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Everything posted by johnycom

  1. Most guys do not care if their ladies have an orgasm or not. Those who say they do are lying......
  2. You are absolutely right. Those who do not want to deal with that crap simply do not download, those who deal with it - download. Freedom of downloading 8)
  3. tu casses les couilles à tout le monde avec tes putains de lien (ul.to link Removed) , tu connais pas médiafire? vas faire tes affaires ailleurs , merci I fucking hate ul.to as much as the next guy, but if you do not like it that much do not click on the link and do not download. :P
  4. Someone already asked, I forgot who it was. He was nicely told to fuck off.
  5. Lo SUPONGO, no lo doy por hecho. Casi siempre suelen follar sobre esa hora. Верю, буду сидеть у компьютера.
  6. link down.. :( Look at the old one, she does it the same way all the time.
  7. lol,yes,next session for maybe 31 december. j have cancel my suscription for this reason.not many fun in this appartment. j think my grand-mother have more sexual activity !!! Dude, that's disgusting! His grandmother might be a 45 year old milf, never know....
  8. И кто сказал что они ебаца будут после 8:30 вечера?
  9. The same jar of peanutbutter is being used to mix with the dog food, how disgusting.....
  10. A foot long peanut butter sandwich for diner. WTF? In Spain? (Attachment Purged)
  11. Is she homeless? What the hell is she doing there sitting all night watching some crap on laptop, then falling asleep on a chair?
  12. Алма вернулась к своему долбу, посмотри сам. (Attachment Purged)
  13. Не мороч яйца. Исабел вернулась без алмы, алма наверное на блядки пошла.
  14. Не мудрено что ты ничего не видишь, они пошли выгуливать крыску.
  15. Why would you expect a guy to accept demands for sex every time?
  16. Correct, they all went to walk that rat of the dog of theirs....Alma still wants to screw Isabel.....
  17. The dude is Greek, he is thanking you for being so smart.
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