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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Seems like a back and forth chat with the fans ☺️ ( mostly about her eating )
  2. Ahh , you know , women 😂🤣 They will be fine ( Ariana has her ways ) ... I haven’t been watching to have a look what has happened to be honest
  3. You need to buy the greek yogurt ( original ) , it is the healthiest of them all ☺️
  4. You need to speak more English with Ariana ( because Ariana speaks great English ) , like this you can practice the language easier
  5. M&N = just a sexual flame as it is always when trying something new . If feelings have developed , so much for Nelly to lose than Martina . Martina only one relation in her life for whatever we know , the one with Alberto since she has been a teenager , time to explore herself ( as she does as it seems ) and discover new things and experiences . Alberto with thoughts leaving the project this year , my belief is that Martina stays , she enjoys the current popularity and she is the hottest and most discussed tenant at the moment , RLC will do a lot to keep her ( they can’t afford losing her , only if she wants to quit ) . Nelly is far from home country , once the flame with the younger girl is gone and maybe not realizing the great man that Bogdan is , it might be too late and I believe she will come to her senses with all this adventure . What matters the most , we , the viewers , have developed theories when both couples seem to deal great and have no problems of anything that is happening . Are they such good actors then ? Or both couples know exactly what is happening and we just want the drama and the speculations so as RLC means something to us during this period that the content is the least to say , boring and repeated ? Conclusion , either we have a repeated story of Masha , Dasha , Sasha or life will keep on , especially after the restrictions being reduced in a month or so , maybe we can see more interesting things with RLC and this story as it proceeds , occupies less and less the minds of everyone here . Let the people do whatever they want and let’s try not to judge them negative , it is finally some real life things and we keep on complaining even for that .. pff 😔
  6. Not a fan of this new hair style , maybe I need to get used to it .. as they say , when a woman changes the hair , a big change in life has happened or is going to be , let’s see if this proves once again . At the end of the day , she likes it , so this is what matters 😎
  7. Masha slowly back to the routine of new faces in her apartment , excellent as always .. predictions coming slowly as a fact as we mentioned a couple of days ago 😎
  8. At least you answer .. I don’t agree with you , so I deny the fact that what you say is right . Your excuse for the L&M apartment is funny as far as I am concerned , you say that you don’t watch and it is again fair , but i asked you a simple question ... L&M apartment isn’t even the same but worse of what you are describing for the Barcelona ones , why then don’t carry with your disgrace there since you neither watch the Barcelona apartments nor the L&M because you aren’t a subscriber ? Is this much hate you have for Barcelona because it isn’t the same content as you describe like when they brought this concept idea at RLC ? And how you know if you don’t watch ? Because of your sources that you never ask but they provide with content ? You can’t deny that you don’t post at the L&M apartments because you have repeatedly come into confrontation with the followers there , one has also insulted a family affair of yours if I am correct ( I am really sorry by the way for that but nothing different could be expected from a “guy “ like him , the archipeasant and loyal subject and the one who bends the knee to his stalker woman 😂🤣 ) , so , please give me a break with the not interference since you comment in all of the apartments except the one of Masha . And these are my wise Dr.Oz words to you , thank you very much ( LMAO 😂🤣 )
  9. Ahh , very good information , thanks for sharing once again 😇
  10. Page 23 Pepe 11,519 Posted October 31, 2020 On 10/31/2020 at 4:27 AM, ddhm said: I think everyone is obliged to follow certain rules , I don’t think that due to the popularity of this specific apartment things should happen differently . I also believe that Malia hasn’t informed the admins , but this would be a big speculation from my side . But then , RLC could contact either her or Leora so as to give the update of the participant . There are thousand of viewers worldwide and for sure thousands that don’t follow the forum here so as to know the information that we the members share . As a conclusion , I believe it is a mistake from both sides , RLC and the participant . But on a side note , for all Leora fans , Malia not being around , it is the situation currently needed 😉😇 There is no reason to put apartment on holiday when one the participants is still there. I think for them to do that the apartment must be vacant at least a week. I recall several times in the last apartment that Leora was gone a couple of days and never was the holiday sign ever put up same for when Paul was gone for a month or two it was never displayed. I can only remember one time there apartment even displayed holiday sign and that was when they both went on a mini vacation together.
  11. You are making your points , fair enough . Question .. Why you never take these comments and thoughts to the L&M thread and you keep on always with the Barcelona people ? L&M apartment half of the day is usually empty but I never have seen you posting about that repeatedly there or in general appear at that thread . In the end , is it so much different there that all your hating reflects to the Barcelona apartments for RLC ?
  12. I am single 😇at the moment ☺️ In general , you need to learn and trust the relation , at the end , whatever you do , even being the best guy ever , if a woman wants to fuck with someone she will do it . For this reason , this is why a man should not belong to the “ good “ guys let’s say and also behave some times in “ cruel “ ways , pretending bad behaviors , can’t explain it better , this is because women are very much attracted to the ones who are many times shit behaving towards them , but that’s a long conversation we might do another time . When with a GF , I am nearly 2/3 of the day with the GF ( waking up together , meeting after work ) I spend half of the week days at her place and half of the week days in mine . One day we spend single so as to have one day for ourselves so we both do what we are pleased . Me , meeting withy friends / parents / relatives and have the “ men “ talk when with the male friends from childhood , play PC games , go and play football , in general a day that you stay away from one another so you can somehow miss your other half , plus you give to the other the opportunity to do the same or whatever she is pleased . If she goes and fucks her brains out with someone else , what can yo do ? Absolutely nothing , you must have been doing something wrong as the BF if she reaches this point perhaps . Trust , faith and confidence on both of the individuals and then a relation 9/10 times work ( and talking to the other for everything even if it might sound a stupid subject ) therefore even if you can never be sure , this is how you know that your GF isn’t having many relations when not with you 😉
  13. Yes you are right , didn’t watch the last 20-25 minutes and left her just sitting in the chair looking sad .. that’s a better - and usual looking - Gina ☺️
  14. The rare thing is that she seems a sad Gina at the moment 😔, many times she goes in the kitchen and sits if she has been sleeping because she was drank , waking up early during the night and spending time on this same chair ☺️😇
  15. For many , it might have been disappointing but for whoever enjoys good talks and interactions here at the forum while watching , it was great fun indeed ☺️
  16. Well said , I would say not listening but respecting the people who provide her salary and ultimately the life she has ( shopping and so on ) .. I can’t think at the moment we will be seeing more but I think that this back and forth game with the fans , it will soon make her one of the most discussed ever ( and this only in such a short time ) .
  17. And imagine , nothing sexual happened .. just good atmosphere and also a chance for everyone to think that there’s still life out there 😇
  18. Radislava’s interaction and “ talking “ with the viewers is fantastic .. my total respect and appreciation for that 🤗👏
  19. I doubt he comes as well , was just joking with the comment ☺️ Still , since Day 1 , I have been saying that I would have liked to watch this 😋
  20. It should happen Gina and Holly and Curly comes in morning hours and sleep between them 😂🤣😁😆😝🤪😜
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