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Everything posted by Daleys

  1. Yes some of the names they call the guys and gets away with it as well as insulting members who posts positive posts to the thread and sometimes for the participants to see they should be banned from the forum for life.
  2. Carla and Yanai up early today must be the day they leave.
  3. Milena BF just now in the bathroom looks to be cleaning cum stains of his pants looks like they had sex outside the apartment.
  4. You forgot to mention the constant girls that keep coming back to the girls apt repeats repeats repeats they all need to go ASAP.
  5. I see they have a few halloween stuff out of storage would have been different if they were actually staying something to look forward to.
  6. Carla and Yanai left not so long ago with their first box and 2 suitcases and few bags of their stuff.
  7. Wonder what they will do with all their wall decorations that they put up.
  8. Looks like they could be moving today more of their stuff coming out and put everywhere. Will see later but apartment could be removed soon.
  9. The best couple to join the project and now they leave.😞
  10. I like Carla and YanaI alot and yes there guests are an added bonus but i don't watch this apartment just for the guests alone i really do like Carla and Yanai a lot they are an amazing couple that i like alot.
  11. Well in that case we all need to convince RLC to get them to stay.
  12. Yanai tried cheering her up by putting on a funny mask but she still remained sad.
  13. Because they're leaving RLC she clearly doesn't want to go if she's mad at him.
  14. And this was something that made me feel like they wanted to stay on RLC for a long time and now this i can't understand it.
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