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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Good one Pulo. Unfortunate that more times did not occur in regards that the both of them taking turns in carressing and rubbing and fingering each other's most sensitive areas that they did not.
  2. Gone are the days when they at least attempted to make their free ride as far as being provided with a place to live as well as a periodic substance allowance all provided by subscribers no less seem more worth it to them such as them work out to videos and occasional strange light shows.
  3. Perhaps she met Nelly's replacement who wasn't with RLC so she no longer wanted to be either. 😄
  4. Exactly, and as long as it's been since their arrival on rlc, all she has done is to acquire more tats to cover her body as well as add more weight. This couple was a surprisingly fresh addition to rlc for awhile when they seemed interested in dancing and working out together as well as occasionally having sex even though most of such occasions were done so in such ways to obscure most of what actually occurred. Besides that, she has seemed quite reluctantant to pleasure herself and would instead not be as reluctantant to show herself being abused at times during the few more revealing times of sex between them. Why they have remained with rlc as long as they have is most likely wondered by more of others than not.
  5. I'm certain the woman known as Leora likely misses her close friend known as Malia in more ways than one by now and most likely has for quite some time now.
  6. It most likely would mate. I believe I may have once upon a time mentioned the same myself. Although since it was a matter I had no control over, I may have only mentioned the matter once or twice. But perhaps the balcony cam was placed there because of all the complainers that didn't like having a balcony cam in their last apartment in Kras.
  7. Lol. Okay dude or Max or whatever your actual identity is, regardless of how many hours a day you spend on whatever. Although I didn't make nothing personal with you, I just responded to your comments to let you know some of what I know.
  8. Glad you agree with some of my comments but apparently not most of and that's where you're wrong. Evidently you haven't paid enough attention to what's been occurring in other places around the world and think that employment opportunities in places like Krasnoyarsk, Siberia are not much different than they are in other places of the world such as the U.S. Evidently you haven't lived long enough to realize and know better no matter how old you are because evidently you haven't paid enough attention to actual news reports rather than propagandist b.s. Like I mentioned, sites like rlc and voyeurhouse are nothing more than virtual fantasy worlds that anyone who subscibes to will never actually be a part of but can only fantisize about. Imo, if the woman known as Leora was as concerned about financial gain as much as she possibly could have been, she likely would have suggested to her old friend known as Malia, to have apllied for a different and longer lasting visa than she apparently did even though her friend Malia's stay was not expected to last as long as it did because of the so called pandemic that was intentionally released upon the worlds populations by the CCP. Unfortunately, that didn't happen and so her longtime friend known as Malia was forced to leave. By that time, their times together seemed even more interesting than many would have ever thought they may have ever been including myself. As much as I've been glad that she was reunited with her former flame and her pooch that she's always obviously loved so much, she passed up what was a golden opportunity to financially benefit herself imo.
  9. Lol. Ds4u, I wonder how long it will take for enough others to actually realize that the participants of sites like rlc most likely do what they do for for the perks and monetary compensations they receive. It's a given that sites like rlc as well as voyeurhouse participants usually do what they do because of perks like bills paid residences along with subsistence monetary compensations, and that many of them would probably actually not do so otherwise. Conversely, many of the participants are from places where actual options of available employment opportunities are not so good as they are in other places. It's a virtual fantasy world. I'm glad the woman known as Leora was able to be reunited with someone she supposedly cared alot about as long as she has and her little pooch that she has obviously always loved, although had she advised her friend that was known as Malia on what type of visa she should have actually applied for, the two of them could have had even much more success during their time together in the virtual fantasy world, because they could have obviously been able to spend more time together, and likely would have remained being compensated for top bonus compensation for usually being top cam attractions of the site. I for one, initially did not care noticing the news that her friend that was known as Malia was expected to arrive and become her roommate for awhile there where she resides now, because I always thought seeing the woman known as Leora pleasuring herself was quite interesting as well as arousing at times and that such times would be more limited after her friend arrived there. But when I saw them doing things together that many thought would never occur, it made me realize that seeing them together during some of those times, were actually even more interesting as well as arousing at times, something I would have never thought could have occurred. But like I mentioned, the participants of such sites are participants because employment opportunities that pay decent wages are not as available in most places the participants are from and certainly any that are, do not include such perks. Although such sites are actually a virtual fantasy world, but it gives the participants of a choice of another perhaps better way for them to live.
