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Everything posted by Sergio

  1. the next person, who says VHTV girls are fakes, offending, as I said last time these girls have seen too many porn movies
  2. as well as adding new apartments, they should pay attention to those they already have, this morning in B1 half cameras do not work and in the double room a night camera does not work
  3. competition is good for any industry, RLC begins to feel the proximity of VHTV and tries to fight, adding more flats, now the only thing to see if RLC drops to the same level as VHTV, hope no, there is room for all
  4. sorry ED if your translation has made trouble, even to translate a few sentences there is no agreement, I do not see anything strange that Renata has two or more boyfriends, is young and beautiful, then I think Renata and Victoria are very good professionals, before someone agitates, I mean, professional about how you live in this world
  5. mi dispiace ED se la tua traduzione ha fatto dei problemi, anche per tradurre poche frasi non c'è accordo, non vedo niente di strano che Renata abbia due o più fidanzate, è giovane e bella, poi penso che Renata e Victoria siano professionisti molto bravi, prima che qualcuno agita, voglio dire, professionale su come vivete in questo mondo
  6. It seems to me that there is some tension between the twins, they have not spoken in the room
  7. if there is any good soul that can make a statement of what Renata says it would be very nice, thank you, I do not understand English
  8. thank you for correcting me, I repeat that if I want to see what happened last night, on VHTV, I really like it more, in B1 it seems that someone is dead, in B2 the girls are back and miracle is also Renata
  9. I was hoping for you, that the girls would return home with a full-fledged football team, but nothing will be for the next time
  10. I'm sorry that this night work, because I believe that in B2 tonight we will see the beautiful things
  11. he saw the message at Renata, they discussed and Renata went, maybe the "boyfriend with the bag" wants to do a thing at three
  12. if he does only gymnastics with a pair of black underpants, I would like to know the address of this gym
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