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Everything posted by Sergio

  1. we have read that a person like Tereza says he does not share Renata's lifestyle, I would be curious to know what he was referring to, since pulpit comes the sermon
  2. from your comments I see it was a very intense day in these apartments and in the evening promises a lot more, and we found that renata and put something in the vagina, well this evening it's all
  3. someone has calculated how long Irina's call lasted with a man last night, imagine hours
  4. for the first time the blond boy tried to have sex and felt bad or maybe he was drunk, did not even have an erection, must make a reason, he likes the fuck
  5. Renata = Gina + Nicole and then she is the first girl who declares to be a bit homosexual
  6. the question is always the same, because they go out of the apartment, if they want to smoke they have the terrace, it is really strange and irritating
  7. thanks to Kitek, when you want and time help us understand these girls
  8. it's been a long time since no one says this, that two balls these apartments, now really reigns anarchy
  9. Lola explained to Zlata that in Italy there is a saying saying "who sleeps does not take fish" and it is known that in Barcelona the fish are big
  10. thanks, I think a very accurate chronicle, as I imagined I did not lose anything, as always RLC does not understand us, we ask new girls and they send us an old pig
  11. gentlemen, I wish you all a good night, especially to Isidore, make a good report of what is happening in B2, we feel tomorrow
  12. this is very strange, last year there were no water bottles !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. I do not know if this year the hairy man took the drug, but I refuse to watch it, I read tomorrow what happened last year too all sucesse, the day before the release of a new iPhone, at least three girls after I had a few days, it will be a coincidence
  14. I'm sorry, now I see B2, from mexico we went to hawaii, if it's fun like last night, we're really very happy
  15. I did not know your problems, although we are far away, I'm very close to you
  16. there are no timekipeers of a time, how long did Irina leave? what time is Tereza coming back?
  17. I think Sher this night has found something better than a pipe that throws water
  18. see these beautiful girls relaxes me, although they are less active than other apartments would not trade it with anyone else
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