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Everything posted by curious

  1. Lima drunk Sex (seems more like business) (Video & Image Contents No Longer Available)
  2. thks guys. got it. hope she ll get over it.. i like her much although being freeloader and her in B2 no much luck
  3. sorry but with english not being my mother language, can u explaine what u mean by " She had a fit!!! And it was fucking scarey" and " Nicole has just fitted and Anna helped her"? fit = ?
  4. i m bored u r ignored told u... u r too stupid
  5. Only the little bitch is in there. I m not afraid ro read what people say either.. i put in there stupid farts lime u. U ll be the 2nd as soon as u ll quote me again. Its boring everytime to receive nofifications cause of yr farts. U r too stupid to be handled
  6. Hahahahahaha is tht all u can do and say? U start being boring u know u little wet fart... Do u have anything else or i ll ignore u like the little bitch?
  7. i ask you again...how fucking stupid are u? lets say i m all those u say i am... lets accept i m weak.. i m harley's lover (sorry harley its a matter of speaking... lol) are you tougher? hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha you come like a fart from nowhere to defend the other bitch... i m not ofending all people.. i ve been ofended more..but whatever... what the fuck do you want to say? i quote you: " So just go and crawl back into the asshole you came out of. " WHY THE FUCK DONT YOU TRY TO PUSH ME BACK IN U LITTLE PEACE OF SHIT? YOU CANT! SO SHUT THE FUCK UP AND TALK TO ME ONLY WHEN I TALK TO YOU OR ABOUT YOU.
  8. seriously now? friends? in here? hahahahahahahaaha thanks man! u made my day hahahahahahahahaha how fucking stupid can you be? i m here cause i m voyeur. i have my friends in FUCKEN REAL LIFE and i m not here to make friends. i m here to share opinions and points of view regarding voyeurism and RLC appartments. of course i would never pay for RLC or CC membership. i dont act tough as u say. i am tough when i need to be. being smarter than many in here who try to PROVE (while noone asks for it) tht they are smart! i ll say again tht english is not my mother language (greek is) and i hope you got the message.
  9. i think you describe mostly your feelings with yr above and i m afraid you are touching depression my friend. leora is nothing more than one more sexy girl on the net. nothing else. if you are so much tied with her... i dont know... i dont find it that healthy.
  10. another one tough man came to defend the little (ignored from now on) bitch mickey.. hahahahahaaha
  11. fuck off - just tht at least with euromike69 i have a fight since i registered u come like a fart from nowhere to defend him? just fuck off
  12. i m not in cc to prove i m smart like euromike does... i m just smarter than him.. and can have him as my bitch btw are u his lawyer?
  13. wow!!! the pic getting larger and larger.... i start feeling pity for u poor bitch...
  14. with euromike69 best bitchy clown ever! i ll agree
  15. told u... u have only to admit it in written write "curious i m your bitch...".
  16. let it out..... hahahahahahaha scream it : " CURIOUS I M YR BITCH!!!! " we will all pretend we accept u r all these things... just say it...lol
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