It has been an absolute delight to know you. It's hard to put my finger on what it is about you, it's the whole package! You ooze cutness, sexiness, cheekiness, friendliness, naiveness, and I love your voice......the list goes on. Oh, nearly forgot your hair, lips (both sets), pert boobs, lovely nipples and arse! I'll even miss your nose cap! I just want to put you in my pocket and keep you there for ever. I knew there was something about you when you 1st walked into B1 but struggled when you moved to B2. It's a wonder you didn't here me shout Don't go! But I eventually became a premium member so, although I missed the infamous orgy nights, and will probably never get to see them, I've had the pleasure of spending a bit of time with you before you go. Have a safe trip Belle, and I hope you have a great time back with you're family. Have a happy life Belle and I hope you find the perfect partner who can treat you right. You deserve it! Lots of Love xxx
PS Hope to see you back someday