BEA is the only one who deserves our money living in B2 victoria hiding on bathing room Dominica and neia do nothing so nora need to take a trip to talk with Dominica and victoria and neia the girls spending our money on vacation Bea
hello leora i feel a little sick so i`m taking it easy to calm down now hot melk with honey and under the rug so it`s getting a lot of sleep now but have a good day leora
i have not seen so much at angie and the girls because there have benn so many going in and out of the door but i`ii be honest angie is a beautiful woman
they are the only ones to lola come back with the monkey man and have sex with all the girls he`s only 70 years old but i think the girls manage a 70 year old mann too
i see that B2 has visits from the twins and yana and ricky then i hope yana and ricky bring neia and Beatrice with them home so they can get some peace in the apartment between the girls
victoria next time you do massage not so close camera try the middle of the floor so they go see you and the masseur do not sit with you Back to camera and not much talk good night for the thid time
i have no faith that the house will survive for a long time when we have girls hiding and light are turned off i do not want to look at it just became a sad hous