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Everything posted by Daleys

  1. RLC entrusts them with one vital key and they lose it.🤣
  2. They seemed to have left. Hopefully they bring guys back with them.
  3. If they have broken up snd she is going off to fuck someone else then either she brings him to the apartment or RLC needs to kick them out. A free house for them to do nothing with no guest sex and proper showers.
  4. There is a line of something on the lens of Camera 7 not sure if it's water or something else.
  5. If anyone believes for one second that these girls didn't invited these guys round for fun and sex needs their heads examing,
  6. I only jerked off at the guys you should go to the Leora topic to find many other obsessed and have mentioned jerking off to her.
  7. And we are Predators watching these girls get naked and masturbate and fuck. We then jerked off at them. Everyone needs to wake up welcome to the real world guys we are all predators.
  8. Both guys went into the off cam toilet together we all know what they are up to. Drugs.
  9. Doesn't matter i don't need 3 free days at RLC i have full membership. I was just letting you know the white cat is there.
  10. He's there replay shows him at 22:01 when the apartment came back both cats are siting on the couch.
  11. What does Note cameras order at RLC replay has changed. This info is in the RLC news.
  12. Cam 10 and 12 are zoomed in way to much. Would have been nice to have sound added to the bathroom but looks like that isn't going to happen.
  13. I'm surprised RLC didn't remove the apartment from the list altogether while the work was been done.
  14. Not to mention that the cams are still hanging on the wall and it would be no different to guys if it's on or not as they are still there looking at them unless RLC will take them all down and then put them back up again.
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