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Everything posted by ddhm

  1. Whatever we say and criticize Sera , we need to admit that she is a stunning beautiful woman
  2. Dared to make it 😆 I could keep it for myself than going public , here to take all ( very well deserved ) heat 😉
  3. Then we need to see what their preparations for carnival times will be , it seems simply a boring period and as everyone , the girls are tired of this lockdown / restrictions / curfew situation .. I can’t imagine how annoying it would be if I was their age and not being able to live my life 😔 Luckily for me I didn’t go through such a stupidity at their current age and nowadays it’s easier to handle life , being older
  4. I know 🥸 My prediction seems to be doomed at the moment😆 .. but the hope dies penultimate 😎
  5. By the way , it could be fun as hell having one of the girls making a vibrator / dildo gift to Sera 😂🤣
  6. But then , none of the girls would be interested .. even if money could “ shine “ 😂🤣 I think Carlos attitude has made all options “ burned “ for anything more 😬
  7. Difficult apartment ( so far ) to follow and get slowly and gradually attached with both M&D .. still , it is a happier atmosphere and better mood than E&P that it was” painful and sad “ to watch at times .
  8. Seeing Ariana and Radi without any special dressing code or make up preparations and with the mood in the LR currently , it seems that it is just a normal Friday evening gathering and Serafima’s birthday being the cause for an escape of B2 from their apartment ( again 😂 ) as it might have been another PlayStation evening 😁
  9. Claire seems that she isn’t going to join which is actually strange in my opinion ( especially if Carlos isn’t wishing to go and this affects Claire as well )
  10. The only interesting thing about this upcoming event , it will be seeing new faces , which most probably indicate that they are future RLC tenants 😉😇😆😁 according to Serafima’s statistics 😂🤣🤩🥳
  11. I apologize in advance on participating in this and in a way becoming HappyChappie’s advocate with the following comment , but he ( Happy ) is absolutely right with anyone here commenting what bullshit is and what is nice and what isn’t . For everyone this is a matter of taste , it is his own pleasure what he likes to watch and what not . How can we impose our personal opinion for something that it is being seen by thousands when the original idea from the business RLC is based exactly on that ; offer content addressed to different people with different tastes . So ( alladino ) , you judge something as bullshit and it is your own way of seeing things but it is tired , repeated and unfair trying to impose to everyone what you say it is right . It is our money , our personal free time , our definition of entertainment and as you say it is bullshit , we will come back 100 times back to you and tell you that we are pleased to see anytime that for example Serafima’s tits are bouncing and are ready to explode from her bra as she is preparing food or we will also comment when we see Monica visiting C&C place sometimes and try and masturbate while C&C are having sex next to her ... there are even users that they ( as it is debated lately ) want to tune in to see a woman put her head between the legs of another and use it as a pillow in a way and this image will be the most popular in times and repeated days .. yes , this is the most stupid and bullshit thing watchable for me , but I am not saying it out loud to anyone and judging this as so again and again on something they have chosen to watch . It is their money , it is our money and we have the options to watch whatever we want if we judge at times whatever it is worth watching . You are becoming tiring with your crusade , which in my eyes is what ? Say that RLC isn’t how it was ? It should be different ? What do you think you are achieving ? For the millionth time , you don’t like something , you call it bullshit , stop watching and find a site that you are still subscribing ( since you said you have stopped but you are waiting for the remaining subscription days to come to an end ) and comment there of what you would like to see or not and please , please , you are creating tense and back and forth dialogue without commenting on what we watch and what’s happening ( speculations , ideas , opinions about tenants and so on ) . I am trying to write less and less posts and not so long but my patience has a limit always 😔
  12. If she isn’t preparing snacks to take to another place , I also believe she will be organizing something .. but she is either out of schedule or she is running out of time , too much stress for her at the moment
  13. I am still wondering , how much more till RLC admins realize it and give M&A a much better apartment and have them moving away of this one which seems to have so many technical issues at times ? 🤬😡 It is a pity the way I see it having the couple that the female participant is one of the most popular on the site and not rewarding her ( and then of course Alberto ) with a new apartment , especially also being “loyal “ and having contributed so much for the last 4 years with RLC . That’s some of the actions of the RLC admins that when we say that they don’t behave good to their customers , look on how they do on their employees 😔
  14. Just to add one more theory 😎 That I can’t think that it might be so wrong at the end😁
  15. At the moment , Gina and Curly provide the best sex in all of the apartments when they are together 😇 It lasts long , they are both super horny when they are into it and it is enjoyable for the viewers I believe. I could say Linda and Tibor also but Linda has restrictions and doesn’t do all , that why the pick goes for G&C .. as I have said , I believe from the way Gina submits to Curly sex desires and requests , she has never been fucked this way before 😇😎
  16. Can we maybe speculate that they have guests and they don’t wish to be on camera and they just asked to have the UM for this reason ?
