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Everything posted by bigmac18

  1. Yes, the cats deserve their own apartment with cams :-) I think Mitzi and Stepan are hilarious. The cat at Nelly & Bogdan is also funny, but a bit 'scary'.
  2. I think the same about the Barca apartments. i find them silly, boring and fake. Still I refrain from commenting about them because I acknowledge that those apartments meet a certain need, just not mine. Just as Nina and Kira meet a demand. If you don't want to watch this 'depressed' apartment, don't. But why keep on commenting that they should leave? It is not like apartments are scarce goods.
  3. Yes, they do, and yes, I consider it a secret because it reveals personal information.
  4. I agree. Remarkably Nina goes to bed early sometimes, whereas before she was more of a nightcrawler. Maybe her upcoming holiday and a possible related jetlag has to do with it: adjusting her schedule upfront? While Nina sleeps, Kira and DE have been talking extensively. Almost no touching, but the renewed positive tension between the two is clear. They are more intimately than before. Drinking together, talking, sitting close to eachother, exchanging looks... Then again... DE is irresistible :-) Maybe they both fall for her? Nina 'always' wants more, so Kira is not enough for her. Other way round... Kira is looking for attention that Nina can't give. In both cases: enter Doe Eyes.
  5. Here is an idea: possibly it is not a complete coincidence that lamp stands there. It shields off their ipads and laptop, just a bit, when they sit on the short end of the couch. I am not happy with the lamp either. Even on cam 1 it is too bright. Next thing before you know it is a christmas tree in that corner in front of camera 3
  6. Good question. No idea. It seemed like Kira and Doe Eyes had a heart-to-heart conservation. And I felt also a positive tension between the two. Like Kira wanted a piece of Doe Eyes too :-) Doe Eyes is capable to make everything look like an inviting flirt, a great gift. That makes speculating were they went even more fun :-) [Fantasy mode] I don't know for how long they went away, but possible they just went for new cigarettes (they took the last ones from a bag on the couch). Another good question: What substance did Doe Eyes and Kira mix into the drink of Nina :-D She was fast asleep for several hours.
  7. Do N&K have less sex than other RLC-couples? Yes. Do N&K hang on the couch, watching TV and staring at their phones, just like other RLC-couples? Yes. I think most people do, actually. Me included. I consider my life real :-) Is their RLC-life even a bit more boring than other RLC-couples? No. Are N&K more open and relaxed with the cameras than any other RLC-couple? Absolutely. I hope we are able to have this little insight in their lives as long as possible. Happy moments and struggles alike.
  8. Hi Akriana. Your English is very good, don't worry. I believe Nina was talking on the phone about her band. I don't know why she was sitting separately on the bed. Perhaps indeed some troubles between them, again. Now 00:30 their time, everything looks ok.
  9. To be precise, I believe it to be chestnut. Really, is there any color that doesn't suit Nina?
  10. So, that was a nice night of monopoly and music making. Doe Eyes slept (alone) on the couch, like the good ol' days. And there was plenty of alcohol, always a trigger for loose morals. There was a moment, just after 03:00 their time, where I believe Doe Eyes tries to get a step further. Kira clearly draws a line, leading to a short conversation where Doe Eyes questions why she is being blamed (by Kira) for the last threesome. During this short discussion, Nina stays impartial, staring at her phone. Again, this is just my humble interpretation of a short moment during that nice evening. Have others also followed this episode?
  11. Music. Three girls. A board game. Beer and wine. A daring short dress. We have seen it before and we know how it went from there... And what the negative effects afterwards were... We will see what happens. Difference is that this game is just monopoly :-) For now, it looks like a nice relaxed evening! PS. Kira also smokes. Didn't know that.
  12. Yes. They are... again. I wonder what it is about this time. Is it always the same, of something different everytime? Does someone see a chance to translate a bit of their argument? Thanks in advance.
  13. The medical services seem to give the girls a solid lesson or two. I believe I heard 'alcohol'.
  14. They are back online, 00:40 their time. The unwell girl left, but another joined. All smiles and playing a game. ?!?
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