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Everything posted by kase

  1. Good morning leora you are a lovely lady to wake up to have a great day leora
  2. Good night leora now it will be a movie for me before the night
  3. Good night leona and nita you are a hundred times better one to see lola and her old men stella to bake is not sure is good ????
  4. to me i think leona and nita look nice without drugs and two new men every week i think we have had two nice girls now good luck girls
  5. it was my last weeks so i wish you luck leora now i go to the cabin one week you were a good lady leora so i wish you good luck
  6. one week left by rlc the last week i will use to see leora before i take a break from rlc leora
  7. two weeks left by subscibing to rlc i do not know if i have any pleasure in rlc more i wonder if rlc have nightclubs that girls work on and girls who brought men home with drugs and alcohol i think i will take a break from rlc now in two weeks but i also subscribe to camarads start to be similar to catubate i miss real voyeur
  8. hey leora they are nice to see you have a visit from your friend then i hope you have a nice evening
  9. i think kitty had become a popular girl if she could have some time alone without smith in the apartment for a few hours a day but i think it will de diffcult because i think that smith never lets kitty be alone ?
  10. i do not know why lola is trying on sofie but i do not think it`s so difficult for lola i think vasillisa wants sex with lola
  11. hi leora today it`s a private birtday party for my Brother and i have Been renting a PUB BUT i wish you a nice evening and i see you tomorrow
  12. i have to go out to rent a PUB for Birthday party so i wish you a good day leora
  13. it was a bad start to the new girl first she teaches to be out at night using rlc to a place to sleep and eat
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