now has megan been home for a week and maybe had sex with boyfriend/friend? and comes back is there a visit from boyfriend/friend ? i think it took two minutes before she was naked in the kichen and begun to suck his dick and since then it`s only been sex so i think he just come to get sex ???
chemistry between amina and alexa it`s not true amina is just being used as mila of alexa has usedand utilized mila and now amina to make people look at B2 for B2 is a ded apartment
mila you are welcome back we will miss you just hope you get better friends next time when you travel B4 will die out so i wish you good luck with the life you will be missed ❤️
JEG Tror Amina Har putthe kofferten etter Sengen til mila SÅ kanskje Amina vil leve i rommet for en mila og kanskje leve Med mila til mila Reise?
alexa in B4 hope she does not spoil for mila tonight hoping that alexa will have a room to sleep in