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ooopel last won the day on April 18 2018

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  1. in visions. !!!
    All life revolves. !!
    One them in this encounter. !!
    my desire was a very greedy,
    To get on him as much as i can..!!
    As far as my eyes could steal from the mouth of the time. !!
    it was my fault forever..!!
    Oh, was shouldn't listen to me..!!
    he went to where can't see him only from my soul,
    still come in  my dreams,i seen him around the stars. !!
    i knew  that the sound of adoring, longing,
    Who made him come under the cover of destiny. !!
    oh ,i thought we could steal a time,
    of the hand of fate. !!
    Oh, so stupidly. !!
    Or so weirdly,i guessed !!
    it nobody can steal thing of hand of fate..!!
    Until now, no one can discover a size of ache .!!
    till far without my will,those tears come down.!!
    Between these two views. !!
    Spin all me life..!!
    Signature:ooopel { :heart:for that day of memoirs me with my angel :heart: }

    1. ipiratemedia


      Love has no boundaries. No barriers. No control, of who one loves. So why stop the one thing that creates happiness. Only the need to feel whole again, It searches for its better half Until the end of its time. A moving video, that's for sure. 01.gif.624da44a74a6bc7e31e9c0ee98365cdd.gif

    2. ooopel


      Thank so much @ipiratemedia,for this a delicate touch of roses petals,you are probably know how much to added your an a charismatic words to my heart,she it is like an glitter of the pearl for myself,it always as adding up the missing meanings to my the humble words .. 
       there's no boundaries for love as like no limits for that person to make an joy in all places it's you..Joey :heart::heart:

    3. Amy3


      Love, my dear ooopel! Is that all it takes? To love and be loved. Can it be that simple? A deep breath and a stare into the cold air. I can see a flame and I am drawn to it. I love you ooopel! ♥️

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