  17. Of course I remember , Adeline was super hot but also their sex seemed to me weird always , I guess I have issues when I see couples having sex with condoms . I do realize safety first and all and there maybe some that have aphrodisiac issues easily , I just never get it 🥸
  18. Good points at your post and will agree with most of them . Sex usually the last period happens when they are drunk and it is actually the times that Smith can perform for a big amount of time , in a way I think they both enjoy for themselves when this happens , they somehow let go , become crazy and I get the feeling that they “ revive “ or let’s say live the way they want to be for one another , spontaneous , caring , adventurous , with their own terms and not caring for fans , cameras and whatsoever . Smith has better control over Kitty’s explosions , if he was ignoring them in the past , he does it double now 😂 He for sure knows his girl now as she also knows him even more and in a way ( and it is a sad to say this ) , this is actually needed so as to bring a kind of caring for both of them , I don’t know how to explain , but when they argue somehow it is the time that they know that the other is there because it is part of their routine life we see over the years concerning them . Having quarrels it shows that they know that they both exist in eachother’s lives , can’t explain this in a better way . Kitty is aware of her large fan base , she knows she can tease whenever she wants whoever she wants , but the result during this current stay , it says that she is very quiet and not with the same passion like her previous stays . She enjoys the popularity but I feel she is ready to move with her life and do actually something . I will dare to say that i think their life was much better before they accept the offer again from RLC and inhabit the apartment , but that’s again a personal opinion and has to do with the way I observe both of them at certain times . Last but not least , the only time I saw Kitty actually having this feeling for the cameras and enjoying 100% and just doing what she wanted for herself , her fan base and simply dedicating herself to the RLC project and at the same time having fun with herself and life , it was when she was celebrating her mother’s birthday , it was for me when I saw Kitty the way I was introduced to her some years ago. My conclusion is that by the summer , it would be wise to leave RLC and simply go and find things to do with their lives , each and every day is a day with no return for them and they aren’t improving themselves as personalities and characters . In my humble opinion , there isn’t any more left to give to RLC and no matter how much I will miss enjoying perhaps the prettiest constant tenant that ever appeared , happiness and personal growth is awaiting with high possibilities outside of this cameras world . The more they delay , the chances are getting reduced .
  19. Apartment(s) seem to become too predictable for behaviors and characters that enter , luckily or unluckily for me 😂🤣🤨😆 , I made one of the first comments as soon as the apartment went “ live “ and made some early “ 10 minute careful watching “ both M&D , I don’t know if it is the “ relationships “ nowadays or the way of life and to go deeper , the “curse “of this particular apartment , but it honestly doesn’t come of any surprise what we witness here and the relation of these two people . With the benefit of the doubt and with my biggest desire and wish that I am proved wrong , I can’t see how this couple will manage this RLC contract .. a couple that makes sex with condom .. 😱
  20. I am the positive thinking guy here , always 😂🤣 I am also certain that we will be seeing a lot of familiar Russian faces in all of the RLC apartments , it is just not so often that we see guests that can in a way “ magnetize “ the cameras , Masha’s friend has this “ability “ and I can find lots of similarities with Piper who also “ captivated “ back in the times the audience with her presence ( of course because she was also very open with her activities with at that time boyfriend 😉😋 ) and ultimately she got an apartment .. all hopes and wishes then for a major RLC surprise 😇
  21. Seeing Masha’s friend , I can’t resist but say it LOUD once more , so many friends , guests and new faces every now and then at the most social apartment in RLC history , I can’t understand such a business like RLC can’t invest to a new apartment in Rome ( or Italy in general ) and give to any of Masha’s friends . Imagine also their circle of friends and social life , Rome is also a very warm city most months of the year in comparison to Prague or cities in Russia , it helps for people being out and socialize even more and easier ... So many solutions and it is a pity we as viewers can think of it and RLC admins don’t seem to be able to offer anything new .. let’s hope that after the pandemic , their plans will be revealed
  22. It’s really difficult to predict this apartment and what it will offer these first days that it is on air . Even the days that Miry was at home , she was awake overnight , seeing a couple also having sex with a condom , personally I see lots of strange and difficult to explain things and although ( as to my habit 😂🤣😝 ) I tried to predict , I admit that it is really a “ riddle “ of what this apartment will finally prove to be ☺️ Positives ; already guests in the apartment , meaning they have a social life and network in Prague and even more , guests are wiling to appear in front of cameras . Negatives ; outside activities of Miru most days of the week occur at times that the apartment could benefit from viewership , since she isn’t there and Dantes always stays in the GR , it makes it difficult for the viewer to obtain any kind of connection with the tenants , but as I said , it is too early and maybe lots of things will change in the future
  23. And thank you for contributing with your thoughts and a comment for this topic . It has even a bigger “impact” what you post because you are one of the longest RLC viewers and you have seen much more than many of the current RLC subscribers and CC members here as well . As we all know , RLC is an adult entertainment site and the admins they encourage for nudity and sexual activities and the comments and posts contribution here from members and subscribers are mostly about pussies , tits and asses , I always wonder what the posts in the future will be and what kind of discussions we can have about the P/T/A compilations when there’s not going to be participants for that . The always thoughtful and stressful age of 30 is hitting this year 3 of the longest current RLC tenants , Linda who also being married perhaps she is already thinking for a child , Masha who has already prepared for the life after the cameras and Leora who is just having a life that she doesn’t even know what she wants but I believe there’s no future for her in Prague with the way she lives her life and sooner or later she will be back at the Russian safety . For whatever matters , I do believe that it is much more interesting the “ next RLC days “ with the current cast and in any case the time will give the answers ☺️😇
  24. I love tattoos and piercings but the only thing I hate it is exactly that , the ring through the nose , it simply loses all the attractiveness of a woman and Masha is a very nice one ☺️
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