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Everything posted by Daleys

  1. The house will be empty over the Christmas so. What a waste of a couple.
  2. More guys tenants in Girls on Vacation apts please...
  3. Have anyone seen any of the thumbnails at Carla and Yanai apt in the previews.
  4. But if enough email them in the next hour they might have to do something.
  5. Why don't we all decide just to email RLC at once and maybe they will ban the lights
  6. Alberto and Martina heading out Alberto put a couple of bottle of wine into a bag and not sure what Martina was bringing so more bags must be visiting someone.
  7. Everyone has an answer for everything and the simple fact of the matter the girls apartments are boring 24/7 and when a couple apartment goes at number 1 ahead or Leora and the girls apt the answer is the apt are boring lol.
  8. For such a boring event they are currently at number 1.
  9. We have enough of that already don't want another one where the likes of the twins and Irma and more showing up there. Real couple is what needed.
  10. Hope we get one of the guest couples of Carla and Yanai. RLC need to get a couple quick.
  11. I've a feeling they backed out. Is everyone sure they actually saw them from the thumbnails in the apartment and not RLC doing work in the house.
  12. Lol I know it well for a second i thought a room had magically appeared when i read another secret room and wondered where is this now.
  13. Everyone keeps seeing the thumbnails but i have yet to see them lol.
  14. Doesn't look like today. It could be a while before it goes online days maybe weeks.
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