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Everything posted by Daleys

  1. I emailed RLC earlier didn't really about this argument going on seems RLC must have paused replay.
  2. Actually looks like all the apartments aren't working.
  3. The temperature feature on the terrace cams aren't working the same with B4.
  4. They are at the back out of view and Carla and Yanai looks to be asking them questions.
  5. Carla and the girl arrived back with some more drinks and stuff hope more guests arrive.
  6. I don't think we will see sex the guy i think doesn't like the cameras.
  7. The guy just tampered with Cam 13 the girl stopped him.
  8. Just realised after posting guest are after arriving the girl that has been having sex with the guy the last few weeks is back with the guy she was originally with.
  9. Yanai dressed up and Carla in the shower guest bed is tidyed so guests could be arriving.
  10. So if they stay then RLC might as well close B5 no point in having cameras roliing on an empty apartment for how many days.
  11. I don't like the girls apartment because of the fake shows but i don't want them to close down i like seeing the guys coming and fucking and showering.
  12. We all agree it's wrong and the cameras should be on why not just email them and complain about it.
  13. Wonder why. BTW i'm referring to the footage when it came back online when they were all in bed and not the fight from last night.
  14. They removed the footage from replay when it came back when they were sleeping
  15. Was this at the time the cameras were covered i don't see this.
  16. Yes i had a pic saved of him from that time and i just checked it is indeed him.
  17. Was just going to mention this they must be reading here or has been texted by the girls.
  18. I agree RLC don't see things that way and also shame on the girls for covering the cams.
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