  10. In regards to the woman known as Leora, I'm quite certain she noticed the comments that have been recently hidden by the biased leftist known as a so called administrator of this website that goes by the username stncld. Only more proof of how much of a biased leftist ideoligical ridiculous minded idiot he is for hiding disrepectful comments that were made in response to some of my comments by hiding such disrespectful comments and then also hiding my response to such comments to such ridiculous disrespectful comments. But he is the so called administrator of this so called website and is the epitomy of ridicuous leftist ideoligies. Shows that those of you who are atually very uneducated but rather socialist/marxist indoctrinated minded leftists that are very nearly all the same in this day and time and have been for quite a few decades now, and is likely why the woman known as Leora decided to leave Russia at as young an age as she did and relocate to Prague since many of the people who still live in Russia have communistic and marxist/socialist ideologies and beliefs which is why so many on the left try to make others believe otherwise. Get real leftists, your days are definitely numbered just like they were during the times when the qzar and his family were brutally murdured and slaughtered and then a few decades later the nazi's were allowed to fester and control Europe with many of the same kind of ridiculous ideologies and beliefs. It won't be at all surprising if the biased leftist indoctrinated ideologist known as stncld hides this post of comments as well but I certainly hope the woman known as Leora notices it before he does so she can perhaps change her mindset on what she would actually believe she should perhaps do than the ridiculously minded idiots controlling the U.S. and canada as well as many european countries nowadays.
  11. Jugg, that movie like many other make believe movies that were produced in Hollywood was based on a comment that was stated by Martin Luther King Jr. and that comment was that no one should be judged by their race or color of their skin but rather by the content of their character. I for one, have always believed that comment or statement to be the way things actually should be when it comes to human relations. That's why I won't sit idly by when I notice others god given rights being trampled on by others who could give a shit less, and perhaps the woman known as Leora might think so as well.
  12. Glad you love it. You might want to consider having some friends who don't care to notice any of the ridiculous nasty assed vulgar comments that comes from you and you might actually have more friends than you actually do. Considering such comments, it's likely that the woman known as Leora thinks so and has thought so for quite some time as well.
  13. Your a typical one sided liberalistic minded socialist who's been put in a positition to suppress free speech when such free speech reveals that the b.s. comments that are made from you and your kind are called out and make others consider whether such comments were factual or not, and I believe the woman known as Leora likely thinks many of your comments are just that as well. Perhaps you might consider changing your username on this website to aomething other than stncld, because that you damn sure are not.
  14. I know your a believer in dem ideology of nowadays jugg and that you live in the north. Have you ever taken into consideration that the confederacy of the south mostly consisted of so called dems back then that eventually ended up contributing to organizing the KKK. Think about that for awhile jugg, and even though I was not born in the south, I've given enough thought to the matter to realize where much hate and leftist ideologies were spawned from. Considering history and you being where you're from, I would think you might have realized such ridiculous b.s. my friend. I was raised in the south and I damn sure do.
  15. I've seen such comments many times and I understand most of your comments Stn and I saw how there were many controversial comments back and forth for awhile before I ever registered on CC's. Yet since then, I've seen how many comments have been either hidden or removed whether such comments should have been made in the so called forum thread of 'Rants and Flame Wars' or actually not. I've even noticed how the so called political threads were suppressed and eventually stopped because of b.s. that you believers of leftist socialist b.s. ideologies would rather others not see comments being made that show such b.s. that is just what it is and that is lying assed deceitful b.s. I believe the woman known as Leora likely thinks quite similar to such b.s.
  16. That we do my friend. Garfield, Underdog, and Pepe Le Pue. Three intriguing characters if they ever were.
  17. The cat, the dog, and the skunk...lmao...good one jugg. 🤣🤣🤣
  18. 🤣🤣🤣 Perhaps that's when he can make it over to his keyboard. 👌
  19. You as always are a trip jugg.
  20. We both evolved but I know I encouraged you to register on CC's like I did soon after although I shouldn't have but I have always been glad to realize that you've had some thick skin so to speak since then jugg my friend.
  21. I remember, and I'm partially responsible for trying to encourage you to get on CC's while we were still on rlcf. I apologize my friend.
  22. Remember when we used to be on rlcf before we ended up migrating over to CC'S jugg, and it seemed there was quite a bit less b.s. confrontation regarding others comments there, but since then CC's ended up acquiring rlcf and eventually changed it to xcamfans, well CC's has not been as friendly as rlcf was imo because of many of such ridiculous comments that have been allowed to have been made and other comments that have been not allowed to have been made and many of which have been hidden or removed in various threads of this website.
  23. If you read the prior comments, you should know what happened jugg.
  24. Considering all rhe ridicuous assinine comments you've made in these threads and the fact that you respond to my comments related to someone elses ridiculously mentally disturbed comments who evidently likes watching scat videos, actually, it is mentally disturbed dipshits like you, you mentally warped ignorant ass, and I'm certain the woman known as Leora most likely thinks so as well. Perhaps you and the individual who goes by the latest username of gregg in the threads of this forum might like watching some scat videos together and even indulging in what you both watch with each other.
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