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Everything posted by ffb55333

  1. What she was packing was items from the guest room not travel items . They are still in the shopping buggy in the guest room.
  2. 16:17 she helped move his things out .
  3. You could have just answered I didn't know . But I think it's not in a Scots vocabulary. This wast of my time is over.
  4. How do we know how many hours it takes her to get home? What is her home town?
  5. Why would you say deepdave was wrong ? The party was yesterday she had to come home sometime. I think dave was right. I think we know who is wrong.
  6. Martina met her friend/ lover last September.
  7. I think the weekend they had away together was for his birthday.
  8. Nelly left at 17:30 with Taco and a small back pack.
  9. Can I try to add something to this. Adblbert may not have you started a rumor. It is just that someone will read that Kos was speaking Spanish and two or three generations of the story will be since he speaks Spanish Why don't they get together with Martina and Alberto. you will not be able to tell some people that Kos never did speak Spanish. It will be a big conspiracy . See ddhms post
  10. 9 pm until 2:30 pm not enough time to be drunk ?
  11. I think it was from a speculater not a translated.
  12. Or he is walking the dogs. Not as interesting ,but true.
  13. Martina just left . She is dressed the same as her last meeting with Nelly. I hope this is not round 2.
  14. I can't find anything that contradicts what Martina told Alberto about not fucking Nelly that night in the parking lot. Just speculation. She could have done it. But I didn't see anyone translate that. I could of missed it because there is quit a bit of speculation in this.
  15. I used to think you knew something now I know you just make shit up.
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