If I was Paul...
Having this tight bodied, beautiful nymph, full of passion, sexual energy around me...
I'd be only interested in breeding her endlessly.
Hey Buddy -
Trust me. At a pretty high probability - you're gonna be drawing (pun intended) the same conclusions. Unfortunately for you though, it's not going to be on her belly ;-)
Leora is hot stuff!
Laying on her stomach ;-) That's a nice way of defining this. LOL
I guess I'm lucky my girl actually enjoys watching this with me sometimes.
Yeah - Leora is IMHO by far the best looking and sweetest girl on RLC. She's awesome.
You can also check out the free stuff to get a feeling before you signup for the Premium.
Dear Leora
I hope you can read this but I'd like to tell you that you are amazing.
I know you already know this since you probably hear this feedback a lot.
But... still - this is my humble opinion and might put a little smile on your beautiful face