible solo sessions , she was considered the “ new Leora “ actually during her first couple of months when she entered RLC . Ahh .. Ulyana 😇😇 Anyway , i think Kitty could be a major project for RLC but in a way I like she keeps this faith for Smith and whatever they share and have , this I can actually judge as real love as I said earlier , together both in the good and bad times that are unfortunately ( the bad ) more 😔
  19. Alla fine, tutti diranno che Leora è Leora e farà sempre ciò che vuole e ciò che pensa sia la cosa giusta da fare (che in realtà sono d'accordo)
  20. Leora riesce quindi a tenere aperte entrambe le porte nel caso qualcosa non funzioni come desidera. Ma questo l'ho detto personalmente 3-4 mesi fa, forse di più. Il tempo e le decisioni verranno mostrate.
  21. I am honestly excited because finally we managed to have a chat here and I think under really good circumstances and environment , just posted opinions of anyone who feels to contribute . I appreciate your effort as I said earlier , because it can be that others do also but they prefer not sharing which leads to endless speculations inevitably . Even if it isn’t 100% accurate , I don’t think that we don’t get the general meaning . For sure a wrong word can alternate a reality , but we have a general idea that I don’t think is so far from reality if GAG-HER wishes or has the time to confirm . In any case , it is a good feeling that opinions were heard once again here ☺️
  22. For Harley , they are all actors and even more , porn actors 😂🤣 I think Kitty wants to do much with her life , Smith also but maybe he is more lazy than Kitty , in terms of searching for opportunities . Czech Republic ( before Covid ) had the lowest unemployment percentage in whole European Union , therefore , jobs exist if they really wish to have something except sharing the apartment for RLC . Their life in all of their stays has been exactly the way we see it also now , the addition is actually the dog and for the subscribers , the “ slow down “ pace of Kitty when she used to dance , tease the viewers with her smiles and send kisses , masturbate often , facing the cameras , Kitty was amazing ( she’s still ☺️ ) . I can’t think the last time I saw Kitty “pleasing “ her fans , perhaps she feels betrayed with the comments she has had at times or for the majority here being so negative for Smith ( of course , the solution for the tenants is to stay always away from CC , criticizing will not cease existing and especially for the men , much unfair many times due to the jealousy that most viewers have for the guys since we all think we could be the perfect men for these women 😂🤣😂😆 ) I have a theory that maybe they are staying with RLC due to the pandemic and like this they have no worries with the current uncertain situation financially . As soon as life goes slowly back to normal , we might see them departing , but that’s my own opinion based of what it is seen in the apartment that apparently both don’t seem to enjoy .
  23. È stato detto che Paul è l'unica persona che può dire di no a Leora, può effettivamente prendersi cura della sua vita più della sua, ha altri interessi oltre alla sua (ex?) Fidanzata e penso che questo faccia impazzire Leora, non avendo l'esclusività e l'essere al centro dell'attenzione. L'altro ragazzo che può avere quando vuole e io credo e penso onestamente che le piaccia molto perché sembra darle ciò che Paul non può darle, questa è ad esempio l'attenzione che crede di meritare di avere, bei discorsi e amicizia così non si sente sola in questo nuovo paese e in questa nuova vita, forse anche del buon sesso che ovviamente non aveva con Paul. Non ci saranno voli dalla Russia con lo stato attuale fino a fine maggio, inizio giugno, nessuno sa quanto più si evolverà questo rapporto con Leora e questo ragazzo. Sarà interessante vedere cosa succederà se Paul farà il viaggio (in realtà non so perché Leora è così sicuro che accetterà) perché, ad essere sincero con te, non ho capito cosa Leora ha detto a questo nuovo ragazzo su Paul e su quello che Leora ha detto a Paul (se l'ha fatto) su questo nuovo ragazzo . Finalmente con il bel gesto di avere una sola traduzione, l'appartamento può diventare interessante da rivedere in certi momenti, soprattutto quando sappiamo le cose che Leora pensa per Malia e il suo comportamento nei suoi confronti.
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