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Everything posted by Sergio

  1. the twins should go more often to B2, when they are there, great things always happen
  2. I arrive now from work and I see a big news in the apartments of Barcelona, Belle shows her pussy, never seen such a thing
  3. I saw porn in which the shots were much poorer than those I saw last night with Karol, but there's nothing wrong with them if they want to make money
  4. I see for the first time Karol and her boyfriend have sex, someone had written that nonerano aware of the cameras, I think that person was drunk
  5. just to break the balls VHTV has reached 22 apartments, but we know that they are all porn actors, not ordinary people like on RLC
  6. it is very beautiful this passage of witness between Masha and Dasha and Neia and Gina, yoga becomes naked, we know
  7. sorry, but Avi, where it's over, I think it does not have a suitable body to handle all this
  8. Nicole is the classic example that makes everyone happy, because we pay to see this and she shows it without shame, Nicole because surely when it ends its stay in Barcelona will be able to do a real nice holiday
  9. damn, I'm lost Nicole, I'm very sorry, but she seems to have taken the right path, this time will be a rich stay
  10. I see that Belle has returned home soon, it must have been a quick and painless thing, overflying the fact of the underpants
  11. saw the very heavy makeup that you are putting Belle and Avi I think they will have another long night out, of course it's a bit early for the disco
  12. I was wrong, I meant Mira and not Luci, what I wanted to say, is that there are 18 couples and I certainly do not miss another couple, what changes is that Karol is a girl from the apartments in Barcelona, but after two days of sex with her boyfriend, becomes like the other 18 couples, a bit boring
  13. what a difference there is between Luci and Kust and Karol and her boyfriend nothing, except that Luci is much more beautiful
  14. I understand they are a pain in the ass, but if you had a girlfriend you care, you had sex in front of many cameras, not me
  15. if god wants I do not have money problems, but I got this extra money and I decided to subscribe again, this is my masochistic side
  16. I agree with you, Beatrice is a little strange, but it is a strange very sympathetic
  17. I won some lottery money and I got a new subscription, so I can officially complain today, I saw Beatrice masturbate covered twice after she masturbated, I love her because I think she's the person who hates Neia more than me, but she should find a boyfriend, behaves in a rather bizarre way
  18. sorry, there are too many girls, I have not yet mastered their names, out of curiosity Neia has her stupid smile
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