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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Differences of opinions when explained with reasonable arguments , that’s how it makes the forum work great 😇 We will disagree on this 😁
  2. The lack of passion between these two people can explain a lot . A teasing smile , a cuddle at the cheek , a “ couples “ hug , nothing .. even a tempting and desiring staring kind of “ I want you know “ , I believe you understand what i mean . I would have liked Miru to stay in this place as she seems at least to show some emotions every now and then , the only time I show a “ human “ Dantez was when he had the visit of his two friends ( couple ? ) last Saturday if I am correct . He was reacting , smiling , enjoying.. strange apartment
  3. This is the curse of this apartment , the weird stuff continues 🤯
  4. For me , it is a strange atmosphere both in B1 and B2 , i think they are tired and to be honest , as it happens to the majority of the world , almost the whole day inside an apartment doing nothing , tensions raised are inevitable . In general though , we are all here to be entertained and be relaxed with the girls and the atmosphere isn’t helping for the apartments to be watchable . Just my opinion of course as always 😎🥳
  5. The thing is that the villa girls ( especially Holly and Megan ) visit quite often the central apartments and Ariana is the only one who has often visited from any of the central apartments the villa. Anyway , some more days till the time change in Europe by the end of March and the warmer days and perhaps we see a more pleasant RLC environment than the “ boring “ to be honest current period .
  6. Yes they did , but it is really lots of questions why B2 girls in general have kept away from the villa for such a long time .
  7. The high heels that both girls ( Amalia & Pam ) tried out earlier , it seemed completely out of place , I hardly ever speak negative for the tenants , but this didn’t seem that fits them . Of course it is their choice , but as a man , i can’t say I was attracted , even though a big high heels fan and fetishist ( but the hat is always the top fetish for me 😂🤣 )
  8. Good points and observations . Harley will always try and alternate what you have seen with your own eyes and reached your conclusion , no matter whether is right or wrong . He isn’t a subscriber and he isn’t watching , he only makes his conclusions of whatever he reads in the forum and some others members ( as he claims ) that send him photos and videos . This is so you have an idea if many times you won’t agree “ watching” the same things . You will have visual proof so you can say what you believe , while he has no clue . I agree with your thoughts by the way ☺️😇
  9. By the way , Megan is so hungry for sex and seems the one missing it the most , which is normal with her daily communication with Rocco . Holly , Monica and Amira seem to deal with it better but also obvious that this whole lockdown situation has affected everyone. And the problem is that it will be like this for the rest of the month most probably as the infections decrease in a very slow rate .
  10. So strange that for such a long time , this rare co existing of Monica and Amira with Holly and Megan never happened , girls seem to get along pretty well , also good for us viewers to watch a different group of girls hanging out .
  11. Surprise visits in the villa .. another one in few days when they didn’t visit for nearly 2 months . Perhaps some explanations given and things might be better amongst the girls . Let’s hope that we manage to see most of them at a soon to be pool party as the weather gets warmer in Barcelona 😉
  12. They are both excellent with English language , Kitty at times has spoken and we have heard her .
  13. On the contrary , she is one of the most intelligent and always wiling to learn new things . It was just a praising post ☺️
  14. Excellent said .. and good points today in B1 , you are on fire of excellent observations ☺️😇🤗 Well done 😌
  15. It’s only a prediction that I made , I hope it doesn’t become a reality , but I would be surprised if it is proved wrong . On one hand , I want for Martina to experience life , make all the possible craziness of the world 😂🤣😁😆 , she is so young and when she thinks she has enough , settle down , find a guy ( high chances that it is Alberto as real love - and they have - never fades away ) and live happily ever after . If now Alberto doesn’t move on with his life , then what can I say ? He will always be depended on this woman who has spent almost one third of his life ☺️ At the moment of course , they enjoy what they have and we are making our comments and predictions without living their lives . Let’s hope that they remain away from the statistics predictions ( but personally for me so strange because I do want to see Martina live the crazy stuff in life 🤩 )
  16. Thanks for the info , I never read this or had any idea that it was like this before with her 🤨
  17. Ariana away of her routine ( she fancies more when she has the earpods to listen to the sounds while her mobile is switched to porn while bating ) , therefore her orgasm wasn’t the usual tensed , I am sure she would have surprised Amalia 10 times more than what she did , listening to Ariana’s famous moans after orgasm ☺️😇 Very fun to watch and one of the few times seeing Amalia “ embarrassed “ of what to expect from Ariana 😂🤣😋😎🥳
  18. One of the best , coolest and funniest couples that ever appeared , smiling and feeling great with one another .
  19. After getting this translation from emnv earlier and learning some more “ inside info “ for Martina and Nelly , I will alter a lot my thoughts about both of them . Obviously , the good sex has been an initiation for both of them to find other common interests as it seems , perhaps a friend that they both needed at this time in their lives so they can escape any possible pressure from their men , their life ( especially Nelly changing completely her life by moving to Barcelona ) , let’s say someone to talk to that in way it is strange , since Martina is Spanish and her long time friends should be located there . My conclusion will unfortunately be negative , there’s no future for both of their current “ men “ relations , ultimately , sooner or later , mixed feelings will start surfacing , creating problems , jealousy and similar problems . The problem is mostly for Nelly because she is far from home , her only other “ stand by me “‘ person is Bogdan and she will lose so very very much when and if she loses him with this current flame . Martina is young , she has many more alternatives whenever this “ honeymoon “ period comes to an end and her passion starts downgrading . All in all , i wish both of them the best , they have entered a very dangerous territory and the game is already going to have winners and losers , one of the girls belongs to either side 😔
  20. Let’s hope she remains in Rome area so we can see her as often as now 😇
  21. I agree that is a difficult and challenging period for everyone , but I also believe that if someone wants to find a job , it only needs that everyday have your eyes and ears open , opportunities never stop to exist . But somehow , someway , we all want to do things that look easy . For example , if there are free places at a factory dealing with orange packing in Barcelona , I can’t imagine any of these girls applying for anything like this ( just an example and I hope you get my point ) .. but the luxury life , the journeys ( Dubai , Phuket , New York , Paris , London , Barcelona ) , the - wealthy ( usually ) men , are a way of life that it simply can’t be overseen by any of these girls ☺️
  22. You are right ... but nobody is forcing them for this , it is their choice .. and they are get paid reeeeeally well 😉 At the end , nothing comes without a price . If they feel pressure , they can pack and leave any moment , imagine another job that you could quit without any actually side effects 😁
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