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Everything posted by golfer06

  1. republicans do nothing & blame others for not doing anything! wake up! and by the way maxwell house is good but is no better than most store brands which are also good. (probably made by the same company)
  2. don't start. the other guy acted like an incompetent maniac. oh wait. he wasn't acting!
  3. it's not helping. private equity firms don't build the economy. they drain everything & leave everyone else to clean up the mess.
  4. maybe. then it will be the same result as having republicans in charge.
  5. the progressive caucus is not small. also what republicans want to label as far left is actually mainstream policy that is badly needed & backed by a majority of the people including republicans.
  6. the articles vanished before i could read them but will you be happy when republicans continue to do absolutely nothing but obstruct anything that might actually help anything?
  7. you are an idiot making shit up to fit your agenda. i't getting old.
  8. that cell is already reserved for you. how much money did he swindle from you?
  9. was the answer the same? of course not. but you continue to make a fool of yourself even more. duh!
  10. here is some advice for you. when you have nothing more than a stupid answer that has nothing to do with anything just stfu. you have already made a fool of yourself often enough to fill 1,000 lifetimes.
  11. keep telling yourself that but it won't change anything. Qanon or other wacko conspiracy theories are all you have as the truth is too painful for you to face.
  12. i would blame Qanon for your delusions but the truth is that you are too far gone even for them. your last working braincell departed a long time ago.
  13. you've already shown what an asshole you are. no need to post the same nonsense again.
  14. although i thought that it wasn't possible your dementia is getting worse
  15. Sandy Hook: Alex Jones loses case over 'hoax' remarks NEWS.YAHOO.COM The radio host must pay the families of victims after calling the Sandy Hook school shooting a "hoax".
  16. poor spying1. too bad that your party was broken up. how many fish did you shoot before the police ruined your party?
  17. i've just read through your entire group of response nonsense which consist entirely of lies, distortion, distraction, projection & hate. none of them deserve a response of any more than that you are a complete braindead know nothing moron but i'll respond to this one as it is special in it's exposure of your level of ignorance & stupidity. accusing anyone of not being able to use google by a moron that doesn't know how to post ANYTHING AT ALL EVER is a perfect example of how out of touch with reality that you are. you are a complete idiot. you & donny traitor deserve each other.
  18. the government grew too big then gave all of the $ to big business. they put it under the pillow & helped no one.
  19. you've just described the problem with your's & donny traitor's cult.
  20. we were trying to figure out which nursery school that you flunked out of.
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