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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Not at all, each to their own and your participation in this thread has been enjoyed.
  2. For sure, for sure my friend. After all, for any of the rlc participants that's aware of this or the sister site, or becomes aware of either, they would perhaps be crazy not to if it gave any ideas on what may be thought of them. Although there's probably a few that just don't care.
  3. Wow, didn't realize as many felt that way nc2. Can't say that I blame you.
  4. You know how it goes Stn. Mama said there would be days like that. 🙂
  5. Seems as if they're having plenty of fun and enjoying their evening so far.
  6. Too fast jugg. You got it before I edited and added the rest.
  7. Hey jugg. You probably notice about the same as anyone else. But something that was intriguing yesterday or the day before, was that Malia was wearing a Riverdale tshirt. So maybe you could enlighten me as to what up my brotha. 😉
  8. It would perhaps be even nicer for them if it were a garden or spa tub so they could stretch out more and possibly be more comfortable whether setting across from one another or side by side.
  9. Well, filipe has always been a name for guys as far as I know. And yes, he has always seemed like a very nice person. I know everyone's views and perceptions are different on different matters in life which form their opinions and is why everyone's opinions are different as well. It is of my opinion, that also some people may not realize some things sometimes the same as others because of there being a difference of perceptions and opinions in people's lives as well because of various reasons. After all, no one realizes everything the same or at the same times either.
  10. I certainly don't need to check any thumbnails that is except when someone such as yourself makes incorrect claims of there being so many thumbs at one time that wasn't the case and was therefore without any doubt, inaccurate. I'm not in here every day nearly 24/7 posting the same old rediculous things over and over scrutinizing those girls every little moves there. Not to mention, you are certainly someone to claim of someone of being a poor one as far as any repetative posting goes. You need not go any further than to a mirror and look in it to notice someone such as that as far as that goes. Furthermore, I mentioned what has been becoming and has gotten utterly rediculous, unnecessary, and uncalled for as far as the concept and reason of voyeurism goes and certainly don't need your input as to what the mods purposes are for.
  11. I don't care to notice too much of that either, but as for the other as I mentioned, every so often is one thing and certainly not much for anyone to bring up here, but constantly mentioning every move right down to every exit and arrival time and every movement from room to room over and over for months on end is certainly another.
  12. There's certainly nothing wrong with anyone's posts being positive in nature slip, including his or anyone else's. But anyone's comments referring to every exit or arrival time and every movement from room to room constantly for months on end is completely and utterly rediculous and unnecessary in relation to the main concept and reason of rlc which is voyeurism.
  13. Oh really Xarvaz, what's not strange is that I don't come here every day and tell any story. That is unless the story you referred to involves you. What's also not strange is the fact that you realized it did, now that's not so strange after all is it. Like I said, people pay their money to observe a voyeur site and certainly don't need any constant narrators here to do it. Now is that also so strange to you ? I think not.
  14. Hello gogism. As nearly everyone knows, the ultimate reason that such a site as rlc was created and started and that people subscribe to is supposed to be voyeurism. It's a given that the people that subscribe to such a site have eyes and vision enough to see what goes on or occurs there. Although there are some that visit this chat thread of the forum who are not subscribers and post comments on what they are able to observe by way of the site thumbnails. Of course some of them may not care as much of the fact that the ones who do subscribe and have eyes and vision enough to observe what occurs there, so their main concern evidently is being involved in this thread of the forum for either simply participation, or for some to see how many likes they can get, or for some to stir up things here. But there are also evidently a few that apparently are subscribers that do as well. Whichever it may be, people do have eyes and can observe what occurs there without needing any constant narrators of every little move that occurs with any of the participants there. Every so often is one thing, but constantly, is certainly another and is quite rediculous and unnecessary. But as is has always been in life, there are those who only care about themselves and whoever else may go along with their every little facet of being involved in something in their lives.
  15. I believe you may very well be right about that e. Although I was referring to the times spent between paydays, and nearly all the time in general. There's a substantial likelyhood that what may get chosen to occur there or not is certainly affected by knowing that every little move or facet of their residing there is constantly being mentioned here with seemingly no break in even mentioning their exit or arrival times or movements from room to room.
  16. Although this thread was created for and is designated a chat thread for L&M, I can just imagine what get's thought of by one or the other or perhaps maybe even the both of them, when one of, if not the both of them, check this thread at times just to see what has been getting mentioned concerning one or the other or both of them. Especially when it's noticed and seen that their every little move or facet of being at that apartment including every exit or arrival time, and even every move from room to room and even a good bit of what occurs there is constantly being mentioned and put out here. I can imagine that they really do appreciate it alot and are surprised at times that there doesn't even ever seem to be any break in any of it, especially by some in particular. I'm certain as well that it has an affect on what decisions are made as far as what occurs or doesn't occur there at times as well.
  17. Ahh, a mention of spontaneity, something of which I've mentioned on more than one occasion in the past NYJ, although in somewhat of different contexts concerning certain matters involving the two friends and roommates. A reasonable example could be considered as such of while the two friends were laying on the living room couch and watching something on the tv together last night there, at one point one of the two friends had layed her head on her friend's shoulder for awhile and while doing so at another point had reached her hand over and briefly and subtly caressed her friends arm with her fingertips. Although intriguingly interesting, that kind of spontaneity along with other forms of it seems to seldomly occur with the two friends.
  18. It will soon be time for two sweet girls to retire to their beds to take a trip to lala land for some snoozing for awhile and to hopefully have some sweet dreams.
  19. Perhaps it would be even more wonderful if it was of one another some. If that were to ever happen, I'd be shocked enough that I'm not certain I would ever recover. But either way, it's nice to dream. 😉
  20. For someone not far removed from seeming to not feel well for several days recently, including what appeared as having some throat discomfort, smoking again as soon after may not be the best idea.
  21. I've noticed that at times, as well as at times some aimed at her counterpart and roommate as well though New. Constructive criticism is certainly one thing, and outright unwarranted false or insulting criticism's are certainly another that are not nice at all by no means.
  22. It's been noticed that there is a new addition to the plush critters of the residence. Other than the Koala and the Teddy, there is also now a baby Polar Bear as well. Apparently, somebody there must be fond of the bear family of critters.
  23. I hear you New, and a majority of the comments I have made over time have been more so related to that person or her roommate's particular situations rather than as much about the individuals as well. Although there have been some times when I have criticized some of the situations or occasions there, there have been many more times of expressing compliments and praise on one or the other, or at times both of the individuals, and some of the situations or occasions there as well also.
  24. She may not have to be as concerned about being in any darkness there to sleep or whatever much longer on this morning there since it is now daybreak there and she is still awake.
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