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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Peut-être qu'elle a peur d'être seule à Prague, c'est pourquoi elle est toujours avec cette personne, surtout maintenant que Malia a aussi quelqu'un. Mais pour sûr, il doit bien faire beaucoup de choses s’ils sont toujours ensemble, disons que les bonnes choses doivent être plus que les mauvaises.
  2. I am surrounded by 5,000,000 olive trees on this island , nothing beats food that is prepared with olive oil , used in the salads and so much more 😆😁🥳
  3. Je pense que la façon dont elle a choisi de vivre sa vie à Prague crée des difficultés et elle ne peut pas faire plaisir à tout le monde, à savoir Paul, l’ami de Prague, Malia et les abonnés. Cette vie à l’intérieur de l’appartement qui est complètement différente de la vie à l’extérieur de l’appartement, semble s’affecter et créer des conflits que Leora ne peut pas gérer (pour le moment) comme il semble.
  4. It was good to see Amalia exercising , maybe she needs the villa then , use the gym , the pool , have Megan cook some healthy snacks or food recipes . She always remain a sexy woman though and in a way , more like the majority of the girls in the world than the “ hard working “ model type rest of the girls .
  5. I didn’t think that you were referring to me ☺️, it seems though that “ censorship “ appeared since , trying to read behind the lines ,comments have been removed 🤨 Anyway , let’s see if others members have anything to comment of what we watch 😇
  6. It’s just an opinion that I share in the forum , regarding the reactions all these months that she has with him when we see her in the apartment contacting him and how the phonecalls and the numbers of them per day are described by other members ☺️
  7. So , weeks after weeks , months after months , there have been some certain questions that never got answered ( of course because maybe no one knows - but still there are people here that say they know the girls well but perhaps they don’t want to reveal their knowledge to the rest of the members , which is absolutely respected ) , we only get usually teasings that people know but they don’t tell . Of course this , as respectful as it is , it adds to the negative atmosphere amongst members in this thread because everyone tries to give an explanation and certain people will laugh for whoever tries . Anyway , here are some questions unanswered . If Leora loves Paul so much , why she has ( confirmed ) a boyfriend in Prague ? If this boyfriend isn’t a good guy for Leora , why she goes always back to him ? If Malia was originally planned to stay for a short period why is she still living in Prague ? How Malia and Leora manage all the time to break the restrictions rules , avoid implications while the whole city is under curfew certain hours of the day and being able to walk out of their apartment any time of the day with ease ? The theory then , which is obviously a speculation and since I don’t have contact with the girls ( that I would never wish to even if I could because outside of the apartment they are the girls with their real names that I don’t care what they do , as I have said , I do care for what they do inside and they do little to few things ) , what if the guy that Leora meets is helping her with her stay in Prague , all necessary tips needed by being a guy many years living in the city and the Czech Republic in general , he is “ local “ ( Russian ) let’s say and even more , what if he is helping her with the citizenship papers and actions needed that she is required to do in order to manage and live permanently there ? Is this why she doesn’t go away from him despite many times not being in good terms with him ? Can it be that she is using him all the time for her own purposes and the guy , although he always tries to help , sometimes can’t make things possible and he gets angry with him ? Or is it as it has been said in the past ( not confirmed ) , a guy that he divorced from his GF ( wife ) , he met Leora who was under the same condition ( Paul break up ? ) and they have lots of common issues that in the beginning it was nice for both of them but then feelings developed and control was lost ? Whoever wants to contribute in the talk , maybe we can make some conclusions then .
  8. She was speaking to the Russian friends of Leora and Malia
  9. She is much distracted this week and not in a good mood for quite some time .. I will say unhappy but she tries ..
  10. If Kitty was getting the pleasure that Dick knows how to deliver , she wouldn’t be able to move for a week from her bed , trying to relive the moments 😉😁
  11. As an answer to your post , I will try doing it not at the same corresponded style ( commenting amongst other things that you are addressing a 6 years old , that someone else told me what to post , how my life and the way I live here on the island it suggests a way that I indicate for the girls to do , reasons that I get confused emojis ) . It seems then that you have very poor knowledge of my writing , believing that I have anyone indicating to me how , when and where to post , I don’t even believe that you actually believe the things that you are “ accusing “ me with the style of your post . Anyway , I think it hasn’t been made clear that we are all here to speak about the two girls . We all have the same interest here , that is to watch an apartment which will bring us entertainment , makes us relax and smile at the difficult times we are all currently facing . I already know that the chat is going to be one more dead end ( strangely , I don’t have high expectations when I am by nature an incredibly positive person ) because you have your opinions and I have mine and we see things with a completely different perspective . All of the posting I make , it is never a direct suggestion or command or dictatorship as you mention of what the girls should do . For the millionth time , it is my wish and opinion of what I would like to see in this apartment like the wishes I have at any of the other apartments I am posting and commenting , as others wish here to see one more bate , one more side by side evening , a possible finger penetration , Leora stopping this so called toxic relationship she has with this so called lover boy and so many others things that at times here members try to post as their wishes . Tell me where the mistake on this it is please . Leora and Malia have chosen what to do , we agree . And this is exactly the reason that everyone here has the right to state positive , negative , funny , serious comments , according to what we watch , whenever we get the chance to have the girls inside the apartment and watch them . The problem begins ( and I can’t believe you won’t agree ) that anything negative that it is referred , it instantly gets a smiley or confused emoji , isn’t it that real ? And why ? Because it is a post that doesn’t praise the girls ? Or it should always be praising and there’s dictatorship at CC so no one can express the negativity of the content provided by this apartment ? You and others see it as not negative what the girls do and offer with their participation and others don’t like it , where’s the mistake with this ? Isn’t this a forum for everyone to express whatever they want with the respect of course to the tenants and to the other members ? Where am I wrong with this that I write now ? I want to see things in this apartment , I want to see real life and action like it happens in all of the rest RLC apartments . I want to see two girls caring and respecting for the paying members that give them this luxury life they enjoy with their subscription , the way I realize this “respect” it is my own personal opinion and not a suggestion of what they should do . I don’t give a shit what they do outside , if they fuck , who they fuck , when they fuck , if they have a job , if they study , if and if and if and if .. I don’t care , it is their lives and as long as they are happy , I can’t wish anything less than this for them . But inside the apartment , I demand to watch their lives according to personal standards . And in my opinion , I don’t watch it . And it is my opinion to post whatever I like to watch . What does this have to do so a confused emoji comes and not a counter post like you did for example ? Why can’t it be a chat of what we see and what we don’t see ? And again , all this paragraph it is my wishes and opinions , not what I am asking the girls to do because I am in no place to demand from them , is this clear ? I could keep like an endless non ending circle of comments . But answer me please this if you wish . Are you satisfied with the direction and the no participation of the around 86,000 members of this site for one of the top 3 apartments or RLC ? I get it that you and hundred / thousand others are happy with what you enjoy from the girls presence and this is perfectly fine , but .. there are hundred / thousand others that don’t enjoy . The ones that don’t enjoy obviously will come and comment as also the ones who are happy will come and comment . Have you seen any serious chat since a long time here ? Have we spoken about Malia’s personality and character ? Have we spoken about her hobbies and interests ? Her habits while in the apartment ? The way she likes to sleep with pillows covering her head ? And Leora ? Why she speaks so many times with Paul since she has ,confirmed , a BF in Prague ? Why she keeps the lights on in the apartment ? Why Malia closes her door room when she leaves overnight ? Why the girls are both not interested in learning something while being isolated all these months due to the pandemic ? Have you seen any chats like this? Or isn’t it allowed that members here discuss about it ? That’s all I have to say , again I applaud you for stepping up and posting , if you think I am prejudiced with you or anyone else here , I assure you that it isn’t so , I have no problem with anyone and within some months , I have very good comments for my participation here at the forum and always trying to speak from my heart by analyzing what I see . For certain people , for my opinions , they are always confused emojis , no matter what . Answer me then please where is confused for you this current post because we both already know who the people that will give the confused and laughable emojis already are . Have a nice evening .
  12. I am here to watch the people , their reactions to emotions and feelings and analyse in my mind with what I see the characters and personalities of these people ☺️ . Anything concerned with adult entertainment content , it is simply a big bonus for me . Of course , it seems I am a minority here of how I see RLC as a project . But if I want only pure sex , I can find tons of it free in the internet 😇
  13. That was much easier for me and in a way that we can easily make a dialogue if you want . I will answer , obviously , during the day , my simple question is , rather than giving confused and smiley emojis for whatever reason , why anyone else but you can’t come me up with a post and explain to me the way you do ? Why finally you manage and you post something concerning something I commented and no one else does but prefers to give the emojis ? And not only to me , but others who have tried constantly again and again to express their opinion .. that as you saw , many agreed in a way , with the way I tried to explain myself . I will answer you later .
  14. They are also tired of these shows , after all they couldn’t stand any chance as soon as Martina made herself present in the villa 😁😆
  15. A more passionate and less wild session tonight , thank you girls for another great real sex moment ☺️🤗👏
  16. It is perhaps the rumored off cameras RLC apartment , the one that possibly N&B had while in Barcelona when they weren’t part of the project
  17. It could be 😉 But she would be already touching herself 😎
  18. I need to say this now , these two with a guy that could keep on with good stamina and knowing how to satisfy women , it would be the best threesome sex we could possibly see 😱😱😃😃
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