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Everything posted by Daleys

  1. I know i don't understand it either. Clearly he knows something we don't and i for one definitely wants to know and see the evidenance.
  2. I agree i want to see evidence of what he says against RLC that they are lying and stealing our money.
  3. He's anti-RLC everything RLC does is wrong in his eyes even when they are telling the truth half the time.
  4. It's quite funny Carla and Yanai parties are always interesting it's a shame we don't have more like them.
  5. Yes they're not but you forget that the tenants reads camcaps and they will find the posts offensive.
  6. It wouldn't be any different as members here posting disgusting and vile comments about guys in general mainly in the girls apt and then they reading the comments.
  7. If their friends visit lets hope we get sex without the covers.
  8. He is more to be her brother and not have sex with her so it isn't going to happen.
  9. Anyone in real life who has sex without cameras in their home is performing porn and not just normal sex. Just because anyone isn't been filmed doesn't mean anyone isn't having porn sex because that's the reality. Having a blowjob in secret is porn the same as it is been filmed on a website or other porn site. Anyone who thinks otherwise is dillutiional.
  10. Strange porn has been changed to having sex undercovers and with the lights off. Imaging paying around 20 or 30 euros to see porn where nothing is actually shown. and just the bed covers moving up and down.
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