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Everything posted by Nicholas

  1. Well, I believe it may be fair to believe that since tonight there, will be Friday night, it may be a good reason to get an early start on some all nighters for the weekend there.
  2. By the way, Happy Thursday everyone in these time zones, and Happy Friday to those in the other time zones.
  3. I do believe it's time to move on to thread #49 mods.
  4. As I also said, it is certainly your prerogative and choice to believe what you want to believe, whether being naive or not in doing so.
  5. Regardless of how I know, there is certainly more credibility in what I was informed of the matter than coming from anyone who is a participant of rlc referred to as tenants. As I said, it would be quite unwise in more ways than one for any of them to reveal otherwise, and certainly they are not ignorant enough to do so.
  6. You said that, I didn't. But nevermind, as you believe the truth of something as such coming from a participant of the project, so you believe what you do.
  7. As I've said, I know all too well about the perks of making potential extra money the tenants have. Being informed of it by someone connected with the parent company is far more credible than it coming from a tenant. She or likely most any other tenant would not want to divulge that sort of information because for one, they are likely prohibited from doing so by rlc, not to mention it would just about confirm that the site may not be all it was started out to be or is. If you want to be naive enough to believe her or anyone else you may claim about it, that's certainly your prerogative and choice.
  8. No. I only know someone conected with the company that owns that business. That information has far more credibility than coming from a tenant who is a participant of that business. Nor do I claim to communicate with someone just because of being privy to seeing some posts of theirs on some social media website.
  9. Not at all. And you should realize any bonuses are strictly up to the participants.
  10. Perhaps if you may be willing to wear some wigs, mascara, and some sheer clothing now and then you might could apply for the project and get accepted, and you could even use Lady Dulcinea as your site name. 🙂
  11. Believe me slip, I thought and felt the same way for a very long time. If not, I certainly would not have resubscribed twice after the first time.
  12. Well mate...it's bound to happen when she has often times seemed to try to show gestures of affection with the other arm and hand, only to be shunned or ignored a majority of the time. But then again...much of it is all for show anyway.
  13. That's an oldie but goodie. It's a long one too. Yes had some good one's though.
  14. Regardless of some subtle caressful teasing being offered by one, with something such as perhaps some dye or conditioner in the other's hair to be keeping it wrapped in a towel, it is highly likely not much else may occur other than passing some time while watching some shows on a tablet.
  15. Yes that's true. Someone's thumbs seem to get to going 100mph during much of the movies or documentaries at times as well.
  16. Imo, nothing more than some teasing to pass some time and then get ready and leave.
  17. Pretty much anything that ever has been suggested here didn't occur at the time if ever at all, although there may have been a few exceptions that eventually may have occurred but way into the future from whenever may have been mentioned. So, it can almost be considered a jinx as far as such is concerned.
  18. I'm quite certain that someone's thumbs are in quite good shape for sure as plenty of thumb exercising seems to occur there all the time. 😏
  19. It was a good while later. Perhaps you may think too much. Or maybe it is perhaps rather a case of not enough instead.
  20. I think what I do and express what I choose. It's your opinion and prerogative to think so. The same could be said of some of your expressions of your opinions here at times. Although there may have been some times where I may have thought it, I didn't express it here otherwise. But I most certainly could.
  21. Of course it's a given on who is calling the shots and deciding what may occur there for the most part. Same one as had been the only one spending some all nighters away until last night. Guess she finally convinced her friend into it as well, at least last night anyway. It certainly isn't a positive experience by no means when the residence is vacant for a majority of a 24 hour day as seemed was yesterday or little of any interest occurs for a week or more as have been the case at times quite a bit lately.
  22. Probably no concern of trying to make sure of any potential quota right now. Also in doing something that has always been done later, may mean there are plans for later involving one or both not being around again.
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