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Everything posted by Daleys

  1. Just noticed that Cam 8 and 9 were also offline without the whole apartment.
  2. I agree really disappointing i think this apartment is cursed whoever has been in here hardly has any sex.
  3. Someone's birthday i see a bag with Happy birthday on the couch and Carla taking a photo on her phone of a box of necklace and earrings.
  4. Fiora and the guy are leaving Yes off to another apartment for more rounds of sex. Everyone on RLC couples included has one. A real eye opener reading the past previous posts some shocking revelations.
  5. Yes that's why i want to know clearly whoever had started the rumor hasn't come to say the reason why we all assumed he was her BF so it could be he isn't. lol
  6. I'm asking because i don't know how it was mentioned he was her BF for all we know he could be her brother or something else.
  7. BTW how do we actually know that the other guy is her boyfriend.
  8. That's the one thing i hate is i wish that it was this guy that was her BF and not the other one that doesn't show anything for the cams.
  9. I want that girl and guy to get an apartment the ones not from this weekend at least we will see them fucking the whole time compared to this nonsense.
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