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Everything posted by bigmac18

  1. I think I agree They deserve better! The other apartments in St. Petersburg are in a better condition and way larger (penthouse of Efim & Anabel, anyone?) On the other hand: I think the camera placement in this apartment is almost perfect. Many cameras feel very close, whereas many larger apartments feel distant and less personal. A true quality I would like to preserve would Nina & Kira move. I bet the two cats will love a fluffy rug in front of the fireplace
  2. ...or RLC should pay those fixes from our generous memberships While being at it, also have a look at the deteriorating carpet in the bedroom. Funny, I have the exact same problem with the kick plates in the kitchen... Thanks Le5B05 for the suggestion :-)
  3. In Russia the New Year is celebrated over a longer period, with January the 7th as a second Christmas, and Januari the 14th as a second New Year's day. So assumingly most people have vacation.
  4. Technically we don't know that 100%. She likes girls yes, but we have no clue about boys/men. Sexuallity isn't binary: she could be bi, for all we know. And please, let me have something to dream about when I'm lonely...
  5. It can all be explained (again) by alcohol. As with many people, it plays with their limits and openess. I also saw Kira touch Doe-Eyes on the belly, in a short moment in the bedroom. And Doe-Eyes hugged Nina on the couch. The great winner of the night is the stuffed shark. It was used and played with by most girls and the guy. One promiscuous shark that is . It grinned non-stop.
  6. Nina kept playing with her phone for quite a while, after which she went to the kitchen. Doe-Eyes, also playing on her phone (sending texts to each other?!?) joined her and they talked quitely for more than an hour. They finally went to (seperate) beds at 08:30. What a night.
  7. Now there are our three girls and a girl and guy. Earlier this evening when I tuned in, there were two girls (and Nina only). Later they were joined by the rest, after which the other girl left. They have many friends
  8. Your wish has been heard... Nina (and she only) has two friends over.
  9. Hi Roy, Welcome to CC! Maybe Nina and Kira are in reality very nasty people and no one wants to visit them... Just joking They are undoubtedly very nice! I think you are right there has been a slight decrease in visiting friends. I think it is no big deal, yet. After an intensive december I also want some rest and alone-time. Then again: in this time of digital contact... why would you visit your friends when you can watch them 24/7 on RLC
  10. Recently I made some mindless calculations during spare time about RLC. We don't know how many paying members RLC has, but lets just assume 10.000 worldwide. It may be more, it may be way less. If each of those 10.000 pays the 'cheapest' membership (199,95 / 180 days) RLC receives about 4.000.000 dollars a year. Per apartment that is 15.150 dollar, monthly. Counting 4.000 dollars for the rent of a average apartment including streaming servers and a hefty internet subscription, that leaves 11.150. If RLC takes generous 50% as profit, then the rest for the tenants should be 5.575 dollar, each month. That isn't exactly a low wage, is it?
  11. Hi Panties, (never thought I would say that in my life...) Yes, some people know the name of the band. Like me. But in my opinion it can not be made public because it would also reveal more outside (personal) information about the girls. The only way I see it can be made public is when Nina and Kira themselves post it here or otherwise express their approval. I don't rule out that they would like the extra exposure of their band. But till then, I consider it is wise to keep it private. I am too conservative on this? Kind regards, BM18
  12. The blue balls have the logo of their band on them, so probably for a gig or music video.
  13. Wait... is no one here going to make the really obvious cheap joke about the girls having blue balls...? [ sorry, couldn't resist ]
  14. I am going to start a pizza delivery service in St. Petersburg. It must be big business with N&K as frequent customers Anyone want to crowdfund me?
  15. That pillow (on the couch) that looks like a cat creeps the hell out of me when viewing cam 4... It just stares at me
  16. Just an observation on the go. The transition between 2017 and 2018 was an easy way to tell that the displayed time in the corner of the screen is real. It is only 01m34s behind. So, their pattern of getting up very late and going to bed very late is real. They are now having breakfast at 15:15 (breakfast/brunch/etc.). Okay, this is New Year Day, but it is not the first time they go to bed far beyond 03:00 I have such a boring and ordinary goody-goody life When also acknowledging there is at this time of the year only 6h of daylight in St. Petersburg (almost same latitude as Anchorage in Alaska), it would really mess with my biological clock
  17. Sigh, will we ever truly understand what happens in this apartment? Now all three girls are cheerful, and toasting to the British countdown and fireworks on the BBC ?!?
  18. I don't believe it was a page in the book. Those are papers with wishes. You burn them and drink them (...) It is a tradition over there. https://www.redtedart.com/new-years-eve-traditions-burning-wishes-grandpa-frost-russia/
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