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Everything posted by Daleys

  1. The guest girl and her presummed BF and 2 male friends has arrived.
  2. No girl should be treated the way Gina was i don't like the girls apt but she is human and real and some members or whoever said she deserved it is wrong. So what if she thought she had a chance with him that doesn't change the fact that she has real feelings.
  3. The other thread is at 30 but still open so i'll post here. Carla and Yanai all dressed up and the TV and PS4 is out in the other terrace of the bedroom so guests arriving soon. Guest bedroom not made up or prepared so either new guests or ones we have seen in a while or the other guy back with the girl.
  4. The guests just left and i only saw one guy with the face mask on when they left.
  5. I'll come back to yours the next time and you all can fuck me.
  6. Did the guests leave. I don't see them at the apartment.
  7. He left. As he was leaving Olivia and Ulyana arrived back with a guy for 5 minutes he went to the toilet and left with them again. Looks like he will get lucky tonight off cam.
  8. Looks like they got some new furniture for the terrace of the kitchen, Haven't seen the furniture before.
  9. 2 rounds of sex today i really like this guest couple.
  10. Yes i knew by the look of the bed also the first time they had sex for the first time he had come late as well i think.
  11. I see the guest bed is made up with a big teddy on it. Hopefully guest couple will be arriving.
  12. Yes i know i meant how does he know was it from a phone call when it came back online or was Yanai talking with Carla.
  13. Really how do you know. Was this from a phone when it came back online.
  14. But aren't they supposed to notify RLC if a child is to visit.
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