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Everything posted by Sergio

  1. Jessica is coming to the end of his adventure in RLC and now is trying to earn as much money as possible with little show Extra
  2. honestly I do not care a shit about where the girls are gone, but this game I know everything and you know not a shit makes me really laugh, HarleyFatboy says that look like a 3rd grade child, to me look like a 5 year old who wants to do the blowhard, I had 5 years of the friends like you and I can guarantee you that still bear the marks of what I've done to him, so please your little "secret" hold them for you. thank you
  3. I think I understand that nobody cares that these girls are (Derogatory), it is right, just that causes us to see a little bit Pussy, no matter what they do outside, guys see do as a good one, because you have problems
  4. maybe they want to too for an apartment other, until two weeks ago she was bathing in darkness
  5. many of you they say, rightly, that we should not judge the girls for what they do outside the apartments, but we also know that what happens inside the apartments for 80% is done to make us happy spectators, then the true character of the girls we understand for what little we can know what's going on out and I'll be ancient, but finding out, though maybe a little imagined that the girls spend their evenings in clubs swingers having sex with unknown disrupts me, and now I can to see what they really are these girls and you just please do the hypocrites
  6. not to continue the usual controversy, but the latest translation of Kitek our dear girls are not really the godtimorous, indeed no offense, I can not find a word not offend them, so do not write anything
  7. what about in 20 minutes has become our favorite, who knows what made him change his mind about what to show us
  8. the voyeur-house owners are very intelligent, read our complaints of RLC and organize evenings like tonight with lesbian scenes with truly spectacular "normal" girls in two apartments
  9. I leave the lesbian evening, I'm moving on voyeur-house, did not think that I would have ever said it is much more natural and then replay it's free
  10. heavy day in this forum, there are many different ideas, these girls are honest workers, are paid to stay one or two months in these apartments and entertain us by showing us little show of fucking and nudity, we know they are paid for what they do we see , there are girls who want to earn a lot of money and girls who are content of basic salary, that's all
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