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Everything posted by Sergio

  1. after so many complaints, RLC has organized an evening to make everyone happy and, apart from someone, it seems to me that it has succeeded, but not to denigrate more VHTV
  2. they did return Gina, because she spent her days open-legged, without underwear, in front of the cameras, this should shock this apartment
  3. Stella is a very beautiful girl, but if this continues, in two days becomes boring and not very credible, I understand the need for money but she should space out her sexual performance, everything and immediately, it never works
  4. one of the few funny things that happened in this apartment, Eirin stealing the vibrator from Leia, her facial expressions were really funny, she looked like a little girl who tasted nutella for the first time
  5. I wonder if Gina knows what she has to do in these apartments, she's new, 😂🤣😂 however she was one of the girls who kept her legs open, without underwear, that passed in these apartments
  6. Je serais curieux de savoir ce que vous faites dans la vie réelle, il me semble que vous aimez beaucoup censurer les autres membres en trouvant des excuses absurdes pour protéger ces filles.
  7. Fortunately, the new advances, Gina will have done very early to get to the apartment, lives very close
  8. Malena in Italy is a famous porn star, who knows if the name leads us to this
  9. many members of this forum are very bad, all the swear words pronounced on Karina, have forced RLC to send her away, remember that you will regret it
  10. sorry, I'm a little stupid, if you know everything, you can tell me you're doing me a favor
  11. do not worry, have sex even now with good light, Stella needs a lot of money
  12. as long as the hands are far from the intimate, it means they are joking
  13. if as someone says, Frank was a former Kristy, this explains many things, if a boy from Moscow ends up in Barcelona, like a boyfriend of Stella, there is certainly a really great structure that manages all these people and I get a a little 'chills at the thought
  14. I see that my comment has been deleted, since I do not like any kind of censorship, to say where Stella was until a few weeks ago does not seem a deplorable thing, since now it is here in front of the cameras, so what was important before ? these girls do not need protectors, they know how to protect themselves
  15. there are still some small clauses to be defined in the contract of the new girls, as soon as we solve them we will have the new names, they are small things, 500/660 euros, they will soon find a solution
  16. I must say that I always have a bit of sadness, to see these girls do things they do not want to do, for me, they could go back to watching television
  17. RLC called the writers of James Cameron, to find two credible names for the new girls, but for now they have not been able to find them
  18. It will be a bit 'cold, but Serafima is really a beautiful woman class, if he had a few thousand euro more, I would spend it willingly with her
  19. n Ukraine are a huge amount, the average salary of last year was $ 140 per month
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