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Everything posted by bigmac18

  1. all right, a little question. It is no secret I am a big fan of the two cats. Has anybody already been able to tell them apart? Is it always the same one that sleeps with N&K, whilst the other sleeps on the couch (whether or not with Doe-Eyes)?
  2. Ah, it is laundry folding night. Girls, if you have any spare time, can you please do my laundry too? I can of course do it myself, but then I have to stop watch RLC
  3. Wow. Thanks Hayden for pointing that out! I like the girls for their personality and who they truely are, but that dance... very nice
  4. 01:50. It was stuffed animals hitting time again. Suddenly Nina feels unwell. Doe-Eyes and Kira comfort her. What happened? Now happy faces again.
  5. Thank you. I saw it now. Kira didn't look too happy about it... Was it their wedding ring? Nina cleaning isn't the world on its head... It is the new world Nina does now more in the household. The kitchen looks neat and tidy (but still very full with stuff).
  6. Easy really: Just combine natural beauty and good taste in clothes and make-up Something I will always fail at
  7. Doe Eyes was never really gone. Yet. I believe she on her way out, but before she leaves she still stays a couple of nights a week at N&K's. Still, I believe she is indeed rather populair among most (including me ), but not all I see a clear difference between N & K + DE and M & S + D... Also viewing figures and comment counts are not the same as true appreciation of the love of N&K. Tonight is pink/orange-y panda dress night for Nina. A good night.
  8. You are right. I plead guilty. Usually I make a habit of being (gender)neutral about these things. Now this single time I make the same mistake I sometimes detect in others.
  9. They both have nice bodies. It seems they have picked up some exercise again (not that, you naughty boys... well, that too).
  10. Oh my... They look so happy It has been a while that I have seen them that happy! Is it because they have bought IKEA empty?
  11. Nina's fascination for telephones clearly reaches well beyond her own phone Just joking
  12. There is something very relaxing at watching two people in bed simply solving a jigsaw puzzle. As if things in this apartment aren't puzzling enough.
  13. Although I have nothing against Doe-Eyes (call me a fan if you want), even I have to admit she does zero in the apartment.
  14. I believe Nina had some kind of itch on a awkward place on her body. Kira had to scratch really hard to make it go away. That in turn tickled of course, which made Nina making all kinds of funny noises.
  15. They look so cold. Blankets on the couch. Extra heater in the living room. With minus 14-18 degrees celsius in their city, that is quite understandable.
  16. I believe Nina and DE both have a new hair color/ haircut. DE used to have darker hair, but it is not the first time she has it lightened.
  17. The girls are out (03:15), probably turning the nightlife in the city upside down.
  18. I wasn't around here two years ago, so i didn't knew about her condition. Learned that today. It seems Nina has it under control. Good for her. Still, it doesn't explain what went wrong yesternight with Doe-Eyes. She seemed quite vivid, even when the medics arrived.
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