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Everything posted by Sergio

  1. a classic Sunday afternoon, Beatrice masturbates, but she does not even believe her, in Russia instead of a group of young, perhaps rich, watching a porn movie together
  2. good morning, as always, everyone sees what everyone wants to see, of these scenes so far, we have seen hundreds, Mila is very good at them, however if you like, I'm very happy with you, maybe it's been a long time that I attend these apartments , I'm a little tired
  3. if there was an Oscar for fiction in the sex scenes, Mila and Elvira will win without problems
  4. who would have said that Malena and Emilia would have been naked, this is really exceptiona 😂l😂🤣
  5. Mila has already done everything possible with Elvira, so I do not understand what you're aiming for, as always everyone makes fantasy trips
  6. Add to the various comments, it seems to me that everything is becoming a huge bullshit
  7. Has any girl been interested in seeing if Maluma has any problems? she is two days sleeping
  8. I'm a subscriber to VHTV and it pisses me off, who says that everything is fake and programmed on VHTV, I wonder, but these people see what happens in these apartments, it's all taken for a ride, I repeat again, at least on VHTV this bullshit ends always in sex
  9. always makes me smile, see the girls in underwear close to these "boyfriends", I must say that RLC considers its customers idiots
  10. at the end of the show there is always a phone check to verify the bank transfer
  11. in all the photos seen so far on social media, this guy has never appeared, certainly is a last-minute boyfriend
  12. you can see well that it is a girl's boyfriend, there is a great feeling with them
  13. we who are ugly people, we only see the outward appearance of these girls, we do not realize instead that within them there is an artistic soul, just see Elvira or Laima or Leila
  14. me, I warned you to cancel, otherwise it is automatically renewed, maybe it's a sign of destiny and from tomorrow all the girls do orgies every night, surely
  15. you have to trust, the prayers sooner or later have an answer, especially if many people say they do not renew their subscription
  16. I do not know, but I can tell you that it's in B1 and B2, when there were parties with drugs, she was the one to get them
  17. poor Laima, has not yet figured out what to do, but surely she will learn soon
  18. sometimes, but only sometimes, it makes me a little sad to see what these girls have to do to make a living
  19. from the prepared food, I think there is another nice party with the guests, I wish everyone good fun
  20. remember to cancel the subscription, otherwise it will be automatically renewed
  21. Fortunately, Mila has found the way home, Daisy still not, but we are confident
  22. he also has a small menstrual problem, this maybe blocks him a bit in his activities
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