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Everything posted by West_California

  1. i'm saying yes-ish. caming is part of real life, thats what we see on RLC, real life. i don't like it when ppl claim this is a porn site and rant about paying and not seeing enough clity. some nights there(sp?) just won't be any. (maybe its 500 piece puzzle night) or maybe the clity in the hammock. i do like what i'm learning by watching. i see new sex positions / activities (i was married twice) i see shared baths/showers (i almost never did that with my wives) i see more cuddling and holding than i ever did
  2. the store "yellow rice" packs, it might not be real saffron. peas are necessary in the real recipe. sprinkle some on top near the end. what are aubergines ?
  3. i'm waiting to see what/who sia brings home and whats in the pot ? in spain i might think its a nice Paella, but it could be ukranian borscht.
  4. really a dark day all in all. bella is gone, kitty & smith are gone. barc 2 has 3 pouting pussies that won't sleep..oh my